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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. I'll be there to thank Shola for his 10 great errrr... games for us. Always brings a smile though, and always tries his hardest.
  2. Who was the spokesman? Arsene Wenger? Or perhaps the Iraqi information officer. Remember him?
  3. Horrible woman, always groundlessly shit stirring about Newcastle and obviously been called out about it once too many times now and is now whining her gob off about it. Note to Ms Taylor: If you printed factual stuff in the first place, you wouldn't get such a slating all the time. Surely it's not that hard to comprehend? Or do you think you should be left in peace to write shit all the time without fear of anyone questioning you?
  4. Bad news, wish him all the best for the fight ahead!
  5. For me the reason we've looked rubbish without them is precisely because our Central Midfield offers very little. If we can get a couple of good CMs then we could cope at times with just having 1 of our first choice wingers as we'd have creativity in other parts of the park. Admittedly, one back up would be useful, but to spend big on two 'good wingers' which we'd have to do, would be to blow a budget better spent in other areas. Full back and CM / CF are the areas I'd like to see most dealings taking part. I'd even be tempted, in the event Jonas was out of the team, to give Kadar a go at LB and move Jose up to LM. But we need 2 players for every position. Every club does. That means 2 left wingers and 2 right wingers. You can't buy "a winger" and use him as cover for left and right, it's 2 different positions. Same as left back and right back. I'm not suggesting 2 international class players in every position, but at least people who are competent and will ensure the person incumbent with the shirt can't see their form dip without fear of being dropped. And as cover for injuries, ofc.
  6. So Taylor's telling the press he wants to leave then? Not sure where they get the idea of it being to a "Top Premier League club" though. Also, the fact that he's getting his info straight from Taylor explains both of the following quotes... Well you're bound to think it's sickening, given the source of your info! From what you were told by Steven Taylor I hate to take sides in something I know so little about, but it seems that either Taylor's making his mouth go to all and sundry and wants to leave, or the journo's a lying cunt.
  7. Chris_R

    NOpen Top Bus

    Nicky Butt's retirement?
  8. Chris_R

    NOpen Top Bus

    I'd say no, but would understand if we did one. We need be saying "Back where we belong", not "Hooray, we're up with the big boys!"
  9. Chris_R


    Sunderland total goals in Europe: 5 Shola total goals in Europe: 12
  10. Chris_R


    it a reet laugh. but i really dont understand why they start so many threads on same subjects,its weird. So many questions remain unanswered when it comes to these people. What, like how they manage to breathe and walk at the same time?
  11. Chris_R


    Fuck no. He's 23 in a couple of months, he'll be retired before Glenn's made his mind up.
  12. Chris_R


    Saw him in Fenwicks yesteday. Just seeing out the season at Barca IIRC.
  13. We need backup for the wings next year. When Routledge and Jonas have been out for whatever reason (Like at Peterborough) or before we signed Routledge, then we've looked rubbish and been unable to threaten teams. We can limp by in this league doing that, but if we set our stall out against the likes of Man U like that we'll get thrashed. And if one thing's guaranteed, it's that people will get injured. 2 good wingers and a right back for me, please. CM isn't exactly great but Guthrie, Barton, Smith and Nolan offer enough to keep us up provided they play centrally. Sticking Barton at LM is not an option though when playing against the big boys.
  14. - MOTD - More matches on TV / streams available as I've moved 360 miles south so can't get to games anymore - Being underdogs again - More camera angles for highlights when we're not live - Transfer rumours about top class players, whether or not we actually sign them
  15. I'm going to party like I've not partied since we won the Intertoto cup! Seriously though, I remember last time we won it and had a bus tour through the streets and to the civic centre. Nothing to be ashamed about then, don't see why it should be now.
  16. You'll get no disagreement from me there! Great goal though, and looked to have had a decent game overall too tonight.
  17. With some investment, we should be fine. Without investment, we'll get another opportunity to visit some quaint little grounds in 18 months time.
  18. Fucking get in! :celb: :celb: :D :headbang: :wav: :occasion14: :indi: :indi: :band: :drink: :slowclap:
  19. Really? Tremendous. Always wanted to go to Wembley, and now's my chance.
  20. My dreamt prediction of 4-0 is looking a bit ropey now...
  21. Look, I'm 32, fat and unfit but I can and did play 2 games in 2 days last week. These are professional athletes, there's no reason why they can't manage the same. (Nolan excepted of course, because he's probably even less fit than me.)
  22. Had a very vivid dream 2 nights ago that we won 4-0 or 4-1 (Can't quite remember), and Smith scored in front of our fans, following in after someone hit the right hand post. Just getting that in writing before the game starts!
  23. Simpson, R Taylor, Butt, Nolan, Smith and Best would be on their way for me. The rest I'd keep, not necessarily as 1st teamers but as people to have available in the squad. We need to get some first choice players in next season to keep us up. I'd especially like to see 2 new strikers who can be a bit more prolific than what we've got, and a new creative central midfielder, unless Barton can extract his finger from his arse and fill that role (Debatable given the little we've seen of him so far).
  24. Hughton has done a tremendous job given what he started with, but we did still have a strong squad and I would have been devastated to see us outside the playoffs given the player he inherited. However what's promising for me is how he did in the January window. We all bemoaned the football we played early on in the season, but what choice did Hughton have? He had a terribly unbalanced squad with only one winger and little creativity in the middle. He attempted to address this by signing Pancrate who was about the best available at the time given the window was shut, then when the January window came round he bought Routledge and we've looked far better since then. His other signings have also looked astute, Williamson is looking like a great buy, Simpson is good enough for this division (Though admittedly I don't think he'll cut it next year) and cost next to nothing and Hall has provided good cover when called upon. Best has the biggest question mark over him, but no manager gets it right 100% of the time and also his career is still in its infancy with us so maybe he'll up his game and provide value. If he can continue to identify the weak areas of our team so well and get adequate replacements in, then all's well. He seems switched on, and wants us to play good football, something that his signings and tactics since January seem to be geared towards.
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