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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Have to say, enrique seemed quite anonymous from what i saw. He seemed to spend quite a bit of time on his arse tbh.
  2. The save from owen i must have dreamt up then eh? We were piss poor in the first half,slightly better in the second..
  3. Exactly the kind of response i expect tbh,give it time for gaws sake,the whole club is being rebuilt...give it time you bunch of tarts .
  4. Numbers

    Mike Ashley

    When he took over,i remember mort saying "you are unlikely to see mike ashley at the games",however he seems to be enjoying himself and seems pretty genuine to me.Prolly cant stay away now tbh.
  5. Horrible,even my wife actually said (she hates football btw) "That woman commentating just sounds wrong".
  6. "You only sing when your winning"...... Applys to so many people on this forum sadly.....
  7. Numbers

    Sack Big Sam

    Lost for words tbh,people are just expecting too much too soon.
  8. I honestly hope everyone saying we are s****,allardyce out etc are taking the piss. Give the man a chance ffs,that kinda talk is exactly the kind of over-expectant drivvle we dont need. *Sigh*
  9. We are only 3 games into the revoloution and still unbeaten,can they say that?
  10. He's in a no win situation,if he turned up in a suit people would slag him off,and as we see because he turns up in a toon shirt people have a pop. I personally think it was great to see him there and he wasnt play acting when zoggy scored....nuff said.
  11. Whos name was on the back of his shirt?
  12. Quality,how long do you think about your posts before you post them btw,you constantly amuse me with your witty posts.
  13. Good result,good performance. Things will only get better imo.
  14. Allardyce out tbh,we almost got beat.
  15. My sentiments exactly.
  16. Rozehnal was occasionally shaky tbh. First game in the premiership,i wouldnt say shaky tbh id say inexperienced,was good 1st half but he dwelled on the ball a bit too much in the 2nd half.
  17. New one this eh? I can see the headlines.. Viduka in fitness fear shocker!
  18. Oo Err.. ?? Thrust sounds a bit rude to me My over active imagination i guess.
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