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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Tbh we probably need 5, as N'Zogbia is ripping Perch a new one every time he runs at him. If we score 2, we'll probably still lose.
  2. Raised arm, but didn't run round like a lunatic. Cheers for the reply. Both times? Yeah, from what I saw. Though I'll admit I was too busy screaming obscenities to pay too much attention.
  3. Don't really have any affinity for any other club tbh, and I certainly don't comprehend the idea of anyone having a "second team". Ridiculous, try telling your wife you've got a "second lass".
  4. Should probably add Hughton. Thought (And still think) that Ashley just took the cheap option, but it's worked out far better than I could have ever hoped.
  5. Owen - Wrong Duff - Wrong Bramble - Wrong Boumsong - Right - Couldn't believe we were paying that much for a player from Rangers who'd just gone there on a free Sibierski - Wrong. OK, he wasn't brilliant, but he did far better than I expected Milner - Right. Never wanted him to leave, always thought he was one of our best players. Enrique - Right. Loved him from the very outset. Ameobi - Wrong. Thought he'd progress to be a fantastic player. He hasn't progressed at all. Carroll - Wrong. Thought he'd do an Ameobi and not progress at all. He has. Guttierez - Wrong. Thought he'd be a tremendous acquisition but he's consistently failed to deliver and though I've defended him for playing on the left when right footed I'm running out of patience. Routledge - Right. Though how anyone who saw QPR play at St James' last season could ever have said otherwise is beyond me. He tore us apart that day. Didn't know it was him at the time, just remember saying to my mate "Jesus, that guy in the red boots is having a blinder!". Beardsley - Wrong. Thought he was past it and that £1m was too much to pay for a 30 year old. There's probably hundreds more.
  6. Seems to be doing well and learning quickly. Still early days though, but I'm optimistic for the future.
  7. That corner was probably the best one we've had this season, it was brilliant and unexpected. Because he put it in with his right foot. He's right footed, plays on the left and therefore crosses almost entirely with his left foot. Not saying he'd make a great right winger, but I'd play him on the right or not at all.
  8. Fucking brilliant! Had a feeling we could do them when I saw the lineups, but I'm still over the moon. Well done lads! [Despite yet another inept / bent ref. Useless cunt.]
  9. Fucking brilliant! Had a feeling we could do them when I saw the lineups, but I'm still over the moon. Well done lads!
  10. Before we signed Routledge and Ben Arfa, Jonas was 100% necessary to us as the only pacy winger we had. Irrespective of his final ball, at least he opened things up a bit and occupied the opposition defenders. Sadly for him, now we have Routledge and Ben Arfa. If he can't find the ability to deliver a good final ball (And 2+ seasons with us suggest he's not in a hurry to find one) then I'd much rather see the former 2 players starting every single time.
  11. This. We really need to do this. It'd fucking kill him!
  12. That's f***ing ridiculous. Made 1 save that my mother could have made in the first half, and grabbed a rebound off the post whilst lying flat on his back. And that, by my reckoning, was that. Saved the one on on with Yakabu too, i love to see his name there, i guess its mostly because the other keepers didn't do much as well this week. Can't remember that one even though I watched the whole game. Alcohol.
  13. That's fucking ridiculous. Made 1 save that my mother could have made in the first half, and grabbed a rebound off the post whilst lying flat on his back. And that, by my reckoning, was that.
  14. Likewise. Would love to move there one day.
  15. Every time Blackburn play I hope they lose. I really want him to just disappear up his own arse and into obscurity.
  16. For me this is ideal for Krul. He'll get the opportunity he's been craving and it's now in his hands if he takes it or not. I'm quite excited to see how he does, I think he'll be up for it.
  17. I'd be perfectly happy with 10 points from the next 5 games, think that's what we should be aiming for tbf. That said, I'd settle for a few less if we smash the unwashed.
  18. Thought Tiote looked decent, but he hasn't got great vision and won't be pinging 50 yard crossfield balls about. That said, he played to his strengths and kept it simple, didn't do a lot wrong all game and a massive step up from Smith.
  19. Just seen the replays, and although it's a choppy internet feed that looked like an absolute stonewall penalty on Nolan.
  20. Thought they were going to nick a point at the end there but excellent overall performance and what a result!
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