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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. 1) and 3) in the OP is Barton for me, at least if he can get some fitness and form back. If he's motivated, he should piss this league. I'd love to see us get people in, but the priority has to be on not letting anyone go.
  2. Got tickets for this for me and the wife, looking forward to it as it's the first game I've managed to get to since we moved to Bournemouth in November. Hope we put a decent team out and hope there's a good few Newcastle fans make it down. I'd love it if we beat Plymouth and got a draw against a mid-table Prem team, it'd really show us where we're at and what we'd be looking at next year if we go up without reinforcements.
  3. Bugger, already got a betfair account.
  4. Utterly baffled by the lineup. Of course we could well still win, but if we do that won't justify this team selection. We're top of the league, won 7 in a row, and we should be making other teams worry about us rather than the other way round. 1 up front is a joke, especially as it's Carroll Smith and Butt in the middle is a joke We need to start thinking like a top side.
  5. Shame for the lad, always thought he was a good player. Wish him all the best in whatever he does, provided it's not suing SWP as that would just be silly. Football's a contact sport, and we don't want defenders worrying about law suits every time they're faced with a striker bearing down on them.
  6. David Kelly's back? f***, we must be hard up!
  7. The man has scored so many goals on my manager mode on Fifa, he's awesome. Fairly rubbish on FM though.
  8. Luque never, IMO, got a proper chance. Was never given a decent run in the team. Sure, he did fuck all. But it's hard to do anything when you're in the reserves. Owen gets this one for me. Spent 95% of his time injured or shit, cost us tens of millions, left for nothing and we ended up relegated (Count that into the cost as well? ).
  9. Not sure why we need a 35 year old centreback who hasn't played for months when Taylor and Coloccini are doing so well. Campbell wouldn't come unless he thought he'd get first team football regularly and would want big wages. Given our recent transfer dealings, I'd worry about our intentions regarding Colo and Taylor if we were to sign Cambell.
  10. £8m for Carroll? You're on glue mate. I neither suggested he was worth it or that we'd be able to get it. I'm simply saying that at this point in time, whilst we're having a push for promotion, he's our player, is under contract and I think there's no way on earth we should sell him. Offer us silly money (ie £8m) and he can go, but offer us what he's worth (£4m perhaps?) then we should hang on to him. No way should we sell players for their market value when we're trying so desperately to get out of this league.
  11. No way would I sell for £4m. If we were offered twice that, 100% cash up front, and Ashley swore on a stack of bibles that we'd be allowed to spend all of that (Sod that, he'd still change his mind. Make it he's got to put the money into a seperate bank account that only Hughton had access to) and if Hughton then actually spent it wisely on a few good players in key positions (Esp the wings), then and ONLY then would I think it's a good move. Otherwise, fuck off West Ham, you snivelling cockney wankers.
  12. The worst thing about the football league show is that they always leave our match until the end, presumably to keep viewing figures high until the end. If you only want the Newcastle game, there's sod all point watching it until the last 10 minutes. As for being in the Championship, the worst thing for me is getting access to the games. I've just moved to Bournemouth, so although I can get radio links easily enough, it's much harder to get any kind of stream as we're simply not televised. If we were in the Prem, that wouldn't be a problem.
  13. No... It's probably disintegrated after being put through the washing machine so many times since he last wore it.
  14. Any legal, UK-based radio links that'll have the match on? I've just moved down to Bournemouth last week so can't tune into local radio anymore (Or get to the match, for that matter!).
  15. Chris_R

    If Ashley...

    This. More chance of finding rocking horse shit though.
  16. Whilst Ryan Taylor is far from being the solution to our lack of a right winger, he's a hell of a lot better there than Guthrie, who I predict will again spend the whole match drifting far too far inside to be of any use at all. We'll therefore have no option but to play everything through Jonas, Peterborough will recognise this and will stick 2 or 3 men on him. He'll therefore create nothing at all, and we'll all slate him saying he's s***. Guthrie will also be slated for doing nothing. We'll win 2-0 despite playing awful again, with goals from Harewood and Taylor.
  17. Worst idea ever. Crap sides should be relegated, if that includes us (Which it did last year) then so be it.
  18. I'd say that if there was any money at all going into the team then I could accept it. However I think there's fuck all chance of that happening, given Fat Mick's track record there.
  19. Chris_R

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Whilst I agree his shooting and crossing have been nothing short of woeful, I don't think that chance on Saturday was that easy. He was sliding in, tried to hook his foot round it and had men in front of him that he needed to get the ball past. Sure, it wasn't the hardest chance in the world but it wasn't exactly a sitter either. I also think that the majority of his problems are brought about by playing on the left. The lad's right footed, and he's having to either cut back inside and cross with his right or else try to put a ball in with his unfavoured foot. I'd like to see him given a spell on the right wing, see if that makes a difference or not.
  20. I'd still take him over Hughton.
  21. Went to the match yesterday then out on the drink all night so only just surfaced. First 45 we were absolutely shocking, don't think I can remember us being more inept. Once Ranger came on we seemed to go up a gear, not sure why that was because Ranger didn't exactly set the world alight but he looked lively and at least managed to keep possession once he got the ball. Ryan Taylor seemed to be playing right fullback and right wing, as there was nobody on the right of midfield. Guthrie was nearest, but he never got out wide. It meant we were very one dimensional, Taylor didn't dare (Or perhaps didn't have the ability to) get to the by-line, so could only cross from deep outside the box and it wasn't very effective. Not sure if Guthrie was just ignoring that he was supposed to be a winger yesterday or if he was told to stay inside but we need to push someone one wide to give us balance. Guthrie may not be the best right winger in the world but he'll be better than what we did yesterday. Also, it would give the opposition someone else to have to worry about and give us another option in attack. Currently Jonas gets 2 men stuck on him at all times, and if we offered something down the other flank then it might give Jonas more space to be able to have an impact on the game. Carroll missed a sitter, sure, but even before his goal and assist I thought he played pretty well. He gives 100%, puts himself about and actually wants the ball. Compare that to Marlon Harewood... If that's the performance of a man trying to impress a potential new club then I'd hate to see how shit he'd be if we signed him full time. He looked like he didn't care and didn't want the ball. When he got the ball, he couldn't run at a man, lacked pace and had a shocking first touch. I didn't boo him because I'd never boo a player in black and white, but it was hard to argue against those that did.
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