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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    not quite the free role auclair suggests he's been given though, think the right sided role has him a bit more discipilned and focused.
  2. the original ridiculously photogenic guy
  3. Ream's dive after the Fenham Eusebio shrugged him off on the way to our second goal so blatant but was still waiting for the linesman to flag
  4. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    "It's alright, I forgive you all"
  5. huss9


    pele who? #benarfaworld
  6. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    that dink to beat the last defender!
  7. soccer am asking routledge and graham if cisse's second was a miskick! they agreed and claimed vorm said as much himself!
  8. its how spurs got to where they are
  9. he's an average fullback but he doesnt seem to learn and develop. Fergie pulled him off (fnar fnar) at half time on his manu debut for backing off which led to conceding a goal.
  10. huss9


    scroll to the bottom of that link and check out the sponsor advert - how did that get past the SMB mods?
  11. really need to intimidate the away teams - eg sunderland in the 5-1 , arsenal 2nd half 4-4, liverpool. their players bottled it. sick of hearing players of other teams saying how they love playing at SJP for the atmosphere. need them to shit their pants .
  12. chucked off his uni course as well, in his final year.
  13. mentioned it on the perch thread, but how about perch AND tiote behind cabaye. 1 striker up front
  14. huss9

    James Perch

    perch and tiote together in midfield might just give cabaye the release he needs. would have to drop a striker though. would also benefit ben arfa. 4 - 2 -3 -1
  15. we should have had another pen (or 2) and THEY complain about the ref
  16. huss9


    curry - kerry
  17. live on ssn now. almost a tear in my eye. so chuffed for timmy and colo.
  18. huss9


    2 tickets available in the milburn paddocks - email me as pm doesnt seem to be working for me
  19. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    don't know whether to laugh or cry.... Pardew on talksport this morning telling them about his shock at the bombshell that there is another african cup of nations in 2013. deadly serious.
  20. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/feb/06/demba-ba-newcastle-united-papiss-cisse "Taylor is expected to make a swifter recovery from soft tissue damage to his right shin sustained when he was caught by Stephen Warnock's studs. Although eyebrows were raised that what seemed a wild lunge as the Villa left-back endeavoured to block Taylor's shot went unpunished, the FA will not review the incident retrospectively as it it says it was an "on the ball" challenge" WTF?
  21. huss9

    Papiss Cissé

    “I want to be part of the big football nights here at St James’ Park and I want to show what I can do."
  22. just wish ashley would come out and say a few words or release a statement. we all need to move on.
  23. richard branson would have asked MA about his views on the future for the club when he was negotiating the sponsorship deal. must be good news that he proceded as MA must have convinced him that he had some kind of ambition ..... I hope.
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