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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Think i read in Sunday Sun that he's playing for Morpeth. I commented on how he has ended up at such a lowly level. I fancy the Youth cup game on Thursday.
  2. Is that what it costs for a refund if you don't travel? I was wondering about that. Is it £10 each way if it's 2 single tickets? The new date is 2 days after the FA cup semi, so in the unlikely event of Reading still being in the cup, would the game be moved again.
  3. Woeful performance yesterday, but a vital point. Granted we are stuttering at the moment, but of 6 league games this year, 4 have been against top 6 teams, and we haven't lost to any of them. Of those top 6, i think we've only Forest left to play. We've 9 home games and 7 away. I'd like to think winning our home games will be enough to go up automatically. We've been let off the hook by Forests timely downturn too.
  4. Dad took me to my first game, v West Ham in March 1976. We had the likes of Supermac, Alan Gowling. They had Frank Lampard (senior), Billy Bonds. Mervyn Day was in goal. I remember being in the old Leazes, and everyone was singing "Mervyn Day is a puff!" I had terrible toothache and had my black and white bar scarf tied around my gob on the bus home, before a trip to the dental hospital the next day. You could say i've felt pain from that day onwards. It just comes and goes, that's all.
  5. Was at bus stop on barrack road after game and saw loads of coppers running towards the car park by the Leazes end. A load of younger toon fans ran down the steps where the SJP signs are on the wall, and went towards the Cardiff fans and started winding them up. The Cardiff fans that should have been going to their buses reacted and the Police had to form a line between them and get the horses out. The toon fans were ushered towards town, Although an elderly man lied to a waiting bus driver, telling him the police had ordred us onto his already very full bus. That was handy. I expected wide-spread bother around town last night, but nowt in the news it seems.
  6. Going by Brums finishing total of 83 points to claim 2nd last season, we need 27 points to equal that. 4 wins and 15 draws?
  7. Anyone notice when Spurs scored the 1st, that Defoe sliced it, and the Leeds fans cheered, as it must have looked to them as if it was going to fly high/wide but ended up in the net a moment later? Had to laugh.
  8. Did David Mills have a perm? Can't remember what No he played.
  9. To the old "toon Army" 90's style chant, "Van Arnie!Van Arnie!" The "who are yi?" tune.
  10. Re the OG, that's football, a game of luck, a game of ifs and buts. For example if Rangers chance at home to Derby had bounced over the line instead of on the line, we'd be even better off. Derry did score an OG it helped us win the game. That's just the way it goes.
  11. They've waited years to briefly step out of the shadows. I always enjoy the mackems going down, although the novelty wears off a bit after the umpteenth time.
  12. I would love to sign him, but i think he'll find it too easy to stay in London. Granted Fulham etc are in the prem, but we have to make him see that we have every chance of joining them, and he'll be playing on a bigger stage, if so.
  13. Have sympathy for their plight, but feel some of their fans let them down last night by singing the "your support is fkn s**te" song towards a club regularly getting 40k crowds. If Palace had had a few more through the gates, maybe they wouldn't be in such a mess. I hope they pull through however.
  14. They have my sympathy. Don't like it happening to any team really, but we at Newcastle must look after ourselves and get the 3 points we need to keep Forest off our backs.
  15. As i've said, I'll be as glad to see the back of Ashley and co as anyone, but the press can hardly be expected to be welcomed at SJP with open arms after branding them deserters etc, even if it's true.
  16. Er, the follow-up piece confirmed Llambias WAS in Vegas and Ashley was also on holiday. So how was it "all b*****cks"? Granted, they WERE abroad, but by the Sunday Suns own admission, the story was incorrect. If they cant print the truth when they have access to SJP and the training ground, there's even less chance of them getting it right now.
  17. I wish we could rely on our local press to give us accurate info in the 1st place. One week the Sunday Sun make out that they're bringing us this sensational story, and it's plastered on their bill-boards and back page. Then, the following Sunday, they print this tiny piece saying it was all b****cks after all. I'm by no means an Ashley fan, the sooner he goes the better, but considering he's already under pressure from the fans, it's hardly surprising he's unhappy at an attempt to nail him for something he hasn't done. I'm more disappointed at the failings of the local press than i am at the clubs reaction. I mean is there now any point in buying the Sunday Sun when they've put themselves in a position whereby they are unable to bring me any news on my club?
  18. Chopra in Fleet Street on Sat night. He's got class that lad eh? None of your Quayside/ poncey bars business. He was up on the tables and everything.
  19. Aye, then he'd be the "loan Ranger". Maybe Leeds will sign "Tonto" to further boost their squad. Sorry, couldn't resist that. Showing my age now by remembering the Lone Ranger.
  20. Aye. That is annoying. They don't shut the metrocentre when the pavements are slippy, so why cancel the football? It does seem to have only cropped up recently too. What is the point of clubs spending big money on USH, only for games to be cancelled because of conditions around the ground?
  21. Me, harping on about the "black and white daft" book again. I was reading about a character called "Tommy", who worked around the Grainger Market. He used to get up on the Gallowgate barriers and sing "little white bull". Anyone remember him? I wondered to myself wether or not he was still alive, then co-incidentally he was on the same No 1 bus as me this afternoon, p***ed as usual. Question answered.
  22. Poor game, and now an unwanted replay. I've seen 2 sides to the Plymouth fans this weekend. The ones we encountered in stations, on trains and away from the ground seemed very decent. Had a great journey back to London with some of the London branch of their supporters club for example. However, the muppets either side of our end, who resorted to singing Sunderland and who failed to sing any songs about their own side, choosing only to try and wind us up instead, were an embarrasment to their club. Those fans deserve a team scraping around the lower reaches of the game. Whilst promotion is by far the priority, a good cup run puts us in the spotlight,(live tv etc), gives us the chance of one or two good away trips and maybe a chance to test ourselves against premier league opposition. If we have to field some young'uns then it's all experience for them too. If clubs are going into it with the "why bother, we're not going to win it?" attitude, then maybe the time has come to scrap the cups, because realistically, only a handful of clubs stand to win it.
  23. Bought the book yesterday. I've only flicked through it so far. I'm saving it to read on the train to Plymouth tomorrow. It looks great though. Amazing the way things have changed over the years. While i have happy memories from that period as a teenager back then, it really was dangerous following football in those days. I'm surprised a generation of fans haven't gone missing, as it wasn't a good time to for parents to take bairns to games in that era. Cp40, "Black and white daft" would be right up your street i would imagine. Plenty of KK memories in there.
  24. Aye. i instantly thought of this thread and had a little chuckle to myself.
  25. Derbys' away record is poor, but then again, Sheff Wed hadn't scored for over 10 hours before we came along. You just never know what your gonna get with our lot. Judging by the brief FLS highlights of Derby v B'pool, Derby looked wide open at the back, so let's hope we get back on track with a win.
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