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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Doesn't even mention the stabbing! Wow. The stabbing turned out to be not that bad afaik. Is there such a thing as a not bad stabbing? Hope the Rangers fans involved in the trouble are proud of themselves. They've disgraced their club. No doubt any Rangers fan you speak to will still try and tell you how great their support is. F**k them. A**eholes.
  2. Aye, it can be boring, but at least it's stress free.
  3. He may have said we won't get into the top 4, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to try to get into the top 4. I think some of what he said, was said in an attempt to keep Ashley on his toes, and make him face up to what a challenge lies ahead. Probably testing Ashley to see how ambitious he really is.
  4. Not happy with that at all. It's the bairns 1st season as a s/ticket holder, and i'd told her that the players usually go round the pitch at the end. We sit fairly high up in the stand, but when people started to leave towards the end, i spotted some empty seats near the front, which we moved into to get a better view. So there we were, bairn with her camera at the ready, and all they offer is a brief appearance in the centre circle, which seemed nothing more than a token gesture. Granted a mid-table finish isn't something to celebrate, but i'm sure they could've mustered a wander round the pitch before going off. They've done so in years gone by, when a fraction of the number that stayed yesterday have been present.
  5. Get in! Done all 3. That'll do me, considering how bleak things were around the beginning of March.
  6. Aye, should be interesting that. Unfortunately i'll miss it with being at work. I wonder if i can listen to it online via Century radios' web site, after the broadcast. I'd like to know what he says about the toon. I think he was happy playing as a striker here and that he was a good striker. I think he just didn't know how to air his feelings towards Souness when he was either being dropped or played out of position. I feel Souness forced him out by going on a power trip. A good player needlessly cast aside so Souness could prove who was boss.
  7. Something tells me you're not entirely happy in that area?
  8. While i sympathise with Frank, people in all walks of life lose loved ones every day. Most have to get on with maybe doing an ordinary job, in a factory, hospital, driving a bus maybe. Frank has the comfort of money in the bank and a relatively easy life. Less high profile players have had to play on with very little recognition after their loved ones died. No matter what kind of life you lead, it will still hit you hard losing your mam. We should offer sympathy and respect to Frank but no more, and certainly not single him out by singing his name etc.
  9. What do you do if you've went for the "renew early and get into home cup ties free" offer? Pretty sure the club said to do nowt and use the same ticket next season, but i best give them a ring to check.
  10. I've a feeling that your assuming he was English, in the same way Jamie assumed the lad on the bike wasn't.
  11. No time for the Mackems at all and i'm guilty of drunkenly joining in with it at games, but it is a terrible song. It makes me cringe when kids have to listen to that, along with the general public of towns and cities across the country.
  12. Give Jamie a break. Granted the origins of the lad on the bike aren't important, but i do think some are being a tad overly politically correct here. And if the incident wasn't funny, then why do ITV get loads of viewers watching similiar incidents on "you've been framed" every week?
  13. Whatever was in his glass was obviously very strong. He was almost as embarrassing as his team.
  14. Carlisle in 1982. It was Keegans 1st season as a player here, but he was out injured. We signed Howard Gayle on loan to replace him. We lost 2-0, but i was just thrilled to be at my 1st away game. The atmosphere was great as we almost had as many fans as they did. There was a fantastic convoy of coaches snaking along the A69.
  15. They can say what they like, but i wouldn't swap places with them. Whatever their fans do this summer, Sundays defeat will be nagging them in the back of their minds. Another day it may be our turn to lose a derby, but the way i look at it is that for every one we lose we'll win about 4. I mean should, heaven forbid they beat us next season, that will have taken them 9 years. Beat us at home and they'll have waited 29 years to do so. They'll simply always be in the shadows.
  16. You're either a wind up merchant or a bitter mackem tit. NUFC going nowhere. We've went 6 points above your lot, that's where we've went.
  17. A memorable derby moment was that pre-match performance. The "toon,Toon" bit at the end reminded me of those crowds in Italy and the likes, where fans take in loud hailers to shout songs through. Great stuff.
  18. Should become a regular thing for big special games. Aye, why not. Certainly for Tyne/Wear,(real) Derbies. Was a great touch and really got the crowd going. Was almost like a national anthem.
  19. Scoreboard82


    Around about the time of the Brum draw, when Keegan was talking about getting to 40 points, i thought he was mad, and that we'd never reach that. But, here we are, home and dry with 3 games left. While relegation would have been a tragedy, you can't take away what the man has done for this club over the years. Anything he doesn't achieve will not be for want of him trying. He'll put all his love for this club into everything he does.
  20. Couldn't get through the crowd outside the away turnstiles after the game, but it was basically a happy mob of Toon fans taking the p**s. Stewards let me and the bairn in the ground, via the big gates in the corner. Then we walked along the Leazes track before leaving the ground. Confusion as some stewards said you could go in the ground, then others tried to throw you back out. Our bus home was stuck at the lights on the "box office " corner while the coppers removed another throng of jubilant toon fans from the mackems coaches. Again much mickey taking was being enjoyed. Seemed more of a sing off than anything. The chances of the fans getting to each other looked slim. Seen a few Toon fans pinned down by the law. Can imagine it being quite a mission to get those train travellers back to central, but considering they had the option of a relatively quiet, free bus, i think they're asking for trouble.
  21. Suppose the priority is not to lose, but absolutely no reason why we shouldn't beat them. Hopefully they won't be able to handle our front 3.
  22. Should definately be a cut off point in time where a game can't be moved. I thought i read that it couldn't be changed with less than a month to go before the game. Recent changes seem to suggest that's not the case however. Something should be done.
  23. When there were standing areas it was far better. The first Keegan years so far as the excitement and expectation were in a class of their own. But generally, every stadium in the premiership would be better off if they had standing areas behind the goals. With controlled admission, ticket only etc etc if needed. No problems with that aspect. We know that the Heysel stadium, and Hillsborough should never happen again but in my opinion the legislation went a bit too far and its time to relax it. agree about the standing bit being brought back but disagree about the atmosphere to some extent. the noise wasn't as loud due to roof coverage etc. if you sat in the old stand the gallowgate didn't sound all that loud but if you were in the gallowgate the atmosphere could be electric. Aye, always seemed to be loads of singing from the Gallowgate end in Keegans playing days. The corner and "scoreboard" sections were renowned singing sections and if they were covered, would have made a real din.
  24. Owens goal could have been a turning point this season, but Kellys' helped save the club from the indignity of going into the 3rd tier of english football for the 1st time ever. It possibly even helped saved the club from folding, such were our troubles at the time.
  25. Canny player, but not as good as his brother - Chris Musampa
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