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Everything posted by huss9

  1. perez if gayle isnt fit. he will stretch their defense leaving space for others.
  2. yup. players like him are always hit and miss. but they always produce a moment or two of magic that could win a game. works hard too.
  3. They've only had the best defence since Saturday, before that we had the best defence. whats so LOL about it. statement still stands.
  4. seems to be mentally stronger than mitro. both have missed decent chances recently and come in for criticism but ayoze came on today looking full of confidence.
  5. movement was ok, but his touch today was awful.
  6. fuck me. away to the league leaders with the best defense and home record. we're hardly gonna go for it from the off. was fine, dodgy pen decision aside.
  7. tonight's win really takes the pressure off us. think we'll win, nowt wrong with a draw either.
  8. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    credit to the ref tonight mind. could easily have carded him and had him miss saturday - would have been harsh but not too many outside of nufc would have raised an eyebrow.
  9. 6 wins and a couple of draws from the last 12 games should do it.
  10. always going to create a couple of decent chances every game
  11. going with 2 wingers, and yedlin over anita in the hope of a 0-0?
  12. if we could finish the chances we create, there'd be no criticism of him at all. he must tear his beard out at times when he watches us squander so many chances game after game. similarly with the defensive lapses. could easily have beaten qpr, norwich and bristol city.
  13. huss9

    Daryl Murphy

    a bit of an inspirational figure. lifted the team when he came on. better as sub.
  14. hate this cunt but thought we was good today.
  15. Why are you so weird ? he's not weird. he's TRYING to be weird. just plain boring/thick as fuck and doesnt realise no one's laughing.
  16. never a pen - should have been free kick to us. darlow great. colbacks's best game for us. diame was a disgrace and gouffran not far behind. murphy lifted the whole team. perez the most instinctive finisher after gayle. as long as he doesnt have time to think, he;s great. reminds me spurs away 1-2.
  17. think we'll be up for it. expect the likes of diame to step up. he's been off the pace since the CON so is due one if his 1 in 3 decent games. also atsu's getting up to pace. thats if either are picked.
  18. at least in the past he was missing chances. now, due to his lack of awareness/effort/instinct, he's never in the right spot so even the half chances are drying up.
  19. really hope atsu starts. once he got into his groove, he was terrifying bristol city's defence and his crossing was improving no end. if youre gonna play murphy or gouf, they're gonna need tap ins and atsu's yer man.
  20. the problem is we dont have 2 decent strikers to play - not even one when gayle is injured.
  21. wasnt so much his missed chances today but the lack of of killer instict. couple of great balls today just needing a tap in from anyone in the six yard box. mitro hanging back - he should be bursting to get on the end of them. think it was ritchie who called him out on one such instance but mitro just answered with a shrug.
  22. dont think the owners would have pearson back. he was sacked because of his support for his son.
  23. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    he does worry me when he has the ball at his feet, mind.
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