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Everything posted by thewellander

  1. thewellander

    A Legend

    Scholes has always been one of my favorite players. He's a great player.
  2. If Owen's goals and leadership have saved us from relegation, then I think he's made up in recent weeks for at least some of the transfer money we paid for him.
  3. My wife thinks I'm crazy, but I can't even explain how happy that picture makes me. I'm so glad we're turning it around. I would have been so gutted if we were relegated.
  4. I can't believe I slept in and missed this game. Still, what a way to wake up in the morning!
  5. Best of luck to him. Always seemed like a good guy and was willing to put the effort in. The Championship is probably the right level for him and I hope he does well.
  6. It's on PPV in Canada. Not sure about the US, though.
  7. There was a lot of irritating sh*t in that article, but the bottom line is that Mr. Ashley has come in and essentially saved our club. There's a lot of blame to go around about why we're in our current position, but we should do nothing but thank Ashley for what he's come in and done.
  8. I'm cautiously optimistic, since we were playing two struggling teams. I've been a fan of Beye ever since came, and I think he's adapted well. Jose Enrique is still a little shaky at times. But that being said, the current back four definately deserve to stay intact against the Spurs.
  9. He's a diving, injury feigning little c***. Hopefully his leg falls off. Don't sit on the fence, what do you really think? Maybe you're a bit upset because you had a good goal chalked off. Nothing new, that often happens to the bingo club. It was funny how the commentators didn't want to outright say that he took that dive. It was pretty blatant. Still, though, I can't take anything away from his game other than that. He was pretty exciting to watch.
  10. I was watching the West Ham / Everton with my mate from East London. I kept taking the piss out of him over that little Freddy Sears kid. He looks like he's 12. But he really caused some trouble for Everton. It was actually an exciting 2nd half.
  11. Spuds look better so far, but damn Aaron Lennon is terrible. Couldn't put in a good cross to save his life. I wonder if Ramos will offload him in the summer.
  12. If Allardyce and his revolutionary techniques were so great, then the last two teams that he touched wouldn't both be in a life-and-death relegation battle. He had plenty of time to build something at Bolton, and he certainly didn't leave them in a good place.
  13. Today is our day. We're going to turn it around. I can feel it. Come on lads!
  14. Perhaps most importantly, relegation would mean that all of us international Toon fans won't be able to watch them on a regular basis anymore. But even aside from that catastrophe, relegation would be an unmitigated disaster for our club. Most likely we would stick with most of the dead wood in hopes of getting us back into the Premiership, and we would only lose our good players like Milner, N'Zogbia, and Martins. Even if we got promoted the following year, we would be in a worse spot than we are in now because we would have to switch the bad players we still have and replace the good players that we lost.
  15. Who cares what the media or other fans think about what we say in message boards? If other people consider Newcastle a laughing stock, it's not because of what's being said on some message board. These are places for free speech and conversations amongst people who have a mutual interest in Newcastle United. People are entitled to their opinions, regardless of what they're based on. Anyone who thinks that what is said here has any bearing on the club or anything in the real world need to relax.
  16. If he ends up at Toronto FC I'll cry.
  17. OUT: Boro Fulham Tottenham IN: Norwich Sheffield United Wolverhampton
  18. He's a player who scores goals for us, has a great attitude, loves the fans, and loves playing for Newcastle. I completely understand why some on here want hid of him.
  19. That doesn't explain why he played half the season in midfield. Allardyce..... that explains everything. Both things that Teasy wrote in the above quotes are bang on. Even Newcastle United wouldn't put such a clause in a player's contract.
  20. My vote goes for "I don't think so, but it's possible and getting increasingly more probable." So, yeah, I didn't vote for either option here. Bottom line is this: if we don't start winning games we'll be relegated. And the way it's going, I'm starting to wonder where the wins are going to come from. It's sad, really.
  21. I'm surprised it took this long for a statement like this to come out of his camp. He's a good kid and I wish him the best, but I don't think he's good enough for the Premiership. Would love to see him come and play in Toronto, though.
  22. I lost any ounce of confidence I had when I read that Keegan might be thinking about playing Smith. Oh well, