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Martin Lol

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Everything posted by Martin Lol

  1. I'm guessing (or hoping) Spurs will go: Friedel Walker/Corluka Kaboul King Assou Ekotto Modric Sandro Parker Bale Van der Vaart/Defoe Adebayor Still not convinced about getting anything, our record at SJP is abysmal.
  2. The Judicial Review starts next tuesday and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it continues.
  3. And a good pair at that. The closest seats are 51m away, the furthest are 210m from pitchside.
  4. Nice view though. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/10/03/article-2044719-0E34604300000578-951_634x429.jpg
  5. Rip up the track? Of course, that's what we've said all along - that that is the only solution that avoids it becoming a white elephant. Thing is, we were up front about it, whereas I'd wager West Ham were hoping to get their foot in the door then rip it up a couple of years down the line. The new deal seems to make it less likely that they'lll do that. Doesn't help Orient out much though. I don't think West Ham will take it on knowing they have to keep the athletics track, I think they will stay put. It was pretty well summed up on Nick Ferrari's show on LBC this morning. Someone from the Athletics board said it was great news as the retention of the athletics track will enable them to host events there like the National Schools Championships. Nick said 'with all due respect this is a 80,000 stadium, you'll be lucky to get a couple of thousand for that'
  6. Spurs wanted to rebuild without an athletics track and develop Crystal Palace for athletics. West Ham said they would keep the athletics track but it was common knowledge that the athletics track would be gone within 5 years. The tender process never stipulated that the athletics track should remain at the Olympic Stadium, just that there should be a legacy for athletics, which Spurs were proposing with Crystal Palace.
  7. Doubtful according to .COM: THFC: to follow. Emmanuel Adebayor is doubtful with a hamstring problem, but Aaron Lennon should be available after recovering from a groin strain. Tom Huddlestone (ankle) is missing, while both William Gallas (calf) and Michael Dawson (Achilles) are rated very doubtful. There's no return to Tyneside for Jermaine Jenas, who is on loan at Aston Villa. David Bentley meanwhile has been farmed out to Championship side West Ham. Scott Parker is expected to feature at SJP though, having been on the end of a 0-5 howking when his West Ham side came here back in January. Would be a massive boost if he misses this. I think Adebayor will be fit.
  8. At least the new deal will ensure West Ham can't rip up the athletics track a couple of years after taking over.
  9. Being said that he pulled out of the under 21's but will play on Sunday. Not such a good idea imo, his mind will be elsewhere and Charlie is a better defender anyway.
  10. I did go for a 1-1 draw but just heard the ref is Lee Probert. As Spurs have an awful record with him, I think 1-0 to Newcastle.
  11. Meeting Levy next week as well.
  12. But only one is decent defensively. Walker is still learning the trade and often finds himself out of position and being covered by Kaboul. No doubt in my mind Walker will be very good but still work in progress (imo).
  13. It's not going to be easy either way but I would be more optimistic if both Parker and Sandro are fit. Sandro has pulled out of the Brazil squad with a calf injury.............. Really injured or getting out of a long flight?? 1-1 is my guess.
  14. Spurs youngsters have played a behind closed doors friendly against a West Ham Progressive squad (their description, not mine) this afternoon. West Ham progressive squad included Abdulaye Faye, Papa Bouba Diop, Freddie Sears, Frederic Piquionne and John Carew. Always good to see the up and coming youngsters getting a game........................ Finished 2-2 FWIW
  15. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Liverpool got rid next summer if AC failed to deliver and, tbh, his body language doesn't look good. There could be a good deal for Ashley if he's got the balls to give some of the money back to get him. Somehow I doubt it.
  16. The drop off between the top five and everyone else is staggering. Money is truly ruining the sport. It is net, but still. Note that the next seven *cough* are bankrolled by a wealthy owner too. Take you guys out, and pretty much all of them will be run at a loss this year. Man U just posted profits of over 100M. Those figures for the window just closed can't be net, Arsenal didn't spend £56m after having sold Fabregas and Nasri, Spurs sold Crouch and Wilson amongst others but only bought Parker and Coulibaley.
  17. I wouldn't think that likely while the Coates family are the owners. Coates is getting on and one of his kids doesn't want to invest in the club so it's unsure once Coates pops off what will happen. He's in his early 70's, he's not on his last legs yet. What happens when he does eventually keel over I don't know but Stoke City will still be a saleability commodity, it's a well run club. I don't think financial suicide is likely tbh.
  18. I wouldn't think that likely while the Coates family are the owners.
  19. Is there something similar for net spend chap? Spurs' net spend is more than -£20m and that includes buying Coulibaley that wasn't included in Spurs purchases. Straight out of the Mike Ashley Book of Footballing Investment.
  20. Can't argue with any of that. I've heard that Broomfield isn't very happy about us not going for Ruiz. Don't forget that it was only Levy's intervention which got us Sandro, Broomfield followed him for months while the partnership with Internacional was being set up only for Redknapp to say he thought Diarra was a better option even if he would cost twice as much!
  21. The Spurs kids in the NextGen tournament beat Inter Milan 7-1, 6-0 up at half time by which time Spurs were already down to 10 men! Coulibaley got a couple, a Croatian kid, Tomislav Gomelt, recommended by Modric (!) got a first half hat trick before being sent off and Ceballos ran the midfield while he was on. He might not have been good enough for Barca VI but was as good as anyone last night and a lot better than most.
  22. Fair play to Wenger. I never thought he would spend the money he did on the last day. Smacks of desperation a bit but plugged the gaps created by Fabregas and Nasri. Shame we never followed that example and got another striker and CB. Now we're hoping we don't get injuries.............. I can see where it's coming from but how he was willing to turn his back on Arteta and only a loan for Benayoun I don't think it was pure desperation, I think it was needs must. The annoying thing is since the minute the season ended he said that there will be a lot of transfer activity this summer he should and could have done it sooner. Wenger and Redknapp both. I'm not suggesting for a moment that Spurs and/or Arsenal could have been up with City/Utd/Chelsea but early signings could easily have improved our performances against Utd and City dramatically. What is more frustrating for the Spurs supporters is the Head Scout recommended Suarez for £18m, Leandro Damiao for £13m and Ruiz for £9m. Redknapp reckoned Suarez and Ruiz weren't suited to the Premier League (Suarez has already shot that theory to pieces, Ruiz will probably do the same for Fulham) and Leandro could be a possibility for January. At the rate he's building his reputation in Brazil Leandro will be out of our range by that time. Already the Inter President is talking about c£20m when he does move to Europe.
  23. When Redknapp goes next season (or before) I wouldn't be unhappy to see Coyle as his replacement. Far better than the likes of Mark Hughes for example.
  24. Fair play to Wenger. I never thought he would spend the money he did on the last day. Smacks of desperation a bit but plugged the gaps created by Fabregas and Nasri. Shame we never followed that example and got another striker and CB. Now we're hoping we don't get injuries..............
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