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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. It got even worse when the rest of the squad joined Nolan.
  2. Fucking get in! Well played Jose for the goal too. Utterly, utterly deserved and you could see what it meant to the lad.
  3. When's the final? If they get there, I might be able to get there as I'm down south at the moment. Never been to Wembley before and no idea when Newcastle will next give me that opportunity again!
  4. What, even if it was a text from him thanking her for the night of passion last night, re-living in detail all the sordid things they got up to? Not saying that's what it said or that this happened in any way, but there's certain things that could make you see red, especially if the other party had a particularly flippant reaction to it when you confronted them over it.
  5. I'm not too bothered about whether they're inexperienced, I'm bothered about whether they're the best. I can understand keeping Harper in if it's tight between them, but if Forster or Krul are significantly better than Harper, then they should be number 1.
  6. Simpson would be out along with Ryan Taylor for me. Simpson has not shown anything at all to suggest he's a good player. He'll get torn to pieces in the PL and offers nothing going forward. A new, good quality RB is essential in the summer.
  7. This, especially the bolded bit. We need a frank and brutal in-house assesment over the summer as to who is genuinely PL quality and who is not. Those that are not should be sold, and replaced with people who are. If we keep them as "backup", we run the risk of not signing replacements and ending up relying on them as first teamers.
  8. Still amazed that 232 people have seen fit to vote on something they know absolutely nothing about. Just hope these people can't be bothered to make the trip to the polling station come election day.
  9. Also because under Keegan we played scintilating football and wholloped teams all over the place. Now we grind out results with hard-earned victories. It's just not quite as entertaining as seeing nine outfield players surging forward, leaving poor Kevin Scott on his own at the back shitting himself in case the opposition counter. Some of the home matches since the Derby game have been excellent this season. Different story away. Yeah, I was mainly talking away games and pre-Routledge. Now we've got a winger on each wing we look a lot more threatening, especially at home.
  10. Also because under Keegan we played scintilating football and wholloped teams all over the place. Now we grind out results with hard-earned victories. It's just not quite as entertaining as seeing nine outfield players surging forward, leaving poor Kevin Scott on his own at the back shitting himself in case the opposition counter.
  11. Baffled as to how anyone can vote in the poll as even if we assume the protagonists are as thought (A reasonable assumption), then we know fuck all about the circumstances leading to the breaking of the jaw. Consider the following 2 scenarios: 1) Taylor comes up to Carroll and tells him he hates him, he's a worthless piece of shit and he hopes his family die horribly. After asking him several times to stop, Andy snaps and lamps Taylor. 2) Taylor is walking down the corridor, sees Carroll and says "Hi". Carroll punches Taylor in the face. Are the 2 scenarios the same? Do they warrant the same response from the club to Carroll? Of course not. Putting a poll on something like this when we have so little knowledge is just inviting mongs to randomly select an option depending on which brain cell is firing at the moment.
  12. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20100215/doncaster-rovers-a-team-news_2268862_1966749 "Steven Taylor (Knee) remains absent." Was half expecting it to say "Steven Taylor (Jaw now smashed into pieces by Andy Carroll) remains absent."
  13. Ultimately it all depends on Taylor's take on it. If he is happy to let things slide (Most likely if he was being a bit of a cunt himself and can see looking back that he deserved a slap) then it can be forgotten about. However, if it was unprovoked and Taylor wants to take it further then it's massively damaging. Time will tell.
  14. Chris_R

    Danny Guthrie

    Agree with that. Barton is the only other one who I think *could* do a better job in the middle, though he's yet to do it for Newcastle on anything like a consistent basis. Hell, he's yet to even play on a consistent basis. That said, I'd love to see Barton / Guthrie given a run out before the end of the season.
  15. Chris_R

    Danny Guthrie

    That's got to be one of the daftest things I've read on here. As if anyone* can remember who played well in what games over the last 3 years ffs, and as if the inability of someone to recall this will somehow invalidate their argument. Milner was one of our better players for me, of that there was no doubt. I never got the hatred of him, always thought he was a threat going forward and his sale contributed massively to our relegation. (*who has a life)
  16. Got us on 97, WBA on 91. As others have said though, it matters not one bit as long as we're top 2.
  17. Chris_R

    The 'Superfan'

    Whilst I don't think having a season ticket is a prerequisite to having an opinion on how good a player is, I do always laugh when people slate or praise players (Or even more comically post player ratings) following a game they've only listened to on the radio. And it goes without saying that the more you see a player play, the more chance you'll have of forming an accurate opinion on his ability.
  18. Was massively impressed with him when QPR played at St James's earlier in the season, he was the best player on the park that day. Glad he's continued that form with us. Really pleased we've got him, and I think he has the attributes to do well next year.
  19. Used to stand in the same paddock as him during the promotion season. Remembered his name was Stevie but others have already got there first. I'm sure I remember reading he's passed on a good few years back now.
  20. He didn't make any runs of any sort. At one stage, I thought we'd comissioned a statue of Lionel Richie and hoyed a yellow shirt on it.
  21. Erm, because he'd be f***ing knackered after 10 minutes perhaps? Nah man, remember that game at Old Trafford in his debut. That was pretty much what he did, and it was awesome. Take it you just watched the highlights then? Nobody can sprint for 90 minutes, it's not possible. Sure he had a great debut, and we all want him to have more end product but he needs a breather between running at the opposition. The point is moreso that he doesn't do it anywhere near enough. First half today he didn't get up to much at all. Will agree with you on that. He really upped his game after he scored, but then to be fair so did everyone. If he, or indeed any of the others had a bit more nous about them for the first 70 minutes (Or the first 93 minutes for Best) we'd have had a much better chance of coming away with all 3.
  22. Erm, because he'd be f***ing knackered after 10 minutes perhaps? Nah man, remember that game at Old Trafford in his debut. That was pretty much what he did, and it was awesome. Take it you just watched the highlights then? Nobody can sprint for 90 minutes, it's not possible. Sure he had a great debut, and we all want him to have more end product but he needs a breather between running at the opposition.
  23. Erm, because he'd be fucking knackered after 10 minutes perhaps?
  24. Absolutely screaming at Best when he put that header over from about 3 yards out with the keeper beaten. Useless cunt. Anyway, 1 point gained rather than 2 lost after the first half. Win at home and draw away and I'm sure we'll stay top.
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