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Everything posted by huss9

  1. ironically, it could be villa again helping us out. so we could finally forgive them and have closure about the relegattion shannanigans.
  2. fucking incredible! who would have said 3 months ago that going into a must win game without murphy and sean meant we were missing 2 of most important form players. both would have started for me had they been fit.
  3. somewhat strangely, the mackems defeat has cheered me up no end and i feel more confident for thursday night!
  4. similar situtaion to us in terms of the state of the league and being a year ahead of out progression. but this may be our best chance of CL qualification as its gonna get really competetive next season. and champo's gonna be harder next season too, so they really needed to try get up this season. still, at least we would get the compensation of the europa league if we dont make top 4.
  5. wtf?? cardiff sueing nantes for £100m over the sala affair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! disgusting.
  6. think they missed a trick tonight. could have another 2 or 3 if they;d really gome for it.
  7. i think officials are in awe/intimidated by anfield and the mighty LFC - probabaly subconcious but definitely there.
  8. botman and BDB both looked hesitant and as though they were completely shot of any confidence. hopefully Howe will have seen it and worked his magic with them this wekk psychologically as well as physcially.
  9. yes. its shit like this that kept me up all last night. was too embarrassed to tell the missus i hadnt slept well because i was worried about the rest of the season!
  10. hope Eddie emailed in with a question for webb. our quest for top 4 has been dealt a severe blow by that horrendous challenge on longstaff. would have been a yellow or even a red anywhere else on the pitch. but because its in the box and he gets a shot off first - its not even a foul thick cunts.
  11. if we draw tonight, then just a win and draw does us as long as liverpool dont overtake our goal difference.
  12. so glad nearly all the fans stayed behind and applauded the team. Joelinton in particular looked absolutely devastated with the result. looked as if he was going to cry.
  13. huss9

    Nick Pope

    i didnt half shit meself when he kept racing out, but fuck me he made decent contact with each and every one of them.
  14. Eddie's had us training like we play. so with such a restricted squad, especially in midfield we were always going to hit a wall.
  15. DWD will do us. as i mentioned in the brighton thread - we need to take the pressure off and not treat this game like a must win. the Leicester one on the other hand....
  16. this is more of a "must not lose" than a must win for us.
  17. huss9

    Nick Pope

    we could have done with having big Jamal in the squad.
  18. likley out for the season didnt Howe say? love to get murphy back in on the right.
  19. feel a little calmer today but Pope, Isak, Wilson aside they were all poor. Botman and BDB made so many unforced errors. Tripps - hard to criticise him in open play after such a good season - but his freekicks have gone to shit. he's an experienced player so its inexcusable. when he first joined, getting a freekick on the edge on the ooposition box was akin to a pel almost.
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