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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Jol would be infinitely better than Pardew. Don't trust Fat Mike to make a decent appointment though so I still reckon it'll be Pardew. Might stick a few quid on him now Jol's odds-on favourite. Get much better odds now.
  2. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    That's what Ashley exactly wants, giving the new manager a chance. But why wouldn't I? I'm not doing what Ashley wants, I'm doing what's best for Newcastle. I've no time for fat Mike, but I'm pro-Newcastle far more than I'm anti-Ashley. Some people are going to turn into mackems soon, hating the opposition more than supporting their club. It's fucking retarded.
  3. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    I'll give anyone a chance. I gave Kinnear a chance. And Allardyce. And Souness. But like with those 3, my expectations will be pretty low and he'll get fuck all leeway.
  4. Well, 50% right. But then the transfer window's shut at the moment... Nothing would surprise me. Nothing.
  5. Feel gutted for him. He'd only just bought a new suit, too.
  6. Newcastle certainly can attract a decent manager. Problem is, Ashley's too much of a cheapskate to pay the required money for one, and he's too much of an imbecile to identify one.
  7. I've been exiled to Bournemouth, and a Southampton supporting mate who's a season ticket holder there says he was gutted when Pardew left, really rates him and thinks he's a terrific manager. Just thought I'd put another viewpoint out there.
  8. I'm going to wait and see who we appoint before I get too annoyed, but unless it's a Mourinho-esque appointment I'll be pretty devastated. And we all know it won't be, it'll be Alan Fucking Pardew. Really liked Hughton, sure he got things wrong but he was doing OK.
  9. Fucking ridiculous. Going to have to appoint someone pretty exceptional to win me over, if it's Pardew or anyone like that I think I'll cry.
  10. Shola's first touch is so bad that his second touch is a tackle.
  11. If "Gets better when injured" was true, Michael Owen would be Pele. Still, Simpson's done well this year, surprised me as I thought he'd bomb this year. Really happy with him at the moment.
  12. What the fuck are we playing at? Nolan acting like a bell end and handling the ball, now Collocini acting like a bell end and elbowing someone in the face? Idiots. Fucking idiots.
  13. Well, we were terrible. Bolton thoroughly deserve to be 2-0 up. If we don't change something, then nothing will change. Hughton needs to earn his money now.
  14. To be fair, we weren't the ones who brought it up. Fair enough. I just skimmed the thread and haven't bought a newspaper in about 5 years. Who suggested it?
  15. The fact that anyone is talking about Simpson playing for England only underlines how shit Perch was.
  16. Chris_R

    Rob Lee

    Rob Lee's was with his left foot, IIRC, and from a lot further away. Rob Lee >>>>>>>>> Beckham. I'm saying "IIRC", but I'm guessing it's on that compilation video mentioned above. But I am just going from memory, I was in the Milburn Paddock right in front of where he struck it from. Edit: It's not on the video above. Disappointed, can't find it anywhere online. Was behind the D in the centre circle. I think it might be on the promotion video if you have that. Think it's in the loft, but I don't have a video player any more!
  17. Chris_R

    Rob Lee

    Rob Lee's was with his left foot, IIRC, and from a lot further away. Rob Lee >>>>>>>>> Beckham. I'm saying "IIRC", but I'm guessing it's on that compilation video mentioned above. But I am just going from memory, I was in the Milburn Paddock right in front of where he struck it from. Edit: It's not on the video above. Disappointed, can't find it anywhere online.
  18. I realised what was going wrong. I foolishly didn't have a drink with me during the first half. Got a Stella with me 2nd half and everything's looking much better.
  19. Fucking hate Blackburn. Well, hate Fat Sam's teams anyway. This is going to be a long, dreadful, boring 90 minutes.
  20. Maybe Andy Carroll can tell some of the England players they should come play at Newcastle...
  21. Before the season started, I'd have snatched your hand off for it. However wins away against Everton, West Ham and Arsenal coupled with the home demolitions of Villa and the unwashed lead me to hope we'll do a bit better than that. It would take something of an implosion to finish 17th now, which of course we're capable of, but I'm still aiming a bit higher. We're 4th now with 2 very winnable games coming up, but I'd say mid table would be what I'm looking for now.
  22. Diving header straight at Krul, and the shot he saved just before the goal. Can't remember anything else for him to do. Maybe a couple more somewhere but 8 is fucking ridiculous. Hit the crossbar twice, but they're not shots on target so can't be counted.
  23. Really didn't rate him when we signed him or at all for that matter last season, but I'm going to eat humble pie and say he's pretty much won me over in the last few matches. Starting to look like an excellent player.
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