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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. And to think I was gutted when I called the box office to get a ticket for this and they told me they'd sold out!
  2. Simpson, you fucking useless tosspot. Said the other day on here that he's the weak link in our squad and that proves it to me. Needs replacing next season.
  3. Fantastic! Build on that next year and we should get promoted.
  4. Chris_R


    Whilst I'm not going to declare us promoted until it's mathematical, it would take an implosion of unheard of proportions (Even by our standards!) for us not to be playing PL football next season now.
  5. Wonder how many put their foot down to their GFs and said no, only to find out later what they'd missed? Bet that would be gutting.
  6. Agree with this, he's not, at this stage, convincing me that he's a Premier League player. Voted Enrique. Though it was really tight between him and Colo. Honourable mentions to Lovenkrands and Guttierez who have been instrumental in our forward play, and if Routledge had been here since the summer I'd have him right up there too as he looks very threatening.
  7. I'm confused. Why would NUSC speak up about this? It won't get Ashley out of the club.
  8. Lucky to get a point, but we'll take it. Forest nearly completed an epic fightback and West Brom won, but I'd have settled for a point this morning.
  9. Dire first half, as others have said. Boro looked like they were by far the likelier team to score. We had one chance and took it but they had loads. If we don't improve in the second half, this is only going to finish one way. Need to get some posession in the middle of the park, that's where the smoggies have looked the better team.
  10. Chris_R

    Season Tickets

    Rather strangely, I'll be going to far less matches next season than at any time in about the last 20 years. Guess it's my fault for moving to Bournemouth. Limited to away games now and the occasional trek back up north.
  11. He wanted a few supporters to come down from where they were sitting, and when it looked like one of them was about to do just that, he nearly jumped over the sponsor board to get at the guy. This was his first game back at LA Galaxy after his Milan stint. And in that one act, which didn't even involve him kicking a ball, he showed more guts, passion, determination and loyalty than the spineless little s*** currently occupying your avatar space. Showing the desire to prove yourself and caring what other people think, and striving to correct them is part of what makes truly great players. Wanting to fight a supporter of the team you are playing for is now considered loyal? It's loyal towards his family, who were being targeted. But it's not being a model professional is it. Which was the original point. Other professional have had insults about their personal life but have resisted the urge to smack someone - they rise above it. Considering it was me that made the original point, I'd like to come back in at this stage. I was referring to Beckham's commitment to training, diet and the lifestyle that is necessary to keep yourself at the top of the game into your 30s, something that Scholes obviously has too but I'd doubt Gerrard or Lampard will still be playing top flight football at 35. We might see them at 32/33, but that's about it. The pies and booze will catch up with them after that. Whilst I wasn't directly meaning his on-field antics (Remember the sending off against Columbia, and the altercation with his own fans at LA), generally I think he's extremely professional on the pitch too. He's learned a lot from the early parts of his career so I discount the Columbia incident now and the LA one was the result of extreme provocation. He's rarely if ever in trouble with the ref, and leads a very quiet family life away from football considering the scrutiny he's subject to, admittedly often at his own bidding. Though of course a few months ago the same could be said of Tiger Woods haha. Anyway, for me it's: Beckham Scholes Lampard Gerrard All undeniably quality players, but if I had to put them in an order that would be it.
  12. Those stating that Beckam didn't skin players etc are missing the point. That's not what he was ever in the team to do, it's like complaining that Scholes isn't fantastic in the air or that Lampard doesn't have blistering pace. Beckham was, and for my money still is, one of the best in the world at what he does. Ie dead ball situations, whipping in crosses, great range of passing and vision, rarely if ever wastes a ball and is a consumate professional. If I was a forward, I'd rather be playing with Beckham than any of the others.
  13. Law 12 of the game states: Definite penalty, ref had no choice if he even considered it was just recklessness on the part of the GK, irrespective of any contact. Furthermore, the same law goes on to clarify: So once he'd correctly decided that it was a penalty, he had no option but to dismiss the goalkeeper.
  14. so 6 wins to get back where we belong and 7 more or less to get a trophy 4 points for a win these days? Like it!
  15. Chris_R

    Level 7 Corner

    Any standing is unauthorised and against stadium rules, so they can hardly endorse it by telling you in advance it's going to happen. Same with foul language, technically you can be thrown out for it. The fact that the club don't clamp down on it like some clubs do and instead turn a blind eye is to their credit.
  16. Chris_R

    14 players

    Darren McDonough for the joke one. Also, have a Marcelinho table but have no chairs at it and tell everyone it's unavailable all night due to a tiny scratch.
  17. Made me smile*, so fair play. *When I realised it wasn't Nicky.
  18. Well if you think the punishment is too harsh, don't foul the player? Seems like the most obvious solution. No need to change anything IMO.
  19. £500 per week basic, with a £40k/week win bonus. We'll see some commitment then and desire to play rather than sit rotting in the reserves on massive money.
  20. I wasn't going to have a drink, but a vodka & lemonade is rather tempting. I find I'm unable to watch / listen to Newcastle sober. If I had no wine I'd probably be drinking drain cleaner.
  21. As if things weren't bad enough, I've ran out of beer. Having to listen to the second half with red wine. Doesn't feel right.
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