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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. He probably just comes back as Glenn Hoddle every time, that's why he always has a pained look on his face.
  2. Watching Hoddle trying to stay alive was better than the football.
  3. Fuck having Hoddle as manager.
  4. Chiles should lend that hanky to Glenn.
  5. Hoddle has been holding his hand in a weird position, as if he's holding a microphone like the rest.
  6. I wonder if they have weather in the jungle.
  7. It is, i've seen it. They'll play in about 2 feet of snow though. Nevermind, we've got Adrian Chiles to keep us entertained.
  8. I know fuck all about photoshopping, but a company isn't going to cut down rainforest for publicity, that would be like something from The Day Today.
  9. If I thought it was real I would be livid, but it's just a well done fake.
  10. I said last summer that Santon is a hopeless defender and that the best he's going to be for us is a Jonas style midfielder, people didn't like it. I don't really think the midfielder thing is worth it if there are clubs willing to pay money for him, but he's a horrible LB, he hasn't got the mental game and never will IMO.
  11. This Giggs program on ITV is worse than that Liverpool one on C5. Fucking primetime tv aswell, next week we'll be watching Roy Keane walk his dog along Beachy Head where he will watch people commit suicide and tell them they're not committed enough.
  12. Was he taking the piss or just celebrating?
  13. Quotes from that Nicollin nutter when we signed him. "He chose Newcastle? If so, he is an ass," Nicollin declared to L'Equipe. "It is not my fault but I think the manager [Alan Pardew] played a role. Newcastle, this is really not a good choice. They will transfer him the next year."
  14. I bet Deschamps would love it if Steven Taylor was French.
  15. I bet Taylor whinging about not playing has something to do with this, he's one of Pard's boys so he's going to be looked after.
  16. What the fuck? Fuck off, we're a fucking omnishambles.
  17. http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Blackadder-Confused-Look.gif
  18. If Rooney was African there would be questions over the legitimacy of his birth certificate.
  19. Turn up the noise, clap those plastic clappy things.
  20. I don't understand how we work, we'll haggle all summer over a couple million for a player that will make a difference for us, but now we're spending £2m on a youth team player. The idea of a 21 year old striker that isn't ready to play in a team that has no strikers is a bit odd aswell.
  21. What an ape. Compare it with Robson who would talk about the fight he had with a player with total embarrassment, this charver see's it as a badge of honour.
  22. Refused Porto, choosing Newcastle? We must be paying his agent a fair wack if true.
  23. I would argue that having an 8 year affair with your brothers wife is atleast on par with being a racist, but then I think everyone is a bit racist.
  24. Only 3 teams scored less than Hull this season.
  25. What's happened to Townsend, he was billed as the second coming of Christ not long back by the media. He was never that good, not to say he's not good enough for us, but he was never a potentially top player IMO, he's too basic and predictable.
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