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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Rubbish, one point from their last five games or something like that. Obviously they beat us in the cup in the middle of that run though. To be fair we beat ourselves in the cup
  2. I hope he reads this post and is nodding is head in approval. Then I hope that the nodding leaves him with a cricked neck that takes days to go away
  3. Tore Jason McAteer a new arsehole that game. Just turned him again and again and again. And again. And again. Was it Neil Cox who he completely burned at the beginning of the season? (Was against Boro). The poor lad is probably still dizzy today Edit: DOh
  4. I hope he wakes up to be greeted by a naked laughing Ainsley Harriott, bottle of lube in one hand, Persy Pepper in the other. Then I hope AH forgets to use the lube
  5. Would like Watford and West Brom be pulled in for numbers. 6 or 7 points from the next 3 would make things look better, no reason that we can't get something from all 3 games either
  6. You can't place the penalty under 'huge mistake'
  7. Long term conceding one and then (fairly comfotably) seeing out 40 mins might do the whole team confidence more good then cantering to a 3/4 goal victory I'm not sure I get your point here? Maybe I wasn't clear in my post. But I was actually pointing out that it's good that we are now creating chances and scoring goals. Something we've struggled with all season. Not that we should have beat West Ham 4-0 and I'm annoyed we didn't. A win is a win ATM. So long as we keep creating chances and scoring enough to win, I'm not overly arsed. But we haven't really done this on the road, hence the grand total of 5 away goals all season. Sorry, I was adding to your point, not questioning it. For ages we've had a brittle confidence where a 2-0 lead becomes 2-1 and then inevitably 2-2, regardless on how well we've played. Or a 1-0 with 10 mins left is an inevitable 1-1 etc.etc Going 2 up and coasting, giving a goal away but then being pretty comfortable in keeping the lead has to aid the belief in the players that we can hold on to leads, whereas a 4/5/6 nil win is very nice on the day but does nothign to prove to the players that they can grind out a win/keep a lead when necessary
  8. Long term conceding one and then (fairly comfotably) seeing out 40 mins might do the whole team confidence more good then cantering to a 3/4 goal victory
  9. Hope he steps in some dog poo and then when he's looking at his shoe a car speeds through a puddle giving him a right royal soaking
  10. Without wishing to get all Liverpool in the wording, what impressed me more than the long passing was the amount of short passing and moving that he got through
  11. Agreed, you'd expect a good 80% or 90% to come from the 95 - 96 teams or the 01-03 teams
  12. It was a dumb back pass, which happens. But looking at a wide angle, when he played the ball back of looked pretty safe, it was actually pretty intelligent running by Jelavic and made quite late. Not enough credit for the striker but not taking away that it was a gifted goal
  13. So Riv scores, Aaron's wins a pen which Marv scores. Start em all sat!
  14. Put it this way, If Mbemba's was a hand ball for a unnatural position of the arm then so was Dummetts when he blocked a shot (when Fellaini got booked). Nothing less natural than an arm being on the floor
  15. Remember the open doors story from our training ground in the 5th season? All glowing and showcasing what an all round top guy and coach the King was? Wasn't long after that it turned to shit, so I'm comfortable that this new story is just a natural step on the path to the inevitable
  16. Ita not bollocks at all, its not a law but its guidance on interpreting law 12 (page 125) Handling the ball Handling the ball involves a deliberate act of a player making contact with the ball with his hand or arm. The referee must take the following into consideration: • the movement of the hand towards the ball (not the ball towards the hand) • the distance between the opponent and the ball (unexpected ball) • the position of the hand does not necessarily mean that there is an infringement • touching the ball with an object held in the hand (clothing, shinguard, etc.) counts as an infringement • hitting the ball with a thrown object (boot, shinguard, etc.) counts as an infringement In yesterday case Mbemba has prevented Fellani from having a header at goal or to another Man Utd player. His arm was above his head which is an unnatural position and this its a foul and a penalty kick Am I going blind, but where is unnatural position in that guidance? It's not the idea that I think is bollocks, just that term
  17. Who first came up with the 'unnatural position' argument anyway? It sounds like something that someone who people perceive as being cool said and has now stuck, despite sounding and being bollocks. A bit like 'red lines' that seemed to come from nowhere in the lead up to the general election. Or in simple terms, someone said something once, everyone else is to thick to realise that it is bollocks and just repeats it.
  18. He's a different type of forward than Rooney or Owen. They relied on explosiveness in their early days, Mitro is all about positioning and pressence which should improve over time
  19. He must come off most games wondering if its worth the bother of playing, he must find it difficult playing left back all the time. So despite thinking he's a weak link that needs replacing I'm pleased for him that he must be absolutely buzzing this morning.
  20. So a draw swansea mackems tomorrow being the only decent result?
  21. BT definitely showed Smalling as being booked and said it should have been the other bloke, but they usually correct themselves if that hsppens
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