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Everything posted by huss9

  1. We did try and show discontent but it's hard when 40,000 f***ers walk out when Swansea score so it doesn't come across loud enough. It's never going to be as loud as it is at away games though because the atmosphere at SJP is shocking. yup, a few of us joined in the chant but the stadium was emptying rapidly and it died out quickly.
  2. Were there f***. Definitley "we want pardew out" chant from the strawberry corner after the penalty but barely lasted 30 seconds
  3. did the reporter not actually ask him "how?".
  4. just getting in. I sit in the milburn paddock close to the corner with the gallowgate. there were definite "we want pardew out" chants coming from the strawberry corner after the penalty. doubt they were loud enough to carry to the directors box. nothing after the final whistle though.
  5. He's playing the sympathy card, he doesn't want people calling for his head so he's trying to get people to feel sorry for him. This PR adviser they have from London has a lot to answer for. Pardew seems to come out with tactical, political s*** far too often for a man of his intelligence. unless he's a secret undercover mag.
  6. jammy win tomorrow and he'll be getting asked for a wave again. alan pardew's black and white army!
  7. going for the fucking sympathy vote, the pathetic spineless cunt. knows his job is 100% safe.
  8. shoving officials, calling a fellow manager ( a well respected one at that) an old cunt, headbutting a player, lying about injuries, blaming others for his own failings, contradicting his own earlier statements, lying about selling players etc,etc. Dignity? what fucking dictionary does this deluded arsehole use?
  9. Man, this is absolute f***ing gold. that shite should be posted on twitter
  10. Charlton in 4th - still recovering from being pardewed after all this time.
  11. hate Liverpool, hate their fans, hate stevie g but that was class
  12. huss9


    why? (not the waddle signing).
  13. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    so fucking pathetic and immature.
  14. wow. that article has to be the harshest/best yet
  15. huss9


    I've not been on here for a while as my time has been mainly taken up by my extra counselling sessions, and long ponderous walks in the country At the time of that thread there were plenty of us Sunderland fans on there posting that the season was going to be a disaster, and we we shot down with the usual Mag kernt, WUM or bedwetter responses. I was accused of being all three for politely pointing out that this season was going to be a disaster, based purely on what recent SAFC history has taught us and that DI Canio and Di Fanti were useless. Sadly, and predictably, I was right. It actually looks like we'll probably be relegated before our last two homes games. I bet those are a barrel of laughs, and I wouldn't much fancy being a Sunderland player on those two days. The season hasn't been all bad. Taking six points from you lot, and the cup final were fantastic, and something I though I'd never see as a Sunderland fan, and I'll always look at those days with happiness. But the overriding feeling I'll get when it all comes to it's inevitable conclusion "oh well, we're down again", which in itself is quite damning. We have to stick with Poyet, as constantly changing managers has been a nightmare. But he must git rid of the poison we've accumulated over the last 4 or 5 years, and start again in the Championship. Many Sunderland fans, and some fans from other clubs, think we'll come straight back up. I don't. I think the play-offs would be a more realistic target, and would be happy with that. I'm obviously disappointed with the way the season has gone, but it's came as no surprise, and the blow has been softened by the fact that many of us seen it coming. I know it's a cliché, but f*** it. Sunderland til I die ! the thing of it is that if you somehow survive, I'd reckon you'd have had a better season than us with the cup runs and the derbies. If we don't change manager and invest (lololol) pretty good chance of us joining you in the championship next season anyway Really? Far too much in your squad for that to happen I reckon. you mean like duff, owen, viduka, martins, colloccini, beye, bassong, etc, etc
  16. probably given their circulation boost to be fair. whoever at the club had that incredible idea of banning the local press must be getting a dicking now.
  17. if that's true and we're not one of them, drop him for the rest of the season ( if he ever recovers from his "injury", that is).
  18. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    hard to do. pardews probably got him training with the kitchen staff.
  19. cant really judge charnley yet -other than that awful press release.
  20. not unanimous, my arse. they mean the 2 of them and ando/lowes didnt want ben arfa on.
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