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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    5 points from the next three games is the bare minimum
  2. really kept his nerve. cahill spent the whole second half giving him little digs and pokes in his back and pulling his shirt trying to get a rise out of him. clear as daylight from the gallowgate but cahill was canny enough to do it out of sight of the ref and linesman.
  3. huss9

    Rolando Aarons

    nah, too much time in Bristol. that's perfect if u read it in a west country accent.
  4. huss9

    Rolando Aarons

    I can confirm this story is accurate. first bit or second bit? or is it all true.
  5. now's not the time for trying the patient passing game. get at the f***ers. get the ball quicker to mitrovic and play off him. get more direct. we can go all tippy tappy when there's points on the board and a little confidence returns (or we actually have players that can pass and move).
  6. cos nee fucker around him is moving or in space. williamson moved out wide and would receive the ball with a much easier pass to make than anita trying to make a long diagna pass or trying to thread it through 3 or 4 opposition shirts.
  7. dont think he was that good. didnt need to much defending as sheff wed were as shit as us (almost). pissed me off the number of times he got a pass from anita and had a chance of playing a quick ball up the right to janmaat/thauvin in space. he just fannied around and would then turn and pass to anita and we'd be back at square one.
  8. anita had loads of the ball but repeatedly looked up to see his team mates stood like statues facing him and not trying to move or find space. no one on the half turn looking to make run forward, just stood with their backs to goal amongst a crowd of sheff wed players gawping at anita and hoping he wouldnt pass to them. on a few occasions he moved it out wide to williamson who had a chance of playing a quick ball up the right to janmaat or thauvin in a little space, but he would stop the ball and ponder a few seconds before passing back to anita.
  9. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    i hope they put more and more statements and open letters out. the more the better. just gonna make themselves sound desperate and wind the fans up. bring it on, cunts.
  10. huss9

    Rolando Aarons

    he'll need a couple of games to settle in. probably overanxious to impress initially and may make a few errors or wrong decisions. mcclaren needs to tell him he's given him a run of 4 or 5 games to impress so the pressure can be off him.
  11. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    please dont boo us.
  12. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    whens his next meeting with the supporters' forum?
  13. huss9

    Florian Thauvin

    at least mcclarens's genuinely getting angry.
  14. really hope mcclaren decides to play more direct - route one football.
  15. huss9

    Graham Carr

    all due respect but Ashley certainly hasn't pulled out his wallet. this comes from the profits the clubs already made.
  16. who mentioned players fighting with each other in the dressing room?
  17. huss9

    Florian Thauvin

    just our luck that the overseas players we sign need time to adapt whereas there are several in the teams around us hitting the ground running.
  18. the problem is their wages. we'd be hard pushed getting rid on free transfers.
  19. stick perez in central midfield ffs. anywhere. just play him. he's the only one who can pick a pass - bar SDJ maybe.
  20. huss9

    Steve McClaren

    you're not on the lovehoney.co.uk forum now you know.
  21. huss9


    http://sabotagetimes.com/football/newcastle-fan-annihilates-sunderland-star-over-job-ad Taylor and Besty ‎@TaylorandBesty @IAmJermainDefoe Do your own shopping, manage your diary, buy your own clothes, deal with trades people in your house and grow the fuck up. Taylor and Besty ‎@TaylorandBesty @IAmJermainDefoe Take that 50k a year and give it to a worthwhile cause who could benefit from it and cook your own super noodles, you pleb. Taylor and Besty ‎@TaylorandBesty @IAmJermainDefoe While you're at it, try remembering birthdays urself and don't release a scent unless it's called "Defoe - A waft of shit" Taylor and Besty ‎@TaylorandBesty @IAmJermainDefoe One last thing, grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your own life like the rest of us do. You're not the queen.
  22. huss9

    Chancel Mbemba

    was gonna say it was African thing, then remembered tiote.
  23. seems that if you work for the chronicle and your name's not mark, the you are a completely clueless c***. stuart rayner this time. "Ayoze Perez has his merits as a wide player, but he is about scoring, not making goals. Looking very rusty, he did neither."
  24. Well, since we scored from so few under him, I think we can put this down to correlation and not causation. he said himself when he went there that he didn't have to do anything with the set penis routines as Pulis had had them so well drilled.
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