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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Suddenly, the world seems a better place. Sat there almost waiting for the inevitable late equaliser, but thankfully it never came. It was like a weight off my shoulders when the 2nd went in. What a nice change it was, not to leave the ground angry,frustrated or down-hearted. Let's hope for more of the same between now and the end of the season.
  2. I'm still in a state of shock. I did warn you all that this might very well happen at the start of this week, but I can not believe how meek we were today. We were s**** from start to finish. Small squad, didn't take the opportunity to strengthen properly in the summer and january, and now we're paying the price. f****** abysmal. I can't believe we lost at home to Sunderland. S**t result Brummie. Hope you don't do likewise against other relegation contenders though.
  3. Hope that crest isn't the actual size of what's below.
  4. Shame for Mrs Jewell, but she does remind me of old "Ivy Tilsley" from Coronation Street.
  5. Scoreboard82


    Typical. How come you can predict the score, until the time you put any money on it? Happy with the draw however. Hopefully the lads will take a bit of confidence from that 2nd half and batter Fulham on Saturday.
  6. Absolutely clueless management!!!!! Martins should seriously start considering his options next season. The guy is struggling to get a game when he's clearly the best option up front. When he begins to get some confidence the managers usually do their best to destroy it. Get lost. It got us an important point. The last time we had a team pegged back for a significant period of time, we crumbled and conceded on the break. Lost the game in the flash. No need risking it again. Maybe he should have taken Viduka off rather than Oba, but Viduka could hold it up. It was a frustrating sub but in our circumstances it wasn't worth risking getting caught out on the break (again). It probably cost us 2 points...WTF are we doing playing for a draw against Birmingham? Football is a pretty simple game. Martins should have been the last person subtituted in my opinion. Don't think we were playing for a draw, judging by the starting line up including Owen,Viduka and Martins. I think Keegan felt we may have left ourselves exposed down our left had he kept Martins on. It does annoy me that Owen seems immune to being dropped/subbed however.
  7. And he finally dropped Smith, also played Martins and Viduka. Most people wanted that before the game i suppose.
  8. Scoreboard82


    Can't help think of how i might feel at the end of the game, in agony or ecstatic? Important not to lose, but a win would ease so much pressure. Every single point could prove crucial in the end. Prediction:1-1
  9. Aye, the "perilously close to the relegation zone" bit was annoying. Fact of the matter is that taking into account the favourable fixtures in the 1st half of the season, we should have had enough points in the bag to not even be thinking of being in danger.
  10. I agree with the sentiment of heza09s' post. This season has been unbelievably depressing and frustrating, but booing and the likes doesn't help anybody. I know you can only take so much and frustration boils over, but try and stay behind the team. Sometimes easier said than done i know.
  11. Particularly funny to see the smogs humiliated. Both team and fans were a disgrace to their club. Poor performance on the field and off it. Crowd booing throughout. Oh how i hate them and their "cheer up Kevin Keegan" s**t. Back on topic however, it's refreshing to see some under-dogs in the semis/final. Beyond the wildest dreams of most of their fans no doubt.
  12. Once missed the Toon Travel bus and had to spend the night in Newark. We were on our way home from West Ham and stopped off for a drink. Got split up from the others and had drunkenly lost my bearings. It was mid January and fkn freezing. I just wanted my bed and was so desperate that i would have paid whatever to taxi it home. Taxi driver disuaded me and suggested staying in the local travelodge and returning the following day. I took his advice but it still cost me £90 for accomodation/train.
  13. Aye, don't you just hate those c**ts. Bernie Slaven harping on every night, on the "legends" phone-in about us going down. He want's to have another look at the table because if we're in the relegation battle, they certainly are. 3 of their next 4 games are v Villa, Arsenal and Chelsea away. Hope to god they go down.
  14. Keegan's inherited a poor squad. He's only had 5 premiership games, 3 of which were against top opposition in Man u, Arsenal and Villa. Granted he had the transfer window without buying. If there's no decent players available, there's no point in buying for the sake of it. Home games v Reading, Fulham, mackems are the key to staying up. Let's hope we do and see if he can re-build in the summer. I'm sure he'll have a damned good try at signing one or two decent players.
  15. I go to the occasional St Mirren game, when the Toon haven't got a game of course. Stayed at a friends' aunties house in that area, back in the eighties. I was up there for about 3 weeks, so took in a few games on all the local grounds. Went to Celtic, Rangers, Hearts, Morton even. Didn't like the old firm because of all the glory-hunters they get. St Mirren had a canny team at the time. I remember Frank Mcavennie was playing for them, and they used to scrape into the uefa cup now and again. They always gave the "big" clubs a good game. Playing in black and white stripes helped i suppose.
