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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. response on another forum from a Sochaux fan. -- magpies must have money burning a hole in their pocket to shell out 7M€ for a player who's been "injured" much of this season and is going to the ANC in Jan and Feb. opinion on the planète sochaux forum is unanimous: good riddance to bad rubbish. my advice: once he passes his physical and signs the contract, handcuff him to a pipe in the SJP changing room. otherwise he'll find an excuse not to be fit (or even present) during the holiday marathon, will come back late from africa and his first appearance for NUFC will be at emirates stadium. oh, he'll like that! maybe he'll find new "motivation" at newcastle, but nothing in my mind could be less certain. he may score 4 goals in his first three matches. he's more likely to make the papers by wrapping a ferrari around a lamppost and then wanting away to chelsea or malaga before the end of the season. the man is a pestilence.
  2. don't think so.....here's a list * Guillermo Amor – Fiorentina – 1998-00 * Iván de la Peña – Lazio – 1998-99, 2001-02 * Luis del Sol – Juventus, Roma – 1962-72 * Roberto Delgado – Lazio – 2003-05 * Javier Farinós – Inter – 2000-04 * Ricardo Gallego – Udinese – 1989-90 * César Gómez – Roma – 1997-98 * Josep Guardiola – Brescia, Roma – 2001-03 * Iván Helguera – Roma – 1997-98 * Luis Helguera – Udinese, Ancona – 2000-02, 2003-04 * Gaizka Mendieta – Lazio – 2001-02 * José Mari – Milan – 1999-02 * Óscar López – Lazio – 2004-05 * Rafael Martín Vázquez – Torino – 1990-92 * Javi Moreno – Milan – 2001-02 * Víctor Muñoz – Sampdoria – 1988-90 * Joaquín Peiró – Torino, Inter, Roma – 1962-70 * Javier Portillo – Fiorentina – 2004-05 * Juan Santistebán – Venezia – 1961-63 * Luis Suárez – Inter, Sampdoria – 1961-73 * Diego Tristán – Livorno – 2007-08
  3. AC Milan. Galliani has often said he`d be interested in Torres.....but if they get Tevez I doubt they`d go for him too. Milan though is a good possibility given their recent good track record and history of taking players on loan that previously went for massive transfer fees (ie: Zlatan / Robinho/ /Aquilani and now very possibly Tevez.
  4. Bloody hell A different team earlier in the season signed an Argie player (Dario Conca) from the Brazilian league....rumoured to be one of the highest paid players in the world just behind C.Ronaldo and Messi.
  5. Kadar told he can have a Magpies future FORGOTTEN man Tamas Kadar has been reassured that he still has a future at Newcastle United - once he has shown he deserves his chance. The young Hungarian has been on stand-by since manager Alan Pardew handed him a squad number, 40, in light of the defensive crisis at the club. But rather than pit the centre-back in to action at Norwich City on Saturday, the Newcastle boss chose to switch right-back Danny Simpson in to the middle to partner James Perch. There is a strong chance that captain Fabricio Coloccini will have recovered to face Swansea City this weekend, but Mike Williamson is unlikely to be match fit to return. And with Steven Taylor ruled out for the rest of the season with Achilles trouble, Pardew knows he is hardly well blessed with defensive cover before he looks at strengthening in next month's transfer window. Kadar is likely to figure in this afternoon's behind-closed-doors reserves game with Bolton, when Pardew will be keeping a close eye on the options he has available to him. "Tamas is an option for us. He has played well for the reserves," said Pardew. "He is a player who has not had many opportunities and is looking to kick start his Newcastle career. "We have had one or two who have come out of the woodwork here, who were supposedly not meant to be in the frame. Ryan Taylor is a prime example. So there is no reason why Tamas can't come into the side and do very, very well." Kadar, 21, has struggled to step up to the first team stage since figuring in a few matches during Newcastle's promotion season in the Championship. He has never been on the losing side for the Magpies in each of his 13 appearances, but with his contract due to expire at the end of the season there is a feeling he is running out of time to stay at St James' Park.
