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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Charvers where black and white shirts, it's not really to do with hooliganism but an away end like a Man United away end compared to ours is wey embarrasses us to say the least. Aye, you have to envy Man Utds' away following eh? Glory hunting b*****ds with "Gloucester reds" flags etc. It's a football match ffs, not a fashion show. Newcastle fans are proud to wear their colours, and be recognised around the country. Are we, colour wearing fans worthy to be in your company on Saturday? We'll wear what we want and follow the team how we like. I don't care one bit if you think it's embarrassing.
  2. I was watching St Mirren play away at Hamilton on Saturday. There was a hilarious few minutes in 1st half stoppage time. The game kicked-off slightly late, and the sprinklers were timed to come on at half time. With half time being overdue, the sprinklers burst into action as the game was still going on. The funniest bit was when the Hamilton keeper, while running backwards towards goal, tripped over one of them, fell over and got soaked. Never seen owt like it. It was a bit of a "Question of Sport," what happened next? 2-1 to St Mirren by the way.
  3. Yea I know! I think the Yorkshire ripper and Hitler were Mackems too!. Hitler must have been one of the only mackems to get into Europe.
  4. Despite the mackems thinking they've got the best team they've had in years, and us being in turmoil, they're only 3 points ahead of us. It would be really funny if their 28 year wait for a home win against us continues.
  5. Loved the Graeme Danby thing. It was almost like a national anthem and it stirred the crowd. It got the adrenaline going just watching it again. I think it should be reserved for Tyne/Wear derbies though. It wasn't quite the same when he repeated it against some run of the mill side earlier this season. Bolton i think it was. Took me back to happier days, when the club was united.
  6. Ah now there's the real reason you don't want keegan back, you just want to win things! I want to be entertained and watch good flowing football! If we win something along the way then whoopie but it's not the main reason why I pay my money. We did have a top four budget around the time Sir Les and Shearer were signed and that time we nearly won the title, and should have done. So I think if he had the money of Man u or Chelsea we would be right up there again, but his judgment needs to be backed but it wasn't and you are seriously blaming him for that? You are the one living in a dreamworld if you think a turkish Terry Venables or The garlic dwarf would make such a huge difference! I don't really care what football we play as long as it's winning football and some of the football under Keegan this time has been pretty dire, I think most football fans will think the same. We were the biggest spenders in the country when Ferdinand and Shearer were here btw but that is a completely different era, if we're going to be spending money similar to Chelsea then the owners will want more than entertaining football that's for sure and will get a better manager to achieve that, these South African's don't look like they've got that sort of money so it doesn't matter anyway. I'll not bother with your comments about Deschamps or Terim because they're not worth commenting on. This is what we all want, but you need to face facts! Keegans 1 player was Guthrie and he even said he was one for the future so hardly a 1st teamer in his eye's! I think Keegan expected as did we all that his targets would be followed through but they were totally ignored. Ok we got a couple of quality players in Colo and Jonas but the rest are no better than what we already have. The bulk of our current squad has seen many managers come and go and not one of them could get anymore out of them than what we are currently seeing, with the exception of Keegan of course. Look towards the back end of last season and the beginning of this he got that piss poor excuse for a squad playing something half decent and yet only one player he has brought in himself. I would be agreeing with you if he'd brought in 6-7 players he'd chosen but he wasn't allowed, and the main reason why he left. Who were Keegan's target that would have been so much better than we brought in? The only realistic players we were linked with that I would have said were Keegan's were Anton Ferdinand, Warnock and Sidwell, hardly better than what we've got are they? It seems the perfect excuse for Keegan that he takes all of the credit for the good times but doesn't get criticised for the bad times because it wasn't his squad. I don't remember Keegan saying Guthrie was one for the future either, he only said that about Bassong iirc. Btw the best football we've played in the last few years was at the end of the 2005/06 season when Roeder was caretaker. I think you're missing the point Baggio. It doesn't matter what quality of player we brought in, or wether they are better or worse than Keegans targets. The point is, they weren't Keegans targets, and he's the only man who should've been buying/selling players, working within the allocated budget of course. I don't think I'm missing the point at all, by him saying that apart from Jonas and Colo the rest were no better than what we've got he's insinuating that Keegan would have brought in better players, which is why I asked who we were realistically linked with who you would have thought was a Keegan signing that is better than what we've got. We don't know what sort of quality KK would've brought in, because he wasn't given the chance to bring his players in, alledgedly. I don't think this Keegans signings versus anyone else signings debate should even take place. Nobody other than Keegan should've brought players here. I don't care if they were the standard of Pele/Maradona or whoever. They wouldn't have been signed by the manager and surely that's wrong?
