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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Viewing angles were so bad in the away end I couldn't even see it. For a second or two a bunch of people just assumed that it had gone out for a goal kick, couldn't figure out why the Chelsea fans were gasping.
  2. Can I take a moment to comment on how absurd it is that a picture of me from SEVEN years ago is still somebody's avatar This forum that day, evening, unreal Greg literally passed me by on the street and shouted out "oldtype?" Nobody will ever believe it.
  3. Can I take a moment to comment on how absurd it is that a picture of me from SEVEN years ago is still somebody's avatar
  4. Takes a few years for all the kinks to be worked out of this sort of thing. Eventually the decision times are going to get much faster and they'll get a better handle on which decisions should be reviewed. I wouldn't be looking to throw things out just because it's not working well immediately.
  5. South Korea's chances aren't even worth talking about. This is the worst team we've had since 1998.
  6. Been there? Heard so much good about Russia (or at least Moscow and St Petersburg), or is this just some ignorant opinion based on what you've read online? Russia is an abhorrent country that does horrible things to its people. It’s also the worst possible spot for an international sporting event given its well recorded history of state-sponsored cheating. If you can ignore all of that I suppose it might be a nice tourist spot, but I have no interest in it whatsoever. I don't disagree, but feels like double standards. Not gonna litter this thread into a political thread however. As a sporting event I think it will be great, especially since their state-sponsored cheating won't mean anything in this sport. You did see the draw, right? I did. Every World Cup there's a few weak groups. Let's be honest, the real reason you're not interested is because you think South Korea will come out of this with 0 points. I think you've guys got an ok chance of going through to the next round. Both Sweden and Mexico are underwhelming teams, they're good, but nothing special. The most corrupt rich country in the world walked into a draw organized by the most corrupt organization in the world and walked away with the weakest group in modern World Cup history. How confident are you that nothing shady happened? These guys made Donald Trump President man, you think they can't mess with some ping pong balls in a draw being held in the goddamn Kremlin?
  7. Been there? Heard so much good about Russia (or at least Moscow and St Petersburg), or is this just some ignorant opinion based on what you've read online? Russia is an abhorrent country that does horrible things to its people. It’s also the worst possible spot for an international sporting event given its well recorded history of state-sponsored cheating. If you can ignore all of that I suppose it might be a nice tourist spot, but I have no interest in it whatsoever. I don't disagree, but feels like double standards. Not gonna litter this thread into a political thread however. As a sporting event I think it will be great, especially since their state-sponsored cheating won't mean anything in this sport. You did see the draw, right?
  8. Been there? Heard so much good about Russia (or at least Moscow and St Petersburg), or is this just some ignorant opinion based on what you've read online? Russia is an abhorrent country that does horrible things to its people. It’s also the worst possible spot for an international sporting event given its well recorded history of state-sponsored cheating. If you can ignore all of that I suppose it might be a nice tourist spot, but I have no interest in it whatsoever.
  9. I've never been this disinterested in a World Cup before. Combination of general disillusionment in Football, us being shit, us being in a shit group, and Russia being a shit place.
  10. I understand the unrest, frustration and/or apathy from missing out on players & tonights results going against us - but we're not nigh-on-certainly relegated like. Unless people are strategically lowering expectations/hope to avoid disappointment. Teams around us haven't strengthened THAT much, and we were competing fine before and haven't often slipped into the bottom 3 this season if at all. We had a good chance of staying up before this month began - most would have agreed with that statement - and we still do now. Nothing is decided yet and fans throwing in the towel will affect players on the pitch in home games, as much as they won't like to hear it. Back the team whilst Rafa is here, would be the least I ask of fans losing interest. Issue isn't that we're guaranteed relegation (honestly, I wouldn't know, I haven't been watching the games.) Issue is that staying up is pointless. Under Ashley, yes. The hope is that we're sold after staying up. We go down and that definitely doesn't happen. I don't think which league we're in materially affects our attractiveness to a potential buyer. Just the asking price.
  11. I understand the unrest, frustration and/or apathy from missing out on players & tonights results going against us - but we're not nigh-on-certainly relegated like. Unless people are strategically lowering expectations/hope to avoid disappointment. Teams around us haven't strengthened THAT much, and we were competing fine before and haven't often slipped into the bottom 3 this season if at all. We had a good chance of staying up before this month began - most would have agreed with that statement - and we still do now. Nothing is decided yet and fans throwing in the towel will affect players on the pitch in home games, as much as they won't like to hear it. Back the team whilst Rafa is here, would be the least I ask of fans losing interest. Issue isn't that we're guaranteed relegation (honestly, I wouldn't know, I haven't been watching the games.) Issue is that staying up is pointless.
