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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Wow The epitome of delusion.
  2. Danny Graham and Ashley Cole out, Djibril Cisse and Vermaelen in. Made Djibril captain, hoping for a couple of goals from him against the mackems (what with it being his former club......).
  3. Flatline/Rainforest again? Well, well
  4. Looks like someone has been on the sauce tonight.
  5. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    So Lawro is predicting a loss for us. Good news I say
  6. Sifu


    Kevin Keegan is a Newcastle United legend. End of.
  7. They have done for an age; Houillier, Benny, Hodgson, Dourglish. Evans was their last genuinely entertaining manager. That's harsh. In the season they finished 2nd under Rafa I always enjoyed watching them. He threw the title away that season. Last only 2 games all season, but drew shitloads. Torres was awesome (when fit) that season. His "fact" rant was probably the point when Rafa started to lose it.
  8. They have done for an age; Houillier, Benny, Hodgson, Dourglish. Evans was their last genuinely entertaining manager. They're first choice back 6 is arguably the best in the league but upfront Suarez, occasionally Gerrard (and a past it Bellamy) are all they have worth talking about IMO. Not yet imo. Bellamy can still cause problems for any team, it's just that his past injury record has now properly caught up with him (which in turn has resulted in his appearances being limited).
  9. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    i think due to injuries we have ran out of right backs. Early in the season the likes of Nzuzi and Nicholson played but both are now injured. Airey has played at fullback before, he was seemingly rotated between striker and right back a couple of seasons ago then started banging goals in and stayed up front. In the two recent games i've seen him play he's been dreadful at full back! Ah, thanks for that info. I watched him play in the Reserves Derby at St. James' and he looked rather out of place at RB! As long as he's not a long-term option but is just covering for injuries, then that's fine..... Do you reckon he'll make the first team proper? (I know he's been on the bench a few times). when? My friend said like most of our reserves he'll never make it. He made an appearance against Stevenage last year in the FA Cup and I'm sure he's been on the bench a couple more times.
  10. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    i think due to injuries we have ran out of right backs. Early in the season the likes of Nzuzi and Nicholson played but both are now injured. Airey has played at fullback before, he was seemingly rotated between striker and right back a couple of seasons ago then started banging goals in and stayed up front. In the two recent games i've seen him play he's been dreadful at full back! Ah, thanks for that info. I watched him play in the Reserves Derby at St. James' and he looked rather out of place at RB! As long as he's not a long-term option but is just covering for injuries, then that's fine..... Do you reckon he'll make the first team proper? (I know he's been on the bench a few times). He's being released at the end of the season. Ah, didn't realise. Oh well.
  11. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    i think due to injuries we have ran out of right backs. Early in the season the likes of Nzuzi and Nicholson played but both are now injured. Airey has played at fullback before, he was seemingly rotated between striker and right back a couple of seasons ago then started banging goals in and stayed up front. In the two recent games i've seen him play he's been dreadful at full back! Ah, thanks for that info. I watched him play in the Reserves Derby at St. James' and he looked rather out of place at RB! As long as he's not a long-term option but is just covering for injuries, then that's fine..... Do you reckon he'll make the first team proper? (I know he's been on the bench a few times).
  12. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Random/daft question, do we really have no-one else to play RB these days or have we actually decided to convert Phil Airey into one?
  13. With yesterday's results going our way, this becomes a massive game. But they have proved to be our bogey team these past few seasons so my confidence in us getting a win is pretty low.........hope I'm wrong.
  14. Would love it if they get relegated at some point in the next 10 years. (It's not going to happen but I can dream).
  15. That Olympic kit isn't the best like. Simply put, it's not a football shirt! (Plus, really? Something designed by Stella McCartney? Was she really necessary in the process?).
  16. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Their run-in isn't the best though. Needless to say, their home form between now and the end of the season will be paramount (though I can see them nicking a result against the mackems next week).
  17. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Just did some googling and found this:
  18. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Aye! If QPR get relegated, can see them being really fucked financially. Also, will Fernandez stay there for the long haul?
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