  7. Good, he hasn't spoken since he left. That keeps me hoping that he's waiting in the wings to return. If he doesn't want the job back, then why wouldn't he come out and say as much? He reads the papers/ watches tele linking him with a return, so why doesn't he quash any unfounded rumours? If they are unfounded of course. I may hold false hope, but still i hope. If there was a queue of decent managers wanting the job, then i may think we should appoint one. It doesn't seem like there is, so for me, you simply have to offer him the job back.
  8. Ah now there's the real reason you don't want keegan back, you just want to win things! I want to be entertained and watch good flowing football! If we win something along the way then whoopie but it's not the main reason why I pay my money. We did have a top four budget around the time Sir Les and Shearer were signed and that time we nearly won the title, and should have done. So I think if he had the money of Man u or Chelsea we would be right up there again, but his judgment needs to be backed but it wasn't and you are seriously blaming him for that? You are the one living in a dreamworld if you think a turkish Terry Venables or The garlic dwarf would make such a huge difference! I don't really care what football we play as long as it's winning football and some of the football under Keegan this time has been pretty dire, I think most football fans will think the same. We were the biggest spenders in the country when Ferdinand and Shearer were here btw but that is a completely different era, if we're going to be spending money similar to Chelsea then the owners will want more than entertaining football that's for sure and will get a better manager to achieve that, these South African's don't look like they've got that sort of money so it doesn't matter anyway. I'll not bother with your comments about Deschamps or Terim because they're not worth commenting on. This is what we all want, but you need to face facts! Keegans 1 player was Guthrie and he even said he was one for the future so hardly a 1st teamer in his eye's! I think Keegan expected as did we all that his targets would be followed through but they were totally ignored. Ok we got a couple of quality players in Colo and Jonas but the rest are no better than what we already have. The bulk of our current squad has seen many managers come and go and not one of them could get anymore out of them than what we are currently seeing, with the exception of Keegan of course. Look towards the back end of last season and the beginning of this he got that piss poor excuse for a squad playing something half decent and yet only one player he has brought in himself. I would be agreeing with you if he'd brought in 6-7 players he'd chosen but he wasn't allowed, and the main reason why he left. Who were Keegan's target that would have been so much better than we brought in? The only realistic players we were linked with that I would have said were Keegan's were Anton Ferdinand, Warnock and Sidwell, hardly better than what we've got are they? It seems the perfect excuse for Keegan that he takes all of the credit for the good times but doesn't get criticised for the bad times because it wasn't his squad. I don't remember Keegan saying Guthrie was one for the future either, he only said that about Bassong iirc. Btw the best football we've played in the last few years was at the end of the 2005/06 season when Roeder was caretaker. I think you're missing the point Baggio. It doesn't matter what quality of player we brought in, or wether they are better or worse than Keegans targets. The point is, they weren't Keegans targets, and he's the only man who should've been buying/selling players, working within the allocated budget of course.
  9. totally agree this fill's me with the most dread Why take KK back when every decent manager in the land wants the job eh? The fact that we've been knocked back by Venables and we've stooped to appointing Kinnear should show you how unattractive this job has become. No manager of any worth wants to be here. We could do worse than to offer the job back to KK who reluctantly left and IMO loves the club. Wether or not he'd return is another matter.
  10. In my early days, pre-KK being here as a player, we went through some dark times, losing to unfashionable clubs regularly, in front of relatively poor crowds. Back then we were used to struggling, where as now we've experienced the champions league, cup finals etc so we expect better. This is certainly one of the worst times. It's been 3 weeks of constant doom and gloom, while the rest of the country mock, or try anyway. It's been one kick in the stones after another.
  11. Aye, true. You know this club. You just don't know what's around the corner. It really is a roller-coaster ride. Hopefully we'll have the last laugh. As for Kinnear, Mick Quinn hit the nail on the head on SSN when he said the appointment was underwhelming, but at least he might offer some direction on the pitch. He's someone we ordinarily wouldn't touch with a barge-pole however.
