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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. I can't say i'm a big fan of Barton, but for me it is anyone but Smith. Get him in the side.
  2. Are we sure Oba can play in the goal hanger position?
  3. I don't understand what Given has done to warrant being dropped. He's proven over the years that's he's the "the man". He doesn't deserve to be messed about.
  4. They don't have a great track record together mind. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/euro_2008/article2419302.ece "Owen/Alan Smith 517min, 0 goals"
  5. What's that got to do with anything? He's our player now, why shouldn't we play to his strengths? Play to his strengths yes, you should always do that with your strikers, but don't go buying players to get the best out of him when we don't know whether he'll be staying or going whenever the window opens up. It just doesn't sound smart to me. Who do we know is staying? Do tell. We don't know, the club does though with most players - Owen isn't one of those because of his clause. Neither do i, that's why i said we should play to his strengths. All i said was that we shouldn't go buying players to get the best out of him when he might be off when the window opens.
  6. What's that got to do with anything? He's our player now, why shouldn't we play to his strengths? Play to his strengths yes, you should always do that with your strikers, but don't go buying players to get the best out of him when we don't know whether he'll be staying or going whenever the window opens up. It just doesn't sound smart to me.
  7. Should we build our team around a player that has a release clause of £9m? No, i'd rather not.
  8. If you're looking for the best example of "over-rated", it's right there. Good argument, you've got me. Buffon's vastly over-rated tbh. I would imagine that most people who claim he's the best in the world have seen him play all of twice. How often have you watched him out of interest? It wasn't an argument. Buffon has been around for donkeys years so naturally i have seen him many a time. He's commanding, has great reflexes, he's great on crosses, never seems to make a blunder... and basically has no apparent weakness. I'd like to hear which part of his game you think is overrated tbh because your opinion stumps me. The best goalkeeper i've ever seen without a doubt.
  9. If you're looking for the best example of "over-rated", it's right there.
  10. Kimbo


    I agree. I hope these quotes are new, i'd like to see a proper creative player brought in to replace him.
  11. ---------------------Given--------------------- Chimbonda--Woodgate--King--Lescott Bentley----Geremi---Arteta----N'Zogbia -------------Anelka--Berbatov-------------
  12. Sounds to me like he's been given a shit offer, hopefully they'll sort it out, and i'm sure they will.
  13. If only Lennon could shoot, pass, and cross as well as the rest. Speed and good control will only get him so far.
  14. Wright-Phillips is probably the best there, but then he isn't a youngster anymore in my book, so it's got to be the Zogmeister.
  15. most OBVIOUS handball ive seen in a while, definately a pen. Crap ref. It's Steve Bennett, i expect nothing else from him.
  16. Tottenham = Arrogance without good reason. Most of these baboons probably seriously believed they were going to break the top 4, who cares what they think?
  17. I don't know if this has been posted but L'equipe are saying that the Beye move is back on. http://www.lequipe.fr/Football/breves2007/20070829_194223Dev.html
  18. Kimbo

    Steven Taylor

    No. Why people expect perfection from a 21 year old playing in an old mans position i don't know.
  19. Is there no quality control when it comes to what these people print? Does it not matter how accurate a story is these days? The papers have been worse than ever this summer, a fucking joke.
  20. Me. Faye is better than Butt, Emre has sat back for us in the past but that's probably why he's been so bad - we need him higher up the pitch, Barton doesn't sit deep at all, and Geremi is more of a water carrier than a holding player. I would play a midfield 3 of Faye, with Geremi and Barton ahead of him.
  21. Where's wor Tino?! He makes Cantona and Di Canio look like the chuckle brothers.
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