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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Cant see it being chelsea, not with their little love connection seemingly going sour
  2. Ill be renewing even though im not happy about this seasons performances, i do honestly believe that our club is rotten to the core, top to bottom people are taking money for doing little to nothing but then id hazard to guess that most clubs are the same. As for not renewing i honestly believe that because we are only a one club city there will always be new people there to get the tickets, we the Newcastle United fans dont just see Newcastle as our team we see it as our club, our pride, our faith almost our religion. Our songs are littered with pride, We are Geordies, We are Newastle United and every club in the country knows it and wishes they had it, away fans dont refer to us as Newcastle supporters even they call us Geordies and thats what we and Newcastle United are. The problem is were victims of our own loyalty and faith.
  3. Shola is a fans favorite ? Come on Glenny boy surely your not that daft
  4. PCW1983

    FFS vs SJH

    Personally i just wish the daft fucker would keep his mouth shut, i think he is having a bet with Roman to see who can get the most coverage in the press lol Freddy shut your mouth, no one likes you and no ones cares what you have to say !!!!
  5. its not sponsered by them anymore, i worked down there for a bit nd a few still refered to it as the Cellnet but its still a fairly new stadium and daint have the history of SJP
  6. 5m for 3 years is a rip, didnt the gooners get 20m or summit like that, i wouldnt bother with it to be honest.
  7. Yeah, I was thinking that on the way back from the game. We're getting ripped apart down our left time and time again; O'Brien doesn't look ready, Pattinson certainly doesn't look ready.. in the absence of Zoggy and Duff (although tbh I can't say I'm particularly missing Duff), surely Luque is worth a go, interested or not. Robert didn't look interested for his last six months, but he still brought something to the team which the reserve lads just aren't at the minute I dont thik Patterson can make it on the left, through the middle though i do, looked good when he moved inside down at B/ham
  8. 5m for how long, per year ?
  9. PCW1983

    Peter Ramage

    Im not sayin Rammy is the cause of all our defensive woes but i think given a fully fit squad he would always be on the bench and to be honest i think thats the way it will always be for him at Newcastle at least.
  10. PCW1983


    If Curtis Davies is worth 10m and SWP is worth 9.5m, that must put Milner in the 15m bracket, given he is English, 20/21? and as you pointed out the 7th most productive player in the league last season.
  11. PCW1983


    Aye I think thats the one real thing that will stop him becoming a top player in the league because its something he cant improve but good players have gotten by without being that fast. Enrole him in the Westham school of pace, can studie with Dean Ashton lol
  12. PCW1983


    He has the brain and technical ability to beat a player without pace, much like nobby. Those to playing together has brought him on leaps and bounds imo
  13. PCW1983


    Good Player with Massive Potential, given timeid like to see him try a rle just behind the front two with freedom to be creative and basicly do as he pleases, not the type of player who will just stand there and do fuck all, plus being two footed he can tie defenders into knots !!
  14. All the lad can do is play well. Whether that be in a poor team such as villa or ourselves. He hasn't been given a chance to play well in a good team because he has never played in one. After todays performance he's got massively up in my estimation. He's scored 3 in 4 and i hope it continues. Yeah i agree, i think his potential is massive
  15. Now dont start Verbally attacking me im just interested to see what u all think, last season i thought Milner looked good for Villa but i did say that he was a good player in a poor team thats why he stood out and its not that i dont rate the lad coz i think he is a real good prospect however i feel the same about him now as i did last season, he for me has been our player so far but only coz he is playing in a poor team
  16. Still 11th in the table although the smoggies go above us, bolton couldnt adjust to the lack of oxygen it seems
  17. i respect what Roader is sayin about buying for the long term but if we dont sort summit out in the short term then it wont matter.
  18. yeah your prob right, what ever happens we need someone, id loved to have got Campbell to play alongside Taylor, the experience alone would be invaluable to him, in sayin that if he came to us he would have prob had a break down by now
  19. Mind monsouir Rennie was as predictable as ever, Martins trys to get the ball off Carrol and gets booked, dyer is brought down on the edge of the area from behind and the card does of course stay firmly in the pocket...must be summit about that black and white NO 9 shirt lol
  20. Id be more then happy to pay 6 for Woody, i know Upson has had alot of injuries, aint seen too much of Davies and tbh if he is a supposed 10m ENGLISH defender why arent the big 4 knocking on the door ? I do think 6m for Upson is the high end but when has that stopped us and remember we did pay 4m or so for Bramble
  21. Upson for £6m is a bigger joke than Davies for £10m tbf! its my opinion, ive saw more of Upson then i have Davies
  22. 2-2 at SJP against WestHam is Piss poor for me, with all due respects its this kinda game just like Sheff u, Charlton and Fulham that are your bread and butter points. Dont win these games and for me we have no right to stay in the league
  23. I think that were prob gonna get 1 perm signing which i hope will be Upson for around 6m, i like Davies but 10m is a joke for him, think we will get at least 2 loans though i would imagine Diarra and sum1 else but god knows who. Wouldnt mind gettin Smith on loan but i think we have burnt our Man U bridges Cant understand why we didnt try for Montella on loan his pedegree speaks for itself. We might end up gettin a shock Ronaldo or Cassano on loan deal but i wont hold my breath lol
  24. Great Alan Hansen and Mark Lawrenceson ripping us to bits :-[
  25. The chairman in any business is supposed to drive the company in the right direction, they are supposed to set goals and appoint the people to deliver, that's exactly what they're supposed to do. so when your business is hit hard by injurys should the chairman stand up and say im sorry, the chairman has appointed a manager who he believes can reach a target, which id say is prob europe this season now if come the end of the season were not in europe then yes he has answers to make but you still have to take into account the injurys that we have, were always looking for someone to blame so many of our fans nowadays just want someone to hang.
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