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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. In more important news Burton are winning
  2. I’d still be sacked. Do you work in a role where thousands of Green Street jr wannabes flood your office shouting abuse in your face?
  3. Why have Wigan closed the bottom of the stands
  4. Did Trippier use a ruler for that hairline
  5. Wonder why he chose Verona over Hull...
  6. Yeah the whole Nigeria range is class
  7. Marseille just won 0-9 away in the French cup bloody hell!
  8. He was decent for Monaco though wasn't he? Crazy to see a player just drop off like that.
  9. Hull or Verona....difficult decision
  10. Nothing apart from a Marca report and a few various Spanish twitters, as said before its just that he's Basque and theyve just got 60m from City.
  11. Genuinely don’t think this is incompetence mate. This is premeditated and deliberate over and above anything we’ve seen before. It’s like Dave said last night, it’s Ashley banking on the squad being just good enough, spending nothing, seeing the tv deal promise more money and asking for even more from PCP in the summer on the strength of no cash being spent. It’s fucking hideous, nefarious and exactly in keeping with the cunt’s persona. This is all down to him. Yep it's 100% Ashley. Going into the Championship season the club showed it had no issues signing players. I understand the Charnley blame to a degree but he's not the root cause.
  12. Impressed with Carvahal tbh, speaks very well tactically
  13. They've just come into a lot of money and theres limited Basque players on the market. It's an easy link for the journos to make and I doubt there is anything in it. If he's sold it would break my heart like.
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