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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Whilst I'm all for signing up and coming talent, we really need a defender who's ready to play in the PL.
  2. Interesting. (FWIW, I wouldn't take him back now. I thought otherwise a few months ago but thinking about it, don't think he would fit into our system now [despite our longball tactics in the last couple of games]).
  3. Sifu

    Players in public

    Eh? Do you know him personally do you? As I've ALREADY STATED, it was originally a simple comment on my dislike for his attitude. Agree or disagree with me I'm not bothered. But if you want to have a pop at me for my view then I'm going to defend myself. There's nothing to let go. It's the reaction of people like you that's the genuine disappointment. You can't come on this forum and say you like the smell of coffee without some t*** slating you for it and telling you that tea smells better. Shame coz it's a cracking forum otherwise. God forbid someone that isn't a regular and respected poster has an opinion. The vultures will swoop in and "publicly" ridicule to make themselves feel bigger. Well done lads. The people who have replied to you are disagreeing with you about Sammy's attitude really mainly because it was Christmas Eve so Sammy could have been doing last minute shopping and all that which he could have been stressed about. (I know I am when I'm doing some last minute shopping). If by "attitude", you mean that Sammy gave you "a pissed off face", then he has every right to have one really (for the reason I highlighted in bold). I mean who isn't pissed off when they're stressed? You're making too much of a big deal out of this tbh.
  4. Perch's replacement? (In terms of a utility man).
  5. Sifu

    Players in public

    Was probably scrambling for some last minute Christmas shopping.
  6. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Why would that have changed since our last target failed a medical? Because if we'd signed Maiga, chances are we'd have played Ba-Maiga up front, now we haven't, it's down to Ba-Best/Shola or a change of system to Ba-HBA. The way I see it is that, had we signed Maiga, it would have seen us changing the system to 4-3-3. Ba would have been upfront on his own with Ben Arfa and Maiga as supporting forwards (think this was Pardew's plan in pre-season until Ben Arfa got injured). Though for me atm, I definitely prefer the Ba-Ben Arfa partnership upfront. Even if we had Maiga/a new striker on our books, Ba-HBA would still be my preferred attacking option. But one thing's for sure, Maiga would have been an upgrade on Best/Shola/Lovenkrands.
  7. Sifu

    St James' Park

    An insignificant amount apparently.
  8. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Was a beast on Championship Manager 4.
  9. I did realise but I thought "meh" Think we'll sign two players next month tbh. I'm expecting Ridgewell and another player (defender). Cissokho, as much as I would love him here seems to be out of our price range.
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Great Goes without saying, obviously, but that's pretty f***ing abysmal. They'll have had a year and a half to replace Carroll by the time next summer comes around. Inexcusable really.
  11. What's 7th worth though An extra couple of mill in prize money? A fixture list in Europe that will see our prem league position plummet I would rather us have a good crack at the domestic cups It also makes the club more capable of convincing potential signings to come, and existing good players to stay (though that's far from a priority it seems). You can show them the league table and say 'look at us, we're in a good position to push on and we think you'll help us do that'. Do you think we got Cabaye here by telling him that the target was to avoid relegation, or that finishing 14th would be acceptable? Like Dave has essentially said, finishing 7th would show ambition really. It would be a massive plus if 7th turned out to be an Europa League spot in the end too - it will indicate to potential signings that we're a club "going places".
  12. Sifu

    Players in public

    @GeorgeCaulkin George Caulkin Celebrity Christmas stalkers 4: Sol Campbell in Jesmond Tesco, wearing a puffa jacket. He appears to have very small feet. 3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
  13. Absolutely no need for that especially when we had just won and he contributed to that with an assist. Idiots.
  14. where has this come from? just i've seen a few people saying it but i didn't know there was a problem? some lad on RAWK was saying it as well Sore knee apparently. He'll be fine for Friday methinks.
  15. Seriously, how does Dalglish "inspire" his players with that boring voice?
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