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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. I think that its a problem with our crossing in general. We seem to try and hit a man rather than hit an area with the players attacking the same space. We do usually hit a man to be fair, its just rarely in black and white
  2. Whats the news on Corluka? Had a quick look around but can't see anything.
  3. One word: continuity. That is one word used to describe the goals flowing in. Basically, what i meant was, first Allardyce and then Keegan (when he first came back) tried just about every defensive permutation possible, and shipped girls like water. Keegan then picked four, stuck with it and we ended up getting five clean sheets in eight games, or something like that. We haven't had a settled backline this season either, be it through injuries or whatever. Looking forward to getting Beye back, got to say. Its the Lawro pronunciation
  4. Don't forget that a win for us puts Everton fourth bottom.
  5. Better than Shola will do - and is easily achievable. Ps Obafemi Martins, please be fit for Monday
  6. Eh? Examples? Held the club back from the heady days of nearly dropping into the 3rd? How does a supporter's loyalty to an ex-manager hold the club back exactly? One a smallish scale not allowing the promising Bellamy/Kluivert partnership to grow in order to allow Shearer to get to the goal record? Managerial choice, nothing to do with supporter loyalty. Some managers are loyal to players who have done well in the past even when form dips and keep consistency in the team, others will swap and change the team based on form. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages, and both have worked successfully. When Butt came back from relegated Birmingham noone here held out any hope for him, yet he was very good that season and the same kind of faith in a player you're talking about with Shearer was rewarded. /sidetrack Really? Do you think that had Souness sat Shearer on the bench for a run of 5-10 games to allow Kluivert and Bellamy to have a run of games the crowd would have been supportive? One loss and the pressure to recall Shearer would have been massive. (The same goes if SBR had not been sacked and then proceded to give Shearer a prolonged sit down)
  7. Eh? Examples? Held the club back from the heady days of nearly dropping into the 3rd? How does a supporter's loyalty to an ex-manager hold the club back exactly? One a smallish scale not allowing the promising Bellamy/Kluivert partnership to grow in order to allow Shearer to get to the goal record?
  8. Hmmmm, we hear nothing from this Harris bloke for ages now its a soundbite everyday. Me thinks there is no interested party who Harris/Ashley think are serious enough in their interest for the club
  9. If they have the interests of the club at heart then they do everything ih their power to arrange a meeting with Ashley and try to map out a way forward that involves Ashley investing into the club again. I know its difficult to take anything coming out of the club at face value, but if he is truthful in only selling the club as he can no longer enjoy going to the matches then with compromise on everyones part this can be resolved. Of course that doesn't fit with ensuring he leaves at all costs, but if a buyer isn't found (i'd even go as far as to say if one is not found by next Friday) then this is the only way forward imo I doubt that Ashley would have any interest in meeting NUSC after what's gone on, that's just a guess. Totally agree, and wouldn't really blame him either
  10. Likely level of investment is then the only variable. Actually that's not true. Experience in running a similar business will also count. So if Freddy is heading a consortium/ being brought in as chairman? Why would anyone want Freddie as chairman? Would he be bringing his son with him to rubber stamp Luque/Boumsong type deals? Because he has experience running a similar business. (It wasn't a recommendation btw, merely a question type statement)
  11. Likely level of investment is then the only variable. Actually that's not true. Experience in running a similar business will also count. So if Freddy is heading a consortium/ being brought in as chairman?
