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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Thinking about it, I'm just fucking delighted he's not going to Spurs.
  2. Wish people would stop with all the conspiracy theory bullshit about Ashley telling Carroll to put in a transfer request etc. It's embarrasing.
  3. We're not going to match Liverpools ridiculous bid. Depends what you 'value' Crouch at. Could be something horrific like £25m + Crouch at £15m, not that he's worth anywhere near that. But then we'd be as desperate for a replacement as Liverpool would be, so maybe Crouch's value goes up exponentially too. My head hurts.
  4. Not sure what's more bonkers: - Liverpool offering £40m - Us rejecting it - Me being happy we've rejected it
  5. Hands up if you trust Pardew to spend £40m wisely... (assuming he's given it all to spend, that is)
  6. Think my F5 key is on the verge of giving out. It's certainly not going to make it through to 11pm.
  7. Routledge out, Carroll out, possibly Ireland in. Shit transfer window if that's how we end up. I'd not have too much problem in Carroll going if we got a decent replacement in, but Bothroyd isn't the man to fill ACs boots and I can't see who else we can go for at this late stage. Window shuts in under 7 hours ffs.
  8. He wanted games. He's not good enough? He wanted games - Improve, we know he's got the talent in there somewhere. He's under contract here and we need him so it's not his decision to make. He's not good enough - Improve. Even if he doesn't, he's still another body if we need him.
  9. Gutted when he left, angry at the timing. I find it mildly amusing that he's not getting games and that it's backfired, only because he left in such shit circumstances. That said, I wouldn't boo him. OK, he made one shit decision but he was one of our best players for over a decade. That's got to count for something. Would I take him back? Probably got another 4 years or so left as a top goalkeeper, so maybe. Probably not though, Forster and Krul need to be shown confidence and given a chance. Personally I think it would be hilarious if on his return Given walked onto St James' Park to utter silence.
  10. Happy enough with this. We needed another body in midfield and we've got one. Still confused as to why Routledge left though, would have been better still if he'd still been here.
  11. That makes him the tallest 4 year old I've ever seen.
  12. Which says a lot about Nolan, given that HBA currently has a double break of his leg.
  13. I've been saying this since he signed for us.
  14. I'd now be pretty disappointed if we finished 17th. It'd require us to implode fairly spectacularly.
  15. Fucking gutted. Can we just play for 89 minutes next week, please?
  16. Gutierrez putting a great ball in from the right hand side with his stronger foot there. Really wish we'd see more of that, he's not a left winger ffs.
  17. Bit of a s*** reason to go back, considering how short a footballers career is. Footballer in "not having brains" shock.
  18. Haper did OK, but I'm sure Given would have got us the one extra point that we needed to stay up.
  19. Enrique signing a new 5.5 year contract would be better than any new signing we could make this transfer window, imo. Should be the club's number one priority.
  20. If we get someone better to replace him, no real problem with this. If we don't, it's a pretty shite idea all round.
  21. I read the thread title and think I actually pood my pants a bit, then read the bit in brackets. Thanks.
  22. Chris_R

    Sol Campbell

    Makes more sense.
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