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Everything posted by Mikky

  1. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    There's no one good coming through from this lot
  2. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    Chelsea cheating bastards; hand of god goal; should be feckin red card
  3. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    Number 5 is Longstaff; he's shite
  4. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    This has been embarrassing
  5. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    Suppose youth teams have to emulate the first teams style
  6. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    Fucking hell they are terrible
  7. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    Some of the passing man Is the pitch too big or summat? Surely out youth pitches are the same dimension
  8. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    Some of our passing is awful This blonde kid on RW especially (number 5)
  9. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    Solankie misses sitter for Chelsea Chance was exactly like Drogba's goal at SJP this season
  10. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    Ffs Armstrong should have scored; took 2/3 on
  11. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    They recruit from all over the world. Our team is from a 25 mile radius. At least we saved on scouting costs. Just said same thing to my mate lol
  12. Mikky

    U23s & Academy

    Our lads are out of their depth
  13. I suppose the next challenge now; how you go about the real big boys who can defend and attack in equal measures; you did fair well against Athletico recently
  14. True, but I also feel are their best when they play quick passing football; San Mames last week was the best football I've seen this season! The football was spellbounding
  15. The quick passing and high tempo has been the key these last 4 weeks; it's like the Pep days
  16. 2-2 ffs what's the keeper doing coming that far out
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