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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Lad at the match said it was the same ref who fucked up the Burton penalty when we were in the championship?
  2. Zaha makes himself a target going on like that, yeah you want to see he cares but he’s just inviting people/fans to wind him up.
  3. He’s gonna get a few people sent off over his time in the PL. Elite shithouse along with an elite footballer.
  4. “Twelve of those tested positive for banned performance-enhancing substances”
  5. If Liverpool win the League and or CL then he would have to win the Balon D’or, wouldn’t he? Along with the ACON title I can’t see who could get close.
  6. I have no doubts he’ll score when presented with chances but his lack of pace means he’s rarely getting in those positions. He’s under no illusions as to the situation and think he’s just enjoying his 6 months playing in front of a massive crowd. Functionally we operate better as a team with a CF and he has filled that gap, we overpaid but it was a means to an end and if as appears likely we have avoided relegation then it’s clearly been a price worth paying. Club has been smart with the 2.5 year deal, he’ll be 3rd/4th choice next season and he knows that, but at lest he won’t end up here in perpetuity like Clark etc who should have been moved on after they’d achieved promotion and survival.
  7. Just put on the PSG game. Ridiculously bad atmosphere. Like non existent.
  8. Portuguese, Spanish and french (most of the romance languages) have a level of mutual intelligibility and follow similar rules. English takes these rule and runs roughshod over them. His level of English is already great to be fair.
  9. Because he probably realises he should have sent off Kulusevski so didn’t want to give him a second yellow?
  10. Kane injuring himself trying to injure the goalkeeper
  11. Because he’s recovering from Covid
  12. No second yellow for the clear dive ey?
  13. I know this has been mentioned before but late in the second half Schar went down after we won a free kick physio ran on but didn't go anywhere near Schar rans to the guys in the middle and gave them a load of instruction and then back off. As it was a gk Schar didn't have to go off either. Shows they are on the ball the full game and aren't just waiting to see how it goes.
  14. Limited a good Wolves team in good form. They didn't have a touch in our box first half and didn't get a shot on target until the 80th minute. Considering we're coming off the back of our worst result of the season that's a great response. People seem to forget we're still and incredibly limited side. Chuffed for Wood to get a goal too although if Wilson was playing I think we'd of had a couple. Thought Maxi did fine. The attitude of some folk is making it feel like he had to try and so something amazing every time he had the ball. Bruno absolute different gravy to anyone on the pitch.
  15. Would be hilarious if they replaced him with that Pereria
  16. This Milan kit is possibly the worst thing I've ever seen
  17. Although not sure what the co commentator is on as I thought Dumfries was fowled twice for the pen
  18. Juve Inter has been a lot of fun
  19. Is Jenas hosting the draw?
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