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Everything posted by davy_fulla

  1. Do Florida print do the official numbers? Nice one. I'll give them a go. Found the number for the club shop before and they said they'd do it but I would have to sign a disclaimer because they couldn't be sure if it would wash OK. No luck with NR logo though. Cheers bud.
  2. Does anyone know whether the club shop would put names/numbers on a standard T shirt? And whether you can get the Northern Rock logo put on the front? Wasn't sure whether they would do it to a non-replica sirt.
  3. Just been sent this at work. Apparently it's Duff's pad up for sale. Wonder what sort of house he could get if he was any good?!?! http://www.sandersonyoung.co.uk/buy/view.aspx?pr=9054
  4. Has anyone tried renewing via the website? Same as last year in that it doesn't work. Load of crap!
  5. I rang them on Monday mate but they told me that I had to cancel in writing. Might as well just write straight in by recorded delivery if you definitely want to cancel. Address is: Dept. 8544 Sunderland Tyne and Wear SR9 9XZ
  6. Feel like a right clown now. I actually started reading it thinking it was genuine
  7. Bang on mate. Stevey Watson got some grief when he came back playing for Everton against us but he got on with it. Its all just a pisstake at the end of the day and I'm not gonna start pouring sympathy for someone just coz they weren't good enough to get a start for us. FFS he was on the bench for the f****** mackems man!!!!
  8. Good call - gone for 2-1 to us with Defoe 1st goal @95-1
  9. Remember reading in The Mag a while ago (think it was under Roeder's spell) an interview with Terry Mac. He was asked what his role was at the club and he said he acts as a confidant for the players - like an older brother they can talk to. He's the resident agony uncle! Can't fault his staying power though - as the bloke next to me at the match pointed out one day 'He's like a cockroach the amount of times he's survived a nuclear strike!'
  10. Posted this in another thread earlier on but think it's more at home here. Got a txt off a mate earlier saying he was in tup tup palace last night. He reckons Duff got kicked out and was absolutely hammered and Given got kicked out as well - though wasn't as bad. They must have been celebrating our success at the weekend
  11. Probably not directly linked to this thread topis but I haven't got enough posts to start a new topic up. Got a txt off a mate earlier saying he was in tup tup palace last night. He reckons Duff got kicked out and was absolutely hammered and Given got kicked out as well - though wasn't as bad. They must have been celebrating our success at the weekend
  12. You are such a f****** genius; everything you say is pure gold. Haha, didn't notice that guy's comment before. Crazy Nowegian bastid. And they wonder why we won't join the single Europe.
  13. Agree with all of that. It was obvious we were gonna get hammered as soon as we got the 1st goal - it's just our way of doing things. Smith is an absolute waste of space charva-haired pile of shit. Goes to ground as soon as an opposing player comes near him and flies in with ridiculous tackles when (sorry, I meant 'if') he tries to win the ball back.
  14. tbf his performance's recently should of mean't him being dropped Exactly, it makes you realise just how much we've relied on him over the years to save us points. At the moment his confidence is shattered and we can't rely on him to keep us in games. TBF I can't blame the bloke - he's been playing behind a team full of wasters for too long now.
  15. Did anyone else think that there was a possibility that Given walked off today coz he just had enough? Didn't seem too injured when he was walking off. I might be just trying to stir things up a bit there but I did give it some serious thought.
  16. What an absolute shower of shit! Why the fuck did Viduka not get brought on ? - fair enough he might not have changed anything but when you're losing and you've got that dickhead Smith up front you've got to try and change things. And why the fuck was Carr playing on the left - he can't even cut it at right back?
  17. One thing I would say is that neutrals are probably sick of the coverage the story has been getting - before I get shot down in flames I think this is the best news in ages and am absolutely buzzing about tomorrow. Been catching bits on SSN today and to be honest it does get a bit embarrassing when some tit from dahn sarf goes on about the 'special geordie fans' and I'm sure something was said about how we will 'all be drinking the special newcastle beer tonight!'. I mean for FFS they act like our official spokespeople one minute then call us worse than s*** the next. What I'm trying to get across is that a lot of other club's fans think that we bring this media hype on ourselves when in truth the media love to hype us up so we've got further to fall back down. I wouldn't care less if we were never mentioned in the press again and just let the football do the talking.
  18. Gutted. Wanted to be the first for once. Still worth a chuckle though.
  19. Breaking news... Keegan meets SWP for talks... http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i169/davy_fulla/keeganswp.jpg
  20. Inspiring speech and has given me hope for the future. Only slight disappointment was that he sounds quite happy with the current players and so we probably won't see as much transfer activity in this window as I'd hoped. That said, the good times are back!!!
  21. davy_fulla

    So, who now?

    You can see it now can't you? They always catch some charva outside the box office who just can't help talking shite. Think Shearer would be mad to take this just yet. It would make a Hollywood script if he came and done the business but it would be so easy for him to fail and people to turn against him.
  22. davy_fulla

    So, who now?

    Hitzfeld being quoted 10-1 with Ladbrokes. Had to look as I did put money on him when the post Souness campaign kicked off. Think he's a bit of a non-runner now so surprised to see him at a relatively short price.
  23. martins to score in both halves 50-1 got a cheeky tenner on it
  24. Whichy bar mate? Was out in Consett after game - only till about 6 like- and didn't see owt.
  25. Tyalor had a crap game today and should have been replaced much much earlier... He was crap and should've been changed earlier. The point was that we desparately needed a goal and Sam changed the defence.
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