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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype


    http://news.naver.com/sports/index.nhn?category=worldfootball&ctg=news&mod=read&office_id=076&article_id=0002135061 Korean journalists stalking RTG to write articles on Ji
  2. oldtype

    Shola Ameobi

    No Yes Curses, a stalemate!
  3. I'd be quite happy with having Ji up front alone against us.
  4. oldtype

    Shola Ameobi

    Obviously not great, but best player on the pitch during that holocaust of a first half. Taking Ba off was the correct decision.
  5. Them and Ben Arfa as the 3 in a 4-2-3-1, pace galore! Plus no help for the defense whatsoever, unfortunately thats what tiote and cabaye are for tbh I think we can accommodate two of those three at max, maybe not even that against the better sides. You really need defense to start at the front in modern football, especially in the Prem. Even Shola was tracking back yesterday and Jonas was practically a second left-back. You wouldn't get that from these guys.
  6. oldtype


    Impressive individually, but blatantly out of synch with the rest of the Arsenal team. It's going to take a lot of work to get him to mesh better.
  7. oldtype

    Joey Barton

    Bolton would be so much better this year if not for stupid Newport County
  8. Them and Ben Arfa as the 3 in a 4-2-3-1, pace galore! Plus no help for the defense whatsoever, unfortunately
  9. oldtype

    Erik Pieters

    So they've jacked up the asking price a couple million or so because they think we're desperate? News flash, we are desperate. Go pay them their money. I'm not normally one to call for desperation signings, but different situations demand different levels of urgency. Not having a left back for the Derby is pretty fucking urgent. Just pay them or somebody else however much they want and get it done. We can afford to wait till the end of the window for a striker, we have plenty of strikers, it's just that most of them are shit. We have flat-out no left-backs, and it's frankly completely unacceptable if this situation extends beyond one game. If we go into next Saturday with Ryan Taylor at left back again, heads need to roll.
  10. Getting right pisses off by shearer bending over backwards against us to appear impartial. Needs to get out of punditry ASAP for his own good. Somebody offer him a job please.
  11. The absolute best I'm going to enjoy his last season with us as much as possible.
  12. Let's not give up on him over 45 minutes where he wasn't getting a single iota of service.
  13. oldtype

    Leon Best

    Was taking up the right positions today, more than you could say for Ba.
  14. Will only get better and better IMO. Need to see him in a match where we're not defending to save our lives.
  15. Needs to work on aerial play. Still looks a bit to excitable at times. Still pretty decent. Our new No.1
  16. oldtype


    Glad he's off to such a wonderful start to his Arsenal career.
  17. We somehow didn't concede against Arsenal with Ryan Taylor at left back. That alone should be reason for exultation.
  18. Cabaye looks like he'll be class once he gets in synch with the rest of the team. Hopefully a one-off from Ba.
  19. Oh well, shit match, but good, positive result to start the season.
  20. Please do not let Barton take set pieces when he's wound up.
  21. Joey needs to cut down on the Hollywood passes that go nowhere. Dangerously approaching Nicky Butt levels of futility.
  22. Would settle for a point here but we could have had three.
  23. Sorry, but Barton is the one who lost his temper. He no onlty initiated the argument, but continued in a physical altercation once both were stood up. Barton didn't throw the punch.
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