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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Great article but Jesus Christ that Mirror website is awful. You can tell it's the same folk who own the Chronicle
  2. I think he'll walk if the personal venom gets to a certain level. He's evidently rattled already, a disastrous result Friday and I think it tips the balance.
  3. Its the fans back in the stadium. Really feels like it's bubbling and Friday night it will boil over if there is a bad result. A full away end and loads in the home will rile people up nicely too.
  4. Wow absolutely risible stuff here from Luke. He must know deep down how this reflects on him as journalist?
  5. meanwhile Edwards is asking silly questions
  6. Leeds could definitely get toxic. Especially if there's loads of Leeds fans in the home crowd too. Friday night recipie for disaster. Bring it on.
  7. I think most of us could write the post match comments verbatim already.
  8. you could, of course Steve, walk a fucking way
  9. Can any of our four goalkeepers play upfront?
  10. I've had the worst three weeks in FF ever so I've fully rolled the dice and triple captained him a hail mary four games into the season! Guaranteed not to start now hahaha
  11. Oh well our squad depth and prudent recruitment policy will see us through!
  12. I'm remember Luque looking fantastic in his first game. That injury fucked him like.
  13. Wraith, Peirs and GB News are the three people I have blocked on Twitter. Absolute embarrassment to the fanbase.
  14. Any mention of the TV money?
  15. GeordieDazzler


    Uefa had actually banned Hungarian fans from the ground but as this is a FIFA game they were allowed in. Football is morally bankrupt but it's still pretty jarring. Not enough being made of the fact that this an organised hate group who are supported and legitimised by Orban. Its not 'unsavoury elements'.
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