  6. Nicklas Bendtner demands free pizza, begs young girls for money Ekstra Bladent reports that after a drunken Saturday night in Copenhagen, the injured Sunderland striker went into a pizzeria without any money and tried to get himself a free pizza ( From Ekstra Bladent: "He was f***ing arrogant and came up as if he owned the place. Everyone just stood and looked at each other and shook their heads over the way he behaved," says a 22-year-old carpenter who ran into Bendtner in front of the pizzeria after a night out. [...] "He played really stupid. When he could not pay, he demanded to get free pizza and said: 'Do you not know who I am? I can buy the whole pizzeria,'" says one of the staff at Pizza House. [...] "We told him that it did not matter who he was. If he could not pay, there was no pizza," says the pizza man who does not want his name revealed. After some time, where Bendtner begged and begged the many pizzeria guests to fund his food, a couple of young girls at last took pity on the famous football player and paid about 120 kroner, which the pizza cost. Don't believe that? Well, the site also has a phone video of Bendtner arguing with the unnamed pizza man. http://ekstrabladet.dk/flash/dkkendte/article1673166.ece http://sports.yahoo.com/soccer/blog/dirty-tackle/post/Nicklas-Bendtner-demands-free-pizza-begs-young-?urn=sow-wp7393
  7. not just dialogue with the club but also the players....the Barras Bravas make their living by also getting a nice salary from them
  8. Scores in the equivilant UEFA Cup final, yes please. linked with a couple of prem league sides before (Chelsea and Liverfool).....I don't think he'd cost a massive sum of money (Barrios went to Dortmund for 4.2m and his record was better than Vargas'....49 in 53 apps). Would like to think we have scouts covering there but it seems France is the favored buying place these days. Need Acuna (his former club too) to have a word with our scouts.
  9. haven't seen him play but Tim Vickery (BBC's South American correspondent) always goes on about him. Do you think he will be a regular alongside Thiago Silva in the national team? Certainly ahead of Luiz? As I said ages ago (tongue in cheek), he's just a $hit Coloccini
  10. Would NEVER come here. probably couldn't anyway because of work permit issues.
  11. What about Lee Clark? Agent #2
  12. apologies if this has been posted already....well done agent Bruce! http://oi39.tinypic.com/2yjx83t.jpg
  13. Does he? I know he was with AC Milan before but that was in 1999. He played 1 game and was then shipped out on loan every season after that. I suppose Spanish and Italian is close enough though to be mutually understandable (according to my italian friends)
  14. don`t really understand the selection of Warren Barton at RB.....thought he was pretty dodgy when he played for us and often made errors (looked good at Wimbledon mind)....would have Watson or Beye (even though he only played a season for us) or even Hughes as they didn`t drop as many clangers at the aforementioned....but to each their own I suppose
  15. like i said, not mine but what`s your XI then anyway?
  16. This is not mine, but came across it on the tinternet. (waiting for some smartarse to include Karlese/Ramage/Maric and co in their lineup Agree to disagree......Shearer RM? http://www.sabotagetimes.com/football-sport/sunderland-greatest-xi-vs-newcastle-greatest-xi-who-would-win/ Newcastle Greatest XI GK - Shay Given Played for the Mackems on loan when he was at Blackburn in the mid-90s, but all that was forgiven when he signed for us. Saved innumerable games for us with his brilliant shot-stopping. Shay would have walked into the England team if he’d been English. Over 350 appearances in 12 years at the club. Arguably the most consistent keeper in the Premiership in his time at United. RB – Bill McCracken Irishman Bill McCracken’s famous offside trap was so good in 1925 they changed the rules. Captained his club and country, 377 league appearances for Newcastle, winning three league titles and getting us to three FA Cup finals. Tidy defender. Away fans hated him, Geordies loved him. That’s how it should be. 9 LB – Frank Hudspeth You couldn’t pick McCracken without also picking his defensive partner Frank Hudspeth. A proper Geordie, his first club was Scotswood. He played more games for Newcastle than any other outfield player – 482 appearances in total between 1910 and 1929. Chipped in with 38 goals as well. 8 SWEEPER – Bobby Moncur Defensive stalwart in the sixties and seventies, captained the 1969 Fairs Cup winning team (and knocked in a hat trick in the final just for good measure). Captained United and Scotland too. Spent his twilight years at Joker Park working on his pension fund, but nobody’s perfect. A talented all-rounder, Bobby plays golf and does a bit of sailing too. 8 CH – Jonathan Woodgate I’m taking a chance here, cos he might well be injured. Only managed a handful of games for us, but I’ll tell you what. He never put a foot wrong when he did actually make it onto the pitch. I sat and watched him one game, all the way through, and he never even broke sweat. Positioning, awareness, reading of the game – brilliant. Just a shame he was such a crock. 