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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. We don't though. Janmaat stunk the place out at the start of the season, Coloccini was hopeless, Colback useless, Krul was terrible for the majority of last season, none of them were dropped. You can probably count on one hand the amount of loan signings we've made in the past decade. I act of actually see your point in a way and agree with some of what you are saying but we certainly don't do things for short term gain generally speaking. The club have been forced to act this month due to the dire situation they find themselves in and it would be daft not to explore the loan market especially if Remy is available. If anything I think they are guilty of planning to far ahead and concentrate on signing players for the future. When did we last sign a finished article or a player supposedly at his peak. That's what we need to start doing, planning for the here and now as opposed to 3 or 4 years down the line because it's that strategy combined with duff managerial appointments that's got us in this mess. Possibly Cisse?
  2. Would have been, and then of course he's the guy who scored the second.
  3. It's ok, Howard Webb has said that it was a pen. Howard Webb supporting a soft decision for ManU? Never
  4. The noise I'm getting is that we'll love him for the first 6 months, but once something goes wrong and he gets a bollocking then expect him to give up. Also expect a red card of 2. When I asked if they knew who our manager was and could they see him give anyone a bollocking the response was 'fair point'. (Oh and they all agree with my views on Pardew ripping the soul out of the club so they must know something......)
  5. Can you bet on number of forward passes in a game? <10 must be attractive for this game (excluding hoofs and goal kicks)
  6. Of course, but i understand it tbh as none of us have a f***ing clue. I'm comparing him to Gouffran as we have no idea where he'll play and it's a very uninspiring signing which reeks of desperation and cluelessness, similar to Gouff's. Gouffran was a striker that could fill in as a wide forward ,and we all knew that when he signed. Of all the signings we made that January, he started the best. Pardew then proceeded to move him further and further back because the guy never complained, until he bizarrely started playing him at central midfield. It's one of the worst things I have ever witnessed in complete managerial cluelessness. Ah the good old days when you used to complain that Gouff wasn't been given enough game time. Still think he'd had been a good bet for a reserve striker, bringing him on to buzz around tired defenders and make a nuiscence of himself
  7. 2 cms being bought must mean either someone is off - Sissoko or Perez are the most obvious but are not centre mids so maybe it is Tiote and either Anita or Colback have made it clear that they are off now or in the summer? Or maybe the plan is for Colback to go left back. Certainly a strange area to be buying 2 players, neither of which are likely candidates for a massive rise in value over the next couple of years
  8. Ryder saying hes a winger who can play centre mid is a bit like calling a transgender a man who can also perform as a woman.
  9. Actually thought Dummett had a chance to get back a little quicker for the goal, probably a little harsh but he looked to be strolling behind Elliott and had a chance to how himself between Deeney and the goal.
  10. BBC commentary via radio Newcastle on their website - no online restrictions in uk
  11. Thauvin for Dummet then a 4-3-3 would have been the only changes I would have liked from that. All about attitude now - we had a strong enough team against Cardiff 2 years ago but you could see that the instruction had been to coast in that game
  12. Can easily see a situation where a decision doesn't get referred to a video ref or replay but is subsequently shown as being incorrect resulting in a team suing the FA. If its brought in then it needs to (a) be used for every decision and (b) be foolproof. Take our game against Everton - Lukaku had the last touch before the corner which led to the winner, an incorrect corner could result in us being relegated (from a lawyers eyes you'd disrgard the other 37 games and 89 minutes and focus on that one incorrect decision). The powers that be would be stupid to bring something in that opens them up to this
  13. It was the airport and hotel saga for me. Anyone that mental deserves to be loved
  14. He'll start on sat, it's only the FA cup after all.
  15. Watch him closely, he only shows when there are no opposition players nearby at which point he can receive a ball in a safe place. Stop it dead, shift to his left foot and roll it to Dummett. Whenever the ball is moving forward or other players are nearby the runs he makes are into areas where he can't be passed to, so it looks like he's looking for it but is actually hiding in clear daylight. See also Jenas, J.
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