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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. It would be, if he actually played in midfield. Last year he spent most of the time as a second striker. Not knocking the importance of his goals, but he's not been playing midfield in anything like the traditional sence of the word. Deep striker at best.
  2. Result in this one is irrelevant, it's not one we need to win to stay up so let's go there and have a go. Same team, same formation and we've got a fighting chance of scraping a result but after Sunday I'm really not that bothered.
  3. Chris_R

    Shola Ameobi

    Due a testimonial this year, iirc? After Sunday, I say give him one.
  4. Ashley's made some mistakes, but Shepherd nearly bankrupted us. No real love for MA, but I'd have him as chairman every day of the week instead of Fat Fred, without any hesitation.
  5. Think that'll be quite a popular coping mechanism amongst them. Not believable for a single microsecond though, given how obsessed they are with us!
  6. Think Tiote was possibly a little overawed to start with, the occasion seemed to get the better of him. Settled in well though. Barton, as everyone said, was immense. Shola with one fantastic finish and a fucking brilliant penalty, takes balls the size of watermellons to put it that close to the post at that speed in a derby game. Ah sod it. Everyone was fantastic. Heroes one and all. Love the "Halloween massacre" post as well.
  7. This is the best I can find... http://www.nufc.com/images/rwsjp3.jpg
  8. Match ratings: Krul 10 Simpson 10 Williamson 10 Coloccini 10 Enrique 10 Barton 10 Tiote 10 Nolan 10 Gutierrez 10 Ameobi 10 Carroll 10 Sub: Ranger 10
  9. We never score at the Leazes end when I watch the matches, so I'm pretty sure 3-0 is as good as it'll get. I'll settle for that.
  10. Was watching the first half on a very choppy feed, thought Barton's shot prior to the first goal had gone in. Ran round the living room like a madman cheering, only to have to sit down when I realised it was a corner. Made it even sweeter when we scored straight away afterwards. Think I jizzed in my pants when we scored the third. Just such a good feeling.
  11. I think they mean unwashed. Loved the vid on the previous page.
  12. Nah, still here. And I stand by what I said. Which, if people read it properly is that he's a good player and a good acquisition for a good price. I was hardly slating the guy ffs. And the only thing I think is lacking from his game is a wider range of passing. As I explicitly said, I know he's not in the team to provide those passes. But would Tiote being a better passer (Without changing anything else about him) make him a worse player? Of course not. It would give him more options. That's all I said, and like I say I stand by it. Baffled that anyone could argue otherwise tbh.
  13. Used to go to just about every home game, but then moved 360 miles away. Try to make trips north to see family coincide with home games, but even then I'll be lucky to see more than a handful a year. Get to a few away games down south when I can. I do my best, but I'm skint and a very long way away.
  14. The only thing that worries me about him is he has a very limited range of passing. I've yet to really see him even try to hit a pass more than 10 yards. Don't get me wrong, I echo what everyone else says about him being a very good player and a bargain at the price, but I don't think he's got much creativity in his locker. And yes, I know he's not been brought in to ping 70 yard balls across field, I just think it'd make him an even better player if he had a wider range of passing.
  15. Suit. If only because it has a 100% win record.
  16. Thought Enrique was excellent again today. One of those players that I just have utter faith in him every time he steps on the pitch.
  17. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Don't see why not. Even if we called it a signing on fee or something, I can't see how anyone could stop us doing that.
  18. It's already been said but he needs to grow up, and fast, or his career will disappear very quickly. Seems like he's thick as mince unfortunately.
  19. Because he takes them with his right foot. He crosses with his left, because he's stuck on the wrong flank. Can't understand why people complain about his crossing, we'd all play s*** if we had to play with our weaker foot all the time.
  20. That was a 6 pointer IMO, so great to take 2 off Wigan and get one ourselves. Could be massive at the end of the season. Still should beat shit teams like that though.
  21. You know when you have one of those dreams where you wake up and are not sure if it was real or not? I remember a while back that I had one that we beat Villa 6-0 and looked like a good team. Obviously now I can tell it didn't really happen and was just a dream, but it was fun at the time.
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