  12. I don't watch football anymore. He's just sucked all the joy out of it. I guess this makes me a bad fan or whatever, but... nah, just not worth it.
  13. "Legality and complexity" (i.e. bickering over specific contract terms) is the majority of the work in any M&A project. The actual valuation/bickering over price stuff doesn't take as long as you'd think.
  14. oldtype


    Pulis record at WBA was shocking yes and he rightly deserved the sack, anyone no matter who you are if you have that kind of record you deserve the sack...Mourinho,Van Gaal,Ancelotti have all been sacked too for s*** records Rafa takes 1 point from f***ing 27 though and hes absolved of all blame on all counts Yes we are a championship team and f***ed up majorly in the summer because of such tight restraints but the players we did buy are absolute garbage and a complete waste of 30m quid and this lad Kenedy will be no different. Tart it up all you like but 1 point from 27 is a sackable offence imo You’ve just said yourself that we’re a Championship team and yet you expect Rafa to be winning games in the PL with it. You’ve just contradicted yourself enormously! We are a championship team simply because we failed in the summer to move on from a championship team to a lower half premier league team. We bought players who have failed at premier league clubs and championship players. We failed to get rid of the s**** that contributed to us getting relegated in the first instance and yet these players still get gametime for us 2 years after that relegation. Im not contradicting myself at all. You mean to tell me that Benitez plays absolutely no part in us failing to get better players than what we bought and its all the fault of the team behind him. I really don't buy that at all after all this is the same Benitez that went to war with Gillet & Hicks over them not letting him sign Gareth Barry to replace Xabi Alonso He has signed these players or do people on here think he was just given them on a plate. Surely to god there were better options out there for the money we spent Murphy 12m.....Lejeune 8m......Joselu. 5m.....Atsu 6m....Manquillo 5m....All f***ing rubbish Money wasted on s**** Were they his first choice players, the players he had lined up for months? It doesn't matter, if you wanted a Maserati but couldn't afford it would you just settle for a clapped out Nova that couldn't move just for the sake of having a car...no The players he bought are no better than the shite that was already here,,,is Joselu any better than Darryl Murphy..no, It is ok to criticise Benitez you know you aren't going to hell for blasphemy for it Choice between walking/getting the bus or having a car of your own to get from a to b any fool would take the clapped out nova. We needed to add both numbers and quality in the summer. Due to a lack of resources, we managed to add numbers but not the quality. Seems perfectly natural to me.
  15. HTT has a better conception of how a business acquisition works than most people in this thread. Obviously no guarantee it goes through since deals can die for any reason at any time, but no reason to be all doom and gloom about it either. The lack of news doesn't mean anything, our results on the pitch don't mean anything. People should stop reading tea leaves. You're not even reading the right ones.
  16. Large investment advisory firms that only deal with institutional clients don't need to run publicity stunts to get their name out to people who will never be their customers.
  17. Why have lawyers and financiers negotiate stuff at all? Everyone should just "meet in the middle"
  18. At the end of the day, the system works and is printing money. Why risk the whole thing for the small chance that you might be able to print a little bit more money? Superleague talk is an empty threat. They can go fuck themselves.
  19. We've been worried about a Superleague for over a decade now. I suspect the economics proposition isn't quite as good as you'd think, or it would have happened already. (1) You're essentially collapsing your domestic and CL revenue into one, so the TV money has to be better than the combination of the PL and CL money right now. Are we confident anyone will pay that much money for one rights package? (2) Some clubs will have to face the possibility of going from top of their league every year to perennial bottom feeders. Does it actually benefit, say, Tottenham to move into a Superleague where it loses its competitive advantage in attracting players and probably gets the shit beaten out of it every year? (3) People underestimate the role tradition and regional rivalries play in the attraction towards European football, even among internationals. It's going to matter to some people that there will no longer be any Merseyside derbies, and that will act to the detriment of the product as a whole.
  20. Good. The rest of us can enjoy a league with actual parity then.
  21. I read through this thread specifically to see if anyone was going to say "must win"
  22. I was 23 when this guy came to the club. Amazing.
  23. At this right Qatar may not exist by 2022, never mind host a World Cup.
  24. http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/long-qt-syndrome/Pages/Introduction.aspx https://www.bhf.org.uk/heart-health/conditions/cardiomyopathy/hypertrophic-cardiomyopathy Not saying it is these but here are 2 examples that are very much possible. Sudden heart failure among athletes is not entirely uncommon
  25. Wow. Don't know what to say.
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