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Everything posted by STM

  1. Missed that. Was it Cantwell? Great strike. Howay Norwich.
  2. No intent from McTominay, despite the clear intent to shoulder Cantwell. It was a booking.
  3. I think "fail" is the wrong word. Its more that their is a set of criteria required to own a football club and the new owners need to prove or amend their situation so that they fit into that criteria. As ive said before, if PIF have their hand in 100 companies, then each one of those companies will need vetted. When you combine that with the businesses of Staveley and the Reubens, you can see why it has taken so long.
  4. Having read a little bit more. It seems the Saudis probably thought that Khashoggi was an agent of Qatar. During the Arab spring I think he was trying to create the conditions for a coup. Of course, none of his criticisms of the Saudis were likely to be inaccurate but it puts a bit more meat on the bones when you consider the actions of his bereaved girlfriend and more importantly, who is likely behind her protests.
  5. No I've told Sky I won't be renewing my contract with them if the takeover doesn't go through. Hopefully PIF and the Reuben boys are using different avenues. Phew. I was worried there.
  6. STM

    Miguel Almirón

    https://media.giphy.com/media/10t0fffobqG7XG/giphy.gif See above.
  7. STM

    Miguel Almirón

    That is genuinely one of the worst posts in forum history Fuck sake man James. Its laced with sarcasm. It would have helped in the context of the previous page.
  8. If anything, they are delaying BECAUSE they are worried about their image, should they wave us through.
  9. STM

    Miguel Almirón

    Personally would prefer Obertan. At least Obertan was shite but didnt have the cheek to smile.
  10. AS: Hi Mike, can you pass the files on to the premier league and whatever you do, dont lose them, they have confidential details surrounding human rights abuses, shady business transactions and violations of business laws. MA: Ok, I will keep them separate from mine so there is no confusion.
  11. Honestly, I might have known that Fat cunt had something to do with it. Now I feel sorry for the PL.
  12. Erm, had on, the PL sends the questions to Ashley's team and they then get forwarded to Staveley? No wonder it is taking so long, Ashley must have got the NUFC recruitment team to help with administration. Good old Lee "what files?" Charnley has probably been "filing" the PL questions in the shredder with all the tax stuff.
  13. I dont like the other customers. You know the sort, dressed up like they are going on a catwalk but I quite like just having a little nose about. It's a day out, more than it's a real shopping affair. When its rammed its lifting.
  14. It's weird isnt it. Some people just go to shops to be out and about. I quite like having a browse from time to time, provided its not to busy. What will replace the high street? Clothes shops are going, pubs are going, betting shops too. What does the future hold? Pubs and restaurants?
  15. I cant stand Liverpool to be honest but I cant really stand any club other than Newcastle. When another team wins the league it just reminds me that it's not us and the fills me with jealousy and rage. It could be FluffyBunny FC winning the league and I'd still want them to die a horrible death. It's not personal though.
  16. Imagine the metro centre run by Mike Ashley. It will be like Jurassic Park lost world. Just a smouldering wreckage of what used to be the cinema, the old Mediterranean Village will be overgrown like a jungle and Sport Direct will take up the whole of the red quadrant. Trying to shop there will be like playing Will Smith in I am Legend.
  17. 4 week process. Remember that. At the 2 week mark we were getting excited. :lol: We are the only club who, whilst trying to change ownership, manages to take longer than a global pandemic. FFS
  18. STM


    Suppose they cant just be called CuntFC can they?
  19. STM


    Turns out the royalties from that trance music was extortionate.
  20. I go to hellfreezesover.com or pigsfly.org both really reliable.
  21. Prefer the wild things with Denise Richards and Neve Campbell. Giggidy.
  22. He could find Madeleine McCann with his passing but you are right when given the chance to drive forward, sprint back or run beyond the strikers he is just not bothered. He also has a terrible attitude in terms of leadership. Hes never talking or organising unless it's over a free kick.
  23. Remember yesterday when the commentator compared ASM to Ricardo Fuller? :lol:
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