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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Dumb fuck is missing the point. Yeah, we all know players can get a bit heated on the training pitch and a bit of verbals and jostling but that's between two players in the mix of it so to speak.... he's the fucking manager for fucks sake!! I'm sure managers and players disagree and have 'it out' but he marched out to seek out Ritchie and shoulder barged him! Reeks of when Pardew head butted that guy. Breaking under the pressure just like the king!
  2. Wait for it.... "we were relegated because some one broke the mafia code" and committed treason. They will wake up one morning to find bacon rolls in their bed.
  3. fuck me.... that transcript!!! If it was on printed paper I wouldn't use it to wipe my arse with.... every single answer he's talking complete horseshit. Every fucking one of them! As for Luke's reply to Alex Hurst tweet saying he should wait... I don't get it. wait for what?
  4. Was thinking about Hope's article about concern over the number of days off they're getting..... Like someone mentioned Danny Rose made a comment about it last season so it's not illogical to think it's been happening since he came in to the job.... but..... I thought the 'gloves were off' and we're now doing it 'his way' and players had it 'too easy'(or words to that effect).... If you're going do change things and want to cause a shake up/reaction the first and most obvious thing would be is to instigate a max 1 day off a week policy and have them in, maybe not always on the training pitch but have them in studying video footage etc. Absolutely fuck all has changed. The man's a fraud. And another thing.... I would break any lockdown rules if fans were allowed back in and I was given a ticket. Just to get in and give this sack of lard verbal abuse for 90mins. I want to see him cry on the touchline just like the king.
  5. So two sides to the story, and that's being kind to Luke...... so Luke's source is someone in the loyalist camp whilst Hope's comes from the leakers? Think it would have better for the club if Luke had come out and said "aye, my source confirms it went down the way Hope said it did". Now we have got two sides in the dressing room which is really worrying considering relegation threat..... are the two going to come together for Sunday? And this 3 days off since last match is just utterly incredulous. Just shows what a fuck nugget this supposed 'manager' is. How in the name of rock can you formulate a tactical plan for West Brom, communicate that to the squad and have them practice it enough to be ready cos sure as shit, even though I can't stand him, fat sam will have them drilled....... That's unless you do what this this prize walloper does and just goes "same again lads". He's a fuckin loser and his mentally is spreading right through the club. Fuck a covid outbreak, we've had a Brucepox outbreak. Just :rant: :rant: :rant:
  6. "I'll tell you Luke, the players love me like, they've sent me letters that I've signed. Jonjo even made me a wee video whilst in his bed. He's gotta rest cos he's such a vital player for us. Just wish I could get him and the round ball shaped object on the pitch at the same time and we'd be flying up the league to claim 13th place. Awh, that wee misunderstanding with Karl where I told the press he was getting dropped then got one of my staff to tell him cos I didn't have the shoulders to do it myself or when I keep thrown players under the bus in post match interviews, away man, they understand it's all part of the game. It's all in the past, forgotten about.... just wait till Sunday, I'll shut a few people up, I've got experience you know plus I've got the mute button on Zoom. Mighty Rafa you say? Where's he working now? I rest my bacon roll!"
  7. I voted 8 a couple of weeks ago. I was up/down to a 9.3 before the game at the weekend. Now with the injuries I'm somewhere about 9.7.
  8. Point to note as well as in the aftermath of the goal it's Jones who's trying to convey the correct formation to the players (albeit too late) but Bruce is still just standing there watching. I know managers aren't all to behave the same but would have thought he'd be going batshit at the players, or at the very least Ritchie who he called out in public as the one to blame. Even fat sam, who I can't stand, would be on the pitch spitting his gum out.
  9. Still think Bruce was just spectating as events unfolded but watching that (first time I've seen the goal) I'd lay most of the 'blame' at Shelvey for taking the free kick too quickly, although in his defence there's a sizable bit of play before the goal.
  10. Nah...this can't be true can it? the mans a complete kunt but that's taking it to whole other unknown level of kuntishness.
  11. Just seen this news. Gutted. Was in the squad when I started supporting Newcastle and came full circle to bring me one of my most enjoyable periods supporting the club after her replaced sourface. 100% gentleman and done his upmost for NUFC. Thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
  12. Lol! Check the cameras locked on the fat waster trying to look as though he has an idea.
  13. Are wolves normally this poor? I get the feeling we need score now cos they're surely to come in to the match.
  14. He has the physicality of a magician’s assistant. Ever noticed how you never see him and Debbie Mcghee at the same time....... Just saying......
  15. I’m at the place where I want the place to burn to the ground with Bruce still in the middle of the fire. Not a death threat though Alex.
  16. Am I fuck clicking on that to watch but where the fuck is he? "Studs up"?!!! Is that like grindr for gay footballers? That screenshot looks like it's from an expose article.
  17. wonder if he'll come out and say it was 'always my dream to manage the green and white hoops of glasgow'.
  18. In the name of all things holy!! "From 13th down"... inferring that you can't have a pop at me for our form or call me a shit manager.... if you do you have to say that about every manager from 13th place down. He does this fucking so often, tries to deflect criticism by lumping himself in with other managers. Does my tits in! "are Fulham confident they can catch us?".... stone me! don't give them quotes like previous poster said to stick on their walls. Just say something like "their performances have improved even if their results haven't" some generic pat on the back type pish then say something positive about your team FFS!! "...see where we are at the end of the season".... nah! how about seeing where you are now and doing something about it. Fucking fraud!!! He'll be looking forward to seeing HIS united win on Sunday. PRICK!!!
  19. Souness is our 5th most successful manager in modern times? how fucking depressing!
  20. Agree. Rafa would be top of the list, he's managed Liverpool and Chelsea, better teams, more chance of racking up wins. Think it should just be for when they were in charge of NUFC. That would be equally as damaging for our current 'leader' I'm sure. Edit: but if it is PL, like Rocker asks, where's SBR?
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