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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. I thought Rooney too, although his record at DC United looks pretty awful (14% win rate) although don’t know the greater context to his time there.
  2. It seems we are very much keeping our powder dry in terms of purples until the summer. I think those three would be good business.
  3. Our bid was 25m +15 in add ons. Part of which I assume will relate to qualifying for CL or similar.
  4. The final is the Sunday after their second leg with Barca, they have quite the fixture congestion around then. They need to get past Forest first.
  5. Off the top of my head - There is CL places for the top four regardless of who wins the CL (ie Chelsea or Liverpool). If a side outside the European places wins a domestic trophy that would reduce the number of available spots.
  6. It doesn’t need to stand up in court, it’s just essentially a set of accounting rules. They can’t physically stop clubs doing what they want under the laws of the country they are based but they can impose penalties and or restrict entry to competitions they control.
  7. You can still give them as long of a contract as you want but you will only be able to amortise the costs over 5 year period for accounting purposes. The whole reason they are giving these long deals is to account for them over the whole length of the contract.
  8. No Forest justifiably needed a load of new players, they’d lost half their squad due to loans and contracts ending. Chelsea are just trying to inflate the market for blue chip players outside of every else’s grasp.
  9. It looks like that. Seems a dangerous game just chucking young players on obscene money together and hoping it works. During previous Chelsea chaos and sprees they still had a spine of experienced players that held the team together ala Lamps, Terry, Drogba, Ivanovic, Cech. Who fulfils that role for them now? Only people I can see are Silva and Azpi and that doesn’t feel enough, esp considering the age of both of them. I hope it ends in tears like, I think we all do.
  10. The situation has been the same there for months. That they’ve waited until the last week of the January window (again!) shows just how badly they are being ran. We’re they just hoping he’d beat a objective’s better side away at the weekend?
  11. Am I the only one who thinks Bielsa would be an utterly mental appointment?
  12. It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission
  13. Conceded 5 goals less than the next best defence. It’s pretty amazing.
  14. yep, you feel those games will decide the title. Obviously they’ll lose at SJP too so need to factor that in.
  15. Surprised we haven’t done a ‘Fortiter Defendit Triumphans’ banner yet (unless I’ve just missed it. Could put the back four + Pope on it.
  16. Nketiah is Marlo Stansfield. Can’t unsee it.
  17. Main song I’ve heard is ‘Jimmy Saville, he’s one of your own’ which I’m not sure is the Leeds fans
  18. unless there is an entire episode dedicated to this, the moment that Sky Sports news peaked as a medium, I shan’t be watching.
  19. Are Chelsea fans singing the national anthem ?
  20. Gakpo channelling his inner Darwin Nunez
  21. Carra just call him Craig Potter?
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