  12. If they have the interests of the club at heart then they do everything ih their power to arrange a meeting with Ashley and try to map out a way forward that involves Ashley investing into the club again. I know its difficult to take anything coming out of the club at face value, but if he is truthful in only selling the club as he can no longer enjoy going to the matches then with compromise on everyones part this can be resolved. Of course that doesn't fit with ensuring he leaves at all costs, but if a buyer isn't found (i'd even go as far as to say if one is not found by next Friday) then this is the only way forward imo
  13. I wonder if sales in Sports Direct - Sunderland branch have gone up recently?
  14. That statement as a standalone I tend to rather agree with, but in the case of this thread it almost seems out of place. The NUSC is releasing press statements which are neither reasoned nor helpful. They're more blind prejudice and inflammatory. So true, as I've said doing something is only better than doing nothing if the action you take is beneficial. In this case we would be better off if they hadn't released these statements. Yep fair points. But it appears - and this has been the problem with NUFC fans in general for a while - that people are happy to moan and bitch about things on here, other forums, at work, in the pub etc but would never do anything about it. The people have, good on them. They don't have to have people pulling them down for it. If you've got such a problem with what they are saying - tell them. If they don't change when enough people tell them then by all means have a go at them. I think fans should stick to moaning and bitching to put it bluntly. There's a reason lunatics aren't usually allowed to run the asylum. Putting out statements discouraging sponsors, suggesting customers buy their pies from Greggs etc. shows why it's best fans just stick to being fans. I actually agree about buying your steak bakes from Greggs rather than from the ground. They taste better
  15. It's been niggling away at me for a few weeks but how do you know that Keegan didn't turn down every player they suggested and that's why we're short on numbers? I'm not sticking up for Jimenez or otherwise, but no-one really knows the truth do they, apart from KK, Jimenez, Wise and Llambias? He may well have turned some players down, but he even said in his statement after he left that no manager should have players forced upon them so he probably got fed up of players he'd never heard of turning up training. Sorry to dredge this up again, but if they had let KK bring in his own players we would have had a bigger, probably more balanced squad than we have now, not only that, but we'd still have a manager. I'm delighted Jiminez has gone because he was part of a failed recruitment regime, Wise should have been sacked on September 2nd too. Really can't wait to see the back of him. Don't we have to take it as fact that Keegan did not have any say in transfers therefore if the triangle of evil identified the player then the only reason he isn't here is due to personal terms not being met? Or are we now allowed to speculate that Keegan turned players down and therefore by definition had an input to the transfer activity? I'm confused.com
  16. That is someone's opinion and not the opinion of NUSC. Ok, but its been posted as representative of someone linked to NUSC's views and therefore assumed to be the viewpoint of NUSC very quickly. In exactly the same way the statement by NUSC has been taken to be representative of all NUFC fans (see the adidas link) very quicky. I'd wager that the majority of Newcastle fans do not support the views of NUSC, and therefore any claim to be trying to represent the fans is fraudulant imo
  17. How much do you think PES brings in Konami a year? or Fifa for EA? £200m / £30 per game = 6.6 million units to be shipped over the course of a year across the world. (Fifa 08 shipped 1 million units in the UK in eight weeks) They could sell 40 billion units and it wouldn't change the fact that beta testing a game and the negotiations of purchasing a football club are carried out with vastly differing levels of candor, privacy and implied decorum, with vastly differing impacts resulting from leaks. So you don't think that the value of the PES/Fifa Asset to Konami/EA isn't worth a couple of hundred million? If you agree that they are then why should leaks be any less serious - also bear in mind that leaks re the accounts relate to past performance, leaks to the design/features of a game relate to future events which a competitor would love to counter-act.
  18. How much do you think PES brings in Konami a year? or Fifa for EA? £200m / £30 per game = 6.6 million units to be shipped over the course of a year across the world. (Fifa 08 shipped 1 million units in the UK in eight weeks)
  19. And now we have a misguided and mismanged supporters group shouting their mouths off to boot. I support the notion of fans coming together and working with the club, I don't subscribe to their nonsense about boycotting all addidas merchandise if they continue to support the club with Ashley in charge
  20. Daft statement how do they know what is been done to sell the club. A ridiculous statement written by self important opportunists who fraudulently claim to represent Newcastle supporters. And as I said a couple of weeks ago, due to the name they will be taken as being representative of all fans. It's the same as NUFC.com being perceived as some sort of official fan site purely down to the lucky domain
  21. Its quite ironic how a Supporters Club can produce such statements to erode one of the main assets of the club - i.e its loyal fan base
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