  16. Get your kid to stand on the chair. I've been going to away games since i was 6, and was small for my age most of the time, but never had a problem standing on my chair. Sometimes i couldn't see perfectly but pretty well, and always liked standing. She does stand on a chair. Unfortunately she's been asked to get down by stewards not brave enough to challenge anyone else. At Blackburn for example. Why should she stand on a chair? She wants to sit in it. Oh, and because she's female, she's probably got even less right to see an away game i suppose.
  17. Guess the Barnsley fans aren't the only happy people eh?
  18. Away games are all about going for a fun drink, song and dance. Standing up is part of matchday tradition, and more of the 'working class' attend away games, as well as young'uns. If you go to an away game and don't want to stand just don't go, only morons sit at away games. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What you're saying heza09 is that if you're elderly,infirm,disabled or a child you've no right to watch the Toon away because the "real" fans stand throughout the game, making it impossible for you to see. Those older ones in particular were watching the Toon long before you. They're not morons, but people who should have the right to follow the team they've loved for years. I don't mind standing. I'm tall enough and able bodied. I like the fun,drink,singing as much as anyone. Just occasionally i'll take the bairn to an away game and it would be nice to have a view of the match. As i've previously pointed out, if kids can't go Today then who'll be the fans of the future? I'm all for safe standing, but until it happens, try and respect the people who physically can't/don't want to stand at a match they've paid a fortune to see.
  19. Safe standing would get over the problem of the elderly and infirm, I'm not sure it's such a problem for kids, I had no problem in the Gallowgate and Leazes when they were all standing, having said that, the Gallowgate floodlights came in handy. Agreed. I would love safe standing areas. If you're unable to/don't want to stand, you choose a seat, safe in the knowledge that you'll see the game without anyone standing in font of you. Alternatively you can stand with people who choose to do likewise. Kids managed to see games years ago by sitting on barriers etc. Done it myself. I'd rather my young'un could watch it from a seat though. Hope the march gets some good publicity. The sooner you can choose wether to sit/stand the better IMO. Good luck with it.
  20. I'm all for safe standing areas and being able to choose wether to sit/stand. Unfortunately not everyone is able to stand for 90 minutes. What about the elderly or infirm? Kids can't see 'cause there's a huge bloke in front of them. Before someone suggests not taking the kids, who's going to follow the team in the future if they don't go? Away games are virtually no-go areas for the elderly/infirm/kids because of people standing. Why do we do it at away games? It's not big and not clever. As i say, i'm all for having a choice, but at away games you don't have that choice at present. You either stand or don't see the game. Though i won't be joining the march, i support what it's trying to achieve. I just don't back the standing throughout the man u game suggestion.
  21. The lad in the lane ? or is that the one for west brom? Definately stopped there with Toon travel before. Not sure if that's the one your thinking of though. A big white place if i remember rightly. Normally well served by that point, so that may not be accurate.
  22. Sorry mate. I disagree. If Arsenal were his local team, and he isn't some glory hunter from afar, then this was a game at as close a league ground as he could get. Some Toon fans stumble off a coach at stupid o'clock, after travelling back from London games and go straight to work. While he had a bad night on Tuesday, i bet he's enjoyed better results than NUFC fans have on their travels. My heart bleeds for him.
  23. I think Ellie Crissell,(not sure about the surname spelling), who sometimes does it, used to be on the Tyne Tees news. Good looking, and a Toon fan. What more can you ask for?
  24. Whatever they think of us, we're obviously helping them shift a good few papers. As people have pointed out, we seem very news-worthy for supposedly not being a big club. I bet if they're wrong and we start getting to finals, they'll be printing souvenir pullouts with NUFC plastered all over them. Hypocrites. Fk them all. Hope they get to eat a large slice of humble pie. As that Millwall song goes, "No one likes us, we don't care".
  25. So many great memories. I'll always remember bumping into someone brandishing a chronicle, full of the news we'd signed him as a player. I think there was a picture of him coming down the steps of a plane and the steps had "Newcastle" painted on the side. That made me believe that it just might be true. We'd been rubbish for years and it was all about to change. Suddenly MY club was thrust into national news. This was one of the most successful players the country has ever seen, signing for US. Just seemed too good to be true.
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