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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. I'm not sure what you meant, which is why I posted. If you mean Alan Oliver assists the club in selling season tickets by deliberately publishing bollocks about signings, I would very much doubt it, he publishes bollocks full stop. If you mean it is a deliberate ploy by the club to sell season tickets, then everybody has a choice to buy or not but I would suggest that people are buying season tickets because they are generally happy with the players the club HAS signed over the years. lol, ive just read what ne5 has posted and thought to myself, this guy seems like a right dick ! ah, just what I like. A 14 year old who has hardly seen the toon play and thinks he knows it all ..... mackems.gif What part do you not agree with ? You said it was a pointless post so why did you post, i read what he had to say and to be honest thought to myself ah pointless posting, you obviously couldnt stop at that though you post crappy replys to try and undermine his intellegence...just because you dont agree with what he might think doesnt give you a right to try and make the person look like a twat..and do your sums....1983 think about it
  2. I'm not sure what you meant, which is why I posted. If you mean Alan Oliver assists the club in selling season tickets by deliberately publishing bollocks about signings, I would very much doubt it, he publishes bollocks full stop. If you mean it is a deliberate ploy by the club to sell season tickets, then everybody has a choice to buy or not but I would suggest that people are buying season tickets because they are generally happy with the players the club HAS signed over the years. lol, ive just read what ne5 has posted and thought to myself, this guy seems like a right dick !
  3. Give Roader till the end of the season and say goodbye for me, it seems he has prob lost the players by their attitude is on the pitch. IMO Guss Hiddink or someone of that calibre is who we need someone who can get the best from the players, spot a bargin and who also has an acute tactical knowhow. Id love to see what type of player Luque would become under a manager like him !!
  4. Theres a load of clubs involved in it, basically they have built a shit load of appartments and paid various clubs to put there name to it so as to attract the fans interest and porentially the sale, clever marketing if you ask me but others might say that they are praying on the hearts of fans coz they make out as if your somehow buying part of your club !
  5. me and my mate went about 6 months ago , met peter and jeff both were good crack and i had about 6 bottles of boulmers all for free !!! toured the stadium asked pedro some questions then when asked if i was interested i just said i was a student lol, everyone else was in a suit and i turned up it combats and a hoodie, quite funny really.....on the way out i said to the bird, "i bet you think your better then me just coz you have money"....then rolled out laughing !
  6. Maybe even Roeder as DOF, I think he would do a good job in that role. Id have roader back at the acadamy, which he stayed there tbh
  7. Shearer as manager and sir bobby as director of football would suit me, never happen though especially the latter !!
  8. PCW1983


    to be fair titus looked shakey in the first leg, its the manager that picked him to play !!mind he is shite lol
  9. PCW1983

    Roeder Out

    Sick and tired of seeing our team be pissed on by others due to our manager being tactically inept, not good enough....ROADER OUT.....nothing left worth saying other then im now trying to cancel nearly 400 quids worth of final tickets between me and my mate !!! thanks newcastle, thanks for nothing !
  10. Didnt Souness also comment how certain players go away on international duty and hear what others are gettin paid then come back expectin more cash !!! I think this was the problem with Jenas, thought he was summit better then he is and wanted more money for it !
  11. didnt shola play for walker central before the toon ?! I would love to see Kerr come and do the business for us however unfortunatly i just cant see it happenin !
  12. Me and me mate spoke to Pedro about this at one of those spanish property things at st james, he said everything was agreed untill boro pulled the plug at the last hour, thats the reason why Milner didnt go to villa. In the same conversation he went on to say how there are too many players at the club how only care about gettin paid, had a pop at harper and said matty pattinson is the closest to having gazza's ability thatwe have at the club
  13. yip if you apply and are offered they take the money straight from the card details you entered, its in the t's and c's when you apply. If we dont get there though id suspect you could easy sell them on at a profit
  14. Ive just applied for them, you can get two per application mind the prices are a bit of a rip-off imo, and a word of warning for all you rogues out there when you apply you have to give your passport or driving licence number which is cross referenced with a data base full of banned people, plus they say there will be spot checks at the ground but im not sure about that one
  15. Harper. Whats it like finally having to do something for your money ? Owen. So Michael, what are you planning on doing this summer ?
  16. PCW1983

    dear mongs

    do you know where that video was made, it looks like the bar a load of us went in at blackburn away !!
  17. For me appointing SBR as a director of football would have been perfect for both the club and SBR, unfortunatley for us though i very much doubt that will happen !
  18. I dont think Roader has the pulling power to attract a player imo, Who would you rather talk to SBR a man who is littered with medals and cups or GR a man who is best known for getting teams relegated ?
  19. Can we knock this on the head a little. "The chairman is trusting me with a significant amount of money and I don't want to bring in players who will lose value like a driver driving a car off the forecourt." Mr G Roeder Jan 21 2007 Yes the club has debt, and our money problems should not be ignored, but in this case it doesn't strike me that we have no money to spend, simply that Glenn is being somewhat cautious. unprofesional being the word of course
  20. In my very unprofesional opinon id say that not only are we just about skint but we most likely have more debt then Brazil
  21. Id be happy to pay 10m for Bale as i think he is a excellent prospect and at his age you really cant lose for that money however in our current predicament i wouldnt pay the money, 10m can go a canny way if you try id rather pay say 6m for Bridge or Baines and i would use the other 4m to try and prise Luke Young away from Charlton. In the right Circumstances 10m is money well spent unfortunatley however were not in the right place to spend that cash on him. Just my opinion of course
  22. I got told they give him it to combat his depression which came about after the sale of his bitch Mr Jenas.....Dyer and Titus are so in love now that his calf isnt the only swollen part of his anatomy
  23. why dont we all buy Season Tickets for Gateshead next year, and with the left over money we can buy them a player or 2
  24. http://www.fansfc.com/frontpage/frontpagenews.asp?newsid=161903 Im not saying that Fansfc is reliable mind......according to them Luque is off to Fiorentina aswell
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