  12. It's only considered a poor attendance by NUFC standards. As for any fans of other clubs, or gobsh**es in the press spouting we're not a big club nonsense, I could point out some pitiful CC attendances at other clubs in recent years. For example Man City had about 4000 v somebody in recent years and the Smogs had about 9000 v Brighton in the season they won it. Still, i hope never to sit in such an empty shell of a St James' Park again.
  13. About time we had the refunds by now. So many false promises about when we'll get them. Enough is enough. I think i'll e-mail them and threaten to cancel my direct debit for the next 2 seasons unless i receive the refund. When i can be bothered that is.
  14. What it also means is that he can pass comment on Keegan with an element of objectivity, rather than letting a romanticised rose-tinted myth cloud his opinion. What myth is this then? The myth that we wouldn't have a football club like we know now if it wasn't for Keegan. The myth that he got us promoted twice, 1 as captain, 1 as manager.....Mythical Er, I suggest that you read my post above my friend, in order to focus your thoughts. What he did *then* is not being disputed. His actions of late are the ones under scrutiny. Hence the thread title I suppose. It's not just about what he's done in the past. That's true. However, i think because his past at NUFC goes back so far, he's built up a connection and a love for the club. I don't think you could find a man who wanted to be successful at Newcastle, more than KK. Unfortunately it seems, although not proven, that he simply wasn't allowed to do it his way.
  15. Aye, ageist i know, but i think you're right in that he doesn't understand fully, the impact KK has had on this club.
  16. are you sure, owen will be here during the relegation run in? Maybe not, having seen the club in such turmoil of late.
  17. Yes, but IMO he resigned after seeing what did/didn't happen during that transfer window.
  18. I hope Ashley gets out soon. I protested last week, but we've made our point. Might as well get behind the team. If Ashley continues to ask for stupid money and put buyers off then we'll have cause to get on his back again.
  19. One simple question, why? I've no idea Mick. Their alledged treatment of KK was nothing short of suicidal.
  20. Its not just about 3 days though is it. This has obviously been building for some time. i had forgotten up until recently about the meeting in London that Keegan was called to after the Chelsea outburst. Something has been building for a while - before any signings even appeared on the scene Think Keegan had been unhappy with those above him for a while. Me and the young'un went to his soccer circus in July. I said to the woman behind the desk, "i don't suppose you see much of kevin these days." She replied, "Well he still pops in from time to time, but i've a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of him soon". Digging deeper i asked, "so you reckon the gaffers not happy"? She said he had been telling her over the phone the previous day, that he just doesn't think he had received the backing he had expected when he took the Newcastle job". This was coming from a friend and employee. I didn't think she should be telling me this but i found it interesting all the same. Ashley and co were hell bent on pi**ing Keegan off.
  21. Maybe whatever happened around the time of the transfer window closing was the final straw. I don't think he had decided to go until the events around this time.
  22. The results/performances vs Hull and West Ham, the reaction of the fans, the turmoil his actions have left the club in. Are you f***ing blind? I'm getting sick of these idiots who support Keegan over what's best for the club. We don't need you. Just my opinion, but Keegan being allowed to manage without interference was what was best for the club. How dare you call people with a different opinion idiots. Who do you think you are? As for we don't need you, we've all got a right to support the club, no matter what we think.
  23. Can't be complacent about the threat of relegation, but we do have some quality players when all are fit. Owen and Martins will score enough goals. Guittierez(spelling?) is quality. Coloccini and Taylor and Beye are decent at the back. We should have enough.
  24. I'll 2nd that mate. Its just too much now. It needs to end Aye, i'm a Keegan fan and ideally he'd still be in charge, but we need to get the club sold, appoint a manager, and be able to concentrate on football again quickly. Just sick of the whole thing.
  25. I was sympathetic reading the Ashley quote about fearing for his safety, but if this reported asking price is true, then he really is asking for trouble by pricing out any would - be buyers. One day he paints a bad picture of the club, telling the world how we're in financial trouble, then three days later he's telling potential buyers we're worth double what he paid. If he wants shot of the club and it's such a millstone around his neck, then he'll sell for a reasonable price.
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