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Everything posted by Ronaldo

  1. Couldn't care less, he gave his all when he was on the pitch. Owen on the other hand, i hope he's attacked.
  2. You surely know you're going to look even more ridiculous very soon. Godlike.
  3. There's not rating someone and making ridiculous comments.
  4. In addition to his 50+ goals over the last 2 seasons.
  5. You surely know you're going to look even more ridiculous very soon. It would be nice if he didn't need his fanboys to defend him. Do your research and the sensible few wouldn't need to laugh at you.
  6. You surely know you're going to look even more ridiculous very soon.
  7. Ronaldo

    Sol Campbell

    Amazing? http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/71297499.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF878921F7C3FC3F69D929FD9CCB4952B424607291DF052FDBF0A639B1DF4C13F9709F85B01E70F2B3269972 Must have seen a 'shopped pic Admit it, you were just desperate to reinforce your twisted sexual orientation.
  8. You rememember incorrectly. It was at Turf Moor.
  9. Ronaldo

    Sol Campbell

    Campbell has been passed it for two years.
  10. wtf I see you England supporters have got your confidence back eh? Slating SA for drawing with Mexico and losing to Uruguay. What's that about? OKay, guess we'll see what happens with your lot come Friday. You haven't been looking too hot though. Shut the f*** up, man. :lol: Not much fun when the shoes on the other foot eh? Haven't even said anything out of the ordinary and you've got your knickers in a twist! Just think you're all tempting fate harping on about how everyone els has been s***. Not a smart move imo. Especially considering fate already has something against you, just ask Rob Green We know you're not English and you're very proud of it, we get it. Most of us acknowledged how poor we were on Saturday, you have no reason to accuse anyone of hypocrisy.
  11. wtf I see you England supporters have got your confidence back eh? Slating SA for drawing with Mexico and losing to Uruguay. What's that about? OKay, guess we'll see what happens with your lot come Friday. You haven't been looking too hot though. Shut the fuck up, man.
  12. Hope we never see the useless, horn-blowing wankers in a World Cup again.
  13. I miss wingers that pose a threat. Not had one in about 6 years.
  14. Have you already put this massive 1K on "your" world cup winner? No, as I told you yesterday I was going to wait till i'd seen every team play before placing big bets. Now that I have i'm no closer mind you. But i'm fairly tempted by Spain's new odds in addition to Germany's.
  15. Feel a lot better about England now.
  16. What's wrong with you? Normally I see you posting bets when you've got 100 (pounds) and more at stake. First week of the tournament, it's tantamount to throwing darts at a board. The big bets will hopefully start next week.
  17. Won £20 on the NZ draw but lost £8 on the last game.
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