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Everything posted by geordie2000

  1. I think you are looking for something that isn't there. Everything we have heard says that he paid 245mil buying the club and paying off the debt, I would imagine that by now we would know if he had taken out loans to buy the club. Look at Manure and Liverpool, it is well publicised that the owners took out loans to buy the clubs, where as with Us, Man City and Villa it has always been stated that the buyers used there own money.
  2. by paying all 3 years together you get a 10% discount, by paying in installments you get a price freeze for 3 years on last years prices
  3. it's not a once in a lifetime game for Manure fans
  4. just voted for Beye, my player of the season by a mile.
  5. You don't, you only pay £50 if you want it posted to you.
  6. Zarate is valued at £18mil by the Qatari club, he joined birmingham on a £1mil loan deal. He is part owned by his agent, who had arranged another player to join Birmingham, but pulled the plug at the last minute so offered them Zarate on loan instead. The details were in Karen Brady's diary in the Sun. My choices would be Barnes, Shorey and Zarate.
  7. I thought Fallows had left almost as soon as Keegan walked through the door.
  8. hairs standing up on the back of my neck again!!!!!!
  9. Thee problem of people leaving early has always beens there and always will be. When I first got a season ticket 25yrs ago the guy that used to occasionally give me a lift used to leave early (he had to wait for me though). The atmosphere was always better before the stadium was expanded and people who used to stand/sit together got spread out over the whole stadium, the problem you find now is that you can't hear the other end of the ground singing, so none of the old banter goes on. The sound outside the ground is much better than inside, I had to work on saturday and when I came into the toon I could here the noise down by the Haymarket/Eldon square.
  10. I believe the European places are split: Top 4 - Champions League 5th - Uefa Cup FA Cup - Uefa Cup League Cup - Uefa Cup next highest league team(in the top 10) who have applied for Intertoto - Intertoto
  11. He's banged to rights on the more recent charge though. Probably
  12. just because Dapo ended up in hospital doesn't mean that Barton is guilty of assault, he has pleaded not guilty to the charge. I personally will wait until after the trial to judge him. IIRC it was said at the time that Dabo threw the first punch and Barton was defending himself, but i'll let the court decide that.
  13. noticeble today that the players aren't diving in as much (except nicky butt)
  14. this is getting bloody ridiculous, so far i have changed shift, requested a days holiday and now I am going to have change my days holiday. Just hope they don't change their bloody mind again.
  15. Has to be Carr or Viduka, but that may just be the scales going bleep.
  16. Why the hell do our wingers and fullbacks feel the need to beat a player at least three times before crossing the ball? It's know wonder we can't score. The forwards have already made their runs so end up stationary by the time the ball is crossed, that is if it gets crossed at all.
  17. Why not just play the charity shield overseas. or do something similar to the PRO Bowl in America, could be North v South.
  18. geordie2000


    The first time he was available KK played Emre.
  19. I read that as 3 or 4 signings of players for the future.
  20. would rather we tried for Huntelaar
  21. He is due back from Hong Kong tomorrow.
  22. geordie2000

    Mark Hughes

    That would be my biggest concern with Hughes, I feel he would just use us to prove that he can handle a so called 'BIG' job and jump ship as they come calling.
  23. Is it not becasue its too bloody hot in most african countries to hold it in the Summer? If that was the case then the World Cup would not be in South Africa next time. Talksport talked about this a few weeks ago, and someone from Africa actually said that the main issue was sponsership It was also said why the hell should they move their tournament to suit England, as most other European countries have a winter break about to start so only miss the players for about 2 weeks.
  24. The tournament will not move to the summer, this is due to the inability to gain sponsership for a summer tournament. This is because of the World Cup, European Championships and the Copa America all being held during the summer.
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