7 CM – Joe Harvey (Captain) Right-half in his time, I’d pick Joe to play a holding midfield role and to boss the entire game. A great leader both as captain of the fifties FA Cup winning teams and then as manager of the Fairs Cup winning side, he’d run the show. And he’d share his tabs with the other players at half-time. 9 CM – Paul Gascoigne Mercurial, magic and absolutely mental. At his young, chubby best he was unbelievable. A daft Geordie lad who loved playing football and happened to be better at it than anyone else in the world. He’d need looking after on and off the pitch, but Joe Harvey and Alan Shearer can do that. 10 LM – David Ginola “David who?” James Brown asked me when we signed him in 1995. “I dunno” I said. But we soon found out. A bit of a ponce if the truth be told, but what a player. His home debut against Middlesborough was simply unbelievable. Bit of a lazy t*** as well – Bill McCracken won’t get much cover from him – but an affordable luxury with such a solid defence behind him. 6 RM – Alan Shearer There’s no room for him up front, but I can’t omit Alan Shearer from the side. So I’ll play him in right midfield. One of the best crossers of a ball I’ve ever seen – witness Les Ferdinand’s goal in the 5-0 thrashing of man United – it was just a shame Shearer couldn’t get on the end of his own crosses. His heart is black and white, you could play him anywhere in the side. 10 CF – Jackie Milburn I never saw him play but I saw his house - my Dad used to point it out every time we drove past it. 494 appearances and 239 goals between the war and 1957. Three FA Cup winners medals. I think Shearer pipped him in the end for his goals tally, but Wor Jackie remains the all-time legend so I’ll give him the number 9 shirt. 10 FW – Peter Beardsley A girl who used to work for me grew up in the same street as Beardsley. “All he ever did when he was a kid was eat sweets and kick a ball against a wall, for hours on end”, she told me. And it shows. Terrible teeth but a magical touch, Absolute footballing genius, scorer of brilliant goals, and the perfect foil for a big striker. And the fourth born Geordie in my team. 9 (loses a point for his physical appearance). Manager – Kevin Keegan Couldn’t choose him as a player because we didn’t see the best of him in his boots, but as a manager he lifted the club from dire straits to the very verge of the Premiership title, and he brought brilliant players and brilliant football to the Toon. Couldn’t organise a defence to save his life, but with the team I’ve chosen defence won’t be a problem, and neither will attacking. 9
  17. LooneyToonArmy

    John Carver

    Newcastle United No2 John Carver admits he was unhappy with Alan Pardew's appointment last season. Carver was no different from the vast majority of Toon fans when he heard Mike Ashley had replaced the universally-liked Chris Hughton with a man who had never managed north of London. “I couldn’t believe it,” the ­Geordie, who was working with Gary Speed at Sheffield United at the time, told the Daily Star. “For a start, I was angry that Chris had been sacked just a few weeks after the 5-1 win over Sunderland. “When I heard Alan was taking over, I thought it was a strange decision. Newcastle are a club that have ­traditionally had big-name managers and I couldn’t understand why the club thought he was the right man. “There was no obvious connection and he didn’t seem to tick too many of the boxes others had. Mind you, even then there was a part of me which ­admired him for taking it. “OK, you don’t turn down a job like Newcastle if it’s offered to you. On the other hand, it showed strength of ­character because he knew he was not a popular choice and had to win over a lot of people, not to mention the ­players.” Within 48 hours of Pardew’s appointment, Carver was starting to reassess his initial opinion. “Promoting Steve Stone to first-team coach was a shrewd move,” he said. “Steve’s a Gateshead lad and though he never played for the club, he’s black and white daft and was someone at the coal face who had real knowledge about what Newcastle United is all about. “He’s a good coach, too, but his ­promotion was firm evidence that Alan had this job sussed.”
  18. would like to see Feruson too be given a chance on the wing (though its been said AP sees him as a left back?)
  19. Sepp Blatter has threatened to cause a fresh storm after claiming any racist abuse between football players should be settled by a handshake. The head of Fifa made the controversial comments during a television interview with CNN World Sport. Asked if he thought there was racism on the pitch, the FIFA president said: 'I would deny it. There is no racism, there is maybe one of the players towards another, he has a word or a gesture which is not the correct one, but also the one who is affected by that. 'He should say that this is a game. We are in a game, and at the end of the game, we shake hands, and this can happen, because we have worked so hard against racism and discrimination. 'I think the whole world is aware of the efforts we are making against racism and discrimination. And on the field of play sometimes you say something that is not very correct, but then at the end of the game, the game is over and you have the next game where you can behave better.' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2062388/Sepp-Blatter-Racism-dealt-handshake-says-world-football-chief.html#ixzz1dwPImuvu
  20. I personally think he's a good presenter, but can see why people don't like him. At least he's stopped singing now! The thing is, the WFPI is only part of the 5-hour Up All Night programme (all of which he hosts by himself) so he has to be a versatile presenter. He does a good job imo. Though, if you Google him, I seem to be in the minority. Fair enough.....he has his moments I suppose, perhaps less annoying than when I first started listening. btw, just noticed the BBC site put up 3 WFPI podcasts back to back (I just assumed they were taking a break recently)...
  21. anyone else find Dotun on World Football Phone In annoying as f***?
  22. on youtube "Gazza clowning around with crisps"
  23. LooneyToonArmy


    Llambias is a cunt of the highest order
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