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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. The wife was asleep on the settee so I was trying to keep relatively quiet but when that goal went in I was yelling like an idiot.
  2. After a year in exile, I'm heading back up north for the Blackpool game. Can I pay cash and get a ticket on the gate on the day? Looking on nufc.co.uk there's nothing on sale for level 7, is that because they're reserved for match day sale? I've heard that there's restrictions on access to the Leazes corner / singing section too, anyone shed any light on that? Cheers.
  3. Was once 25 mins late and really struggled to get in. There's normally one open somewhere though, like others have said. Just be persistent.
  4. Chris_R

    Martin Brittain

    I still clinged to hope long after that happened for me. The day it really hits home is when people younger than you start retiring!
  5. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Well it's down to the company I work for so it's somewhat out of my hands. I'll get asked a preference but that's likely to be ignored. St Mirren a good shout though. Playing in black and white and unlikely to ever win anything, it'll be like being back in Newcastle again!
  6. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Hmm, seems you're right about that. Had to check as I could have sworn I'd seen terracing on the local news and the Football League Show for home games. Must have been away matches or else I'd been drinking too much. Will be gone from here in around 6 months anyway, not long enough to form any kind of attachment to another club even if I tried. My next move will be permanant and will be to either Southampton or Glasgow both of which present their own problems. If I moved to Southampton there's no way on earth I could go and cheer a team on in red and white stripes, whilst Glasgow football is way too sectarian for my athiest soul. Might have to pop along to Dean Court after all, while watching another team is still an option.
  7. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Get yourself along to Dean Court. AFCB could always do with the extra support with their constant money woes. Play some decent stuff under Eddie Howe too by all reports. I've followed their recent relative success in the papers and on the news and have considered getting myself along, but I've never been one of those people who have a second club or anything like that. Might still pop along one day just for the crack and to stand on a terrace again, been donkey's years since I did that.
  8. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Moved down to Bournemouth last year, so watching Newcastle live has been somewhat of a rarity since then. But I'm heading north next week and will be taking in the Blackpool match and hopefuly Ben Arfa's debut, can hardly wait.
  9. Chris_R

    3 to go down

    Wigan West Ham Blackpool Can't see beyond them tbh. Blackpool came up with poor prospects whilst Wigan and West Ham are 2 shocking teams.
  10. Chris_R


    That's pretty special, that is. Maybe they're expecting him to get there by train?
  11. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Starting to allow myself the possibility that I may begin to think about getting excited.
  12. Chris_R

    Shola Ameobi

    Has barely improved in all his time with us. That said, I bare him no ill will, it's not his fault he's not good enough. IMO he's a top Championship striker / lower PL striker. He can just about do a job in the PL, will score goals but will never threaten to get a goal every other game or anything daft like that. We need better, but I'm glad we're not relying on him too much at the moment. The horrifying thing is he'll be due a testimonial soon.
  13. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    When he inevitably cuts inside he'll run out the pitch... I suspect he cuts inside now because he's a right footed player who is playing on the left. You killed humour. Sorry, I've had a long and tiring day. That F5 button doesn't press itself you know.
  14. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    When he inevitably cuts inside he'll run out the pitch... I suspect he cuts inside now because he's a right footed player who is playing on the left.
  15. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    We saw, we were relegated. I don't remember him playing there that often (Though my memory's not massively reliable on who played what position and when), he was still very much mainly on the left from what I remember. When he did play on the right he was often our only winger (And only attacking outlet) and was crowded out by 2 or 3 opponents at a time.
  16. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'd be interested to see Ben Arfa on the left, and the right-footed Jonas on the right wing where he might actually be able to cross a ball. Not that I think Routledge deserves to be dropped, I've just always wanted to see Jonas play on the right for a bit to see how he does.
  17. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I reckon it's more in case he's found to be not good enough, doesn't fit in or has another strop. Then we can just bin him with no commitments. However if he's as good as we hope and gels with the squad, he'll be a regular and play the 25 games and we'll sign him. Seems sensible IMO. Should injury strike and he only plays 15-20 games but performs well, trains hard and gets on with the rest of the squad then we could still sign him, so it's win/win really.
  18. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Which considering what I suspect our terms are likely to be (ie shit), I can't say I massively blame them.
  19. Chris_R

    Steven Taylor

    That's not his fault though that he's getting paid as much. If he thinks he can get £60k somewhere else, good luck to him. If someone's willing to pay it, he's worth it. Think he'll struggle to find anyone though, especially at the moment. For me, I'd want him to stay and play for us but only as a right back (and not for £60k per week). I think we have better options in the centre of defence at the moment.
  20. Chris_R

    Jonas Gutierrez

    That, for me, sums him up entirely. Agree with that 100%.
  21. Nice of Wenger to figure this out so quickly, he's only seen him play for the last 14 years.
  22. That's pretty good. Always quite liked Taylor, even more so now.
  23. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Agree with that, word for word.
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