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Everything posted by STM

  1. Someone lowballed me on a car which I deemed so derisory that I ignored them. They came back a couple of days later with a more acceptable starting point. Does that make me Mike? No that's pretty standard. But you didn't go to the papers about it and refuse to sell your car to them?
  2. Could do with an equaliser from either Huddersfield or Everton or both of course.
  3. I'm with you there. But the asking price and the low bid is there now and it's time for the next step. In this case Ashley is very stubborn and are ready to walk away. I don't say she has to pay the full asking price but she must now know what it will take, so go ahead and offer it or leave it. If it were me. I'd get the correspondents and make them public (taking out the bits which would get her into trouble). Mike Ashley said he wants this. (Show the email). I've bid this. (Show the email again). Balls in his court. If he doesn't accept his own asking price... there will be a strongly worded letter heading it's way South.
  4. Walcott will be played as a right back before long and their striker will be isolated more than a Chernobyl resident.
  5. The problem is, to us the club is worth more than money. Most of us would give their right arm for a trophy or even the hope of one. The idea that Neymar alone is worth more than our beautiful club makes me angry. Not because Neymar isn't a great player but because it's frustrating how de-valued our club has become.
  6. I presume these "pay the price", folk have never bought a car, property or business in their lives. In that world (you know, the real world) the seller of said property puts a high end value on the item and the buyer puts in a crazy low offer. From this point on, the buyer and seller negotiate their way to a middle ground, which both parties expected to happen from the start. Sometimes the buyer or seller has to come up or down on the final figure which they originally wanted, sometime they don't even find an agreement but this is the way it works in the real world and has done since cave men started trading sticks and stones. Nobody in the history of world is stupid enough to bid the asking price at first but I know one man arrogant enough to expect it.
  7. POOT, my comments were a bit of a joke TBF. I was implying that even if she's the devil she's still got plenty of work to do to get anywhere near Ashley. Basically, nobody should waste their breath criticising her before Ashley.
  8. Get a willing martyr to spray paint something over the top of one of his signs in the ground, on a match day, which the tv will pick up. That will hurt him. Public embarrassment. Or burn a Mr Blobby suit outside the ground, dressed in a white shirt with vomit on. Time to start cranking it up a notch.
  9. Anyone having the cheek to call her a liar (even if she is), can fuck off. She'd have to be running a paedo death ring to come anywhere close to as evil and cuntish as Ashley. Any bad word on Staveley should be accompanied by an article on Ashley's wrong doing. There's no comparison. None. Even if she's not serious about buying the club, the worst she has done is give us hope. Which is more than that bellend has ever done.
  10. A recent survey in America found that 1 in 5 CEOs could be classed as a psychopath. A proportion comparable to prison populations. About 10 times as common as general population. So guess I am saying it’s not uncommon amongst highly successful business ‘sharks’. Sharks you say? Donald!!!!!
  11. Thought he didn't get involved in the day to day running of the club. Lies, lies and lies.
  12. It will be an interesting half an hour.
  13. The, "supporting Rafa in the transfer market", bit slays me every time.
  14. If he gets asked the correct questions, he will throw doubt about his future. He loves a bit of politics. I wouldn't be surprised if Rafa has a direct line to Staveley and co, so let's see if he is positive.
  15. We will soon find out if she wants another bid. Mike Ashley doesn't care who he sells it to and I doubt Amanda Staveley cares who she's buying off. If you have a seller who (genuinely) wants to sell, the deal is never off. It's a question of does she want to pay what he wants? I cant blame her for low balling this tosser but she was never going to get it on the cheap (or what we call it's actual price). Time to show the colour of your money.
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