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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Well their first choice LB is currently in strangeways so unlikely they sell us Zinchenko
  2. Maybe he might be tempted with a return to his spiritual home, Heaton Stannington
  3. Has there been any more talk on Vertout? Was very good at Fiorentina and Roma. Seemed like the Villa more was too early for him. Plus didn't have a great manager there.
  4. Wasn't it that loads of people thought Xi loved football so they all started buying clubs to curry favour, then he did a 180 and declared it was all to extravagant so people were essentially left with clubs that didn't achieve the soft power goals they expected.
  5. Essentially they need to balance up the risk/reward financially of progression in the CL Vs Money from selling him. If he performs well they could we'll get more in the summer. Shame the CL doesn't resume until Feb.
  6. Didn't Colback play the same game as Carroll's debut, although I could be confusing him with Henderson
  7. Azmoun available for relatively little outlay too. Seems a no brainer. Would be great as an option.
  8. He's injured apparently. If anything it will hopefully unsettle their two best players.
  9. Rodri clearly graduated the Simeone school of shithousery with flying colours
  10. Isn't Vida ancient? Or has he just had a hard paper round?
  11. When was the last proper forum invasion, was it the Turkish lot?
  12. Maybe if their greatest ever player wasn't one of the biggest Covid conspiracy nonces in the country it wouldn't be so rife.
  13. Seen Lloyd Kelly from Bournemouth linked not sure I've seen him mentioned
  14. What's Ronaldo's stats on freekicks? Can't remember him scoring one since like 8 years ago or something
  15. Why would they go to VAR when he missed?
  16. Don't know if this has been posted but a new name to add to the list
  17. It will probably need to me a mix in the very short term. I think all clubs building like this will have Benjani phase before they get to their De Beuyne phase intentional or not.
  18. Man United signed those players because they had profile and were available, they just had zero idea how they were meant to fit into a long term plan or approach.
  19. It really is all the worst people on this shit like
  20. Not sure Barca are in the position to be demanding 50m esp with his disciplinary issues
  21. Most competitive league in the world over before the new year.
  22. Wouldn't that mean Soton game is on then?
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