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Everything posted by huss9

  1. fair enough the new guys need time to settle but he's had the same 3 CB's on his roster since he got here and he still hasn't got them sorted. pundits really need to step up their game.
  2. huss9

    John Carver

    no fucking way. excellent!!!!
  3. huss9


    wow, that an absolute killer!
  4. offer him a contract till the end of the season with a bonus to keep us up. wouldn't want him after that anyway.
  5. priority is to get someone in to sort out this abomination of a defence. slick attacking football can wait till next season. we need someone to come in and do what dalglish did in his first season after KK.
  6. Robert had leaders around him on the pitch who demanded performances from the players. nowadays you cant even look to the captain for leadership or inspiration. imagine speed, shearer, lee, venison and the like in this team. it was cabaye who led us to 5th, not pardew.
  7. huss9

    John Carver

    ah, but he didn't say WHICH training ground.
  8. does feel like it doesn't it? seasons already a right-off and soon the expectations will be so low that even 4th bottom will be celebrated.
  9. maybe get in pulis in till the summer. we're definitiely down with the 3 CB's we have . would only really trust Pulis to sort them out. can then reassess in the summer.
  10. huss9

    Remy Cabella

    I know its too early to judge him especially in the current shambles, it was just the complete lack of effort - not the first time either.
  11. cant give him any more chances. we could be cut well adrift at the bottom of the table if Ashley decide to give him a couple of weeks to turn it round.
  12. nee chance of that mirror report of a bruce/shearer double act
  13. 2-0 down at half time? need some inspiration to get back into the game? bring on a defensive midfielder in place of a more forward thinking one.
  14. huss9

    Peter Beardsley

    ethos? imagine pedro trying to say that!
  15. huss9

    John Carver

    what kind of stuff had he said about Ashley?
  16. huss9

    John Carver

    up on the sackpardew.com site too. gonna get plenty of coverage.
  17. huss9

    Emmanuel Rivière

    think he's finally found a club that plays a system that suits him. always been used as on out and out winger in the past and no one really had the brains to make the most of him.
  18. aye, he mentioned his "great track record" as well.
  19. huss9

    John Carver

    http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/southampton-vs-newcastle-assistant-manager-john-carver-swears-at-newcastle-fans-9731555.html come on, lets get rid of the lot of them. shitstorm's a comin! at this rate carver wont be able to leave the dugout next week either.
  20. huss9

    Remy Cabella

    really poor today. nothing going forward and no effort at all. where's all this hard work and tracking back? improvement on HBA? how much time did HBA need to settle in?
  21. huss9


    same old same old for today's line up.
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