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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. That's gone well for Ireland.
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Definitely, he was one of the better players against City like!
  3. It certainly does have that feel
  4. It was funny when they p*ssed on Portugal's parade. Other than that, they were a filthy blemish on humanity. Looking back at it now, Greece's football was criminal.
  5. I seem to remember myself being happy with Greece winning Euro 2004
  6. Redknapp wins November Manager of the Month. Scott Parker wins the Player of the Month.
  7. Sifu


    Someone mentioned that the mackems are actually losing about £30 million a year.
  8. SSN, or Eurosport. Thanks
  9. Btw, is this live anywhere?
  10. @Sammy_Ameobi Samuel Ameobi Ahhh mannn I've just discovered a gaping hole around the private area of my one piece...back to primark it is! So it seems that he bought the onesie from Primark. Tempted to go get one myself
  11. Sifu


    And so it shall (hopefully). I actually wonder if O'Neill can handle the mackems' expectations. He is a "big name" (amongst the press anyway) so I think the mackems' expectations will rise quite significantly. I'm thinking that he'll probably have a tough time keeping the fans happy.....
  12. I actually hope we do. Will be great banter.
  13. I still pretty much expect Maiga to be one of our signings in the January transfer window.
  14. Tiote isn't going to leave in the January transfer window. Pretty confident about that. (Pardew's quotes also puts me at ease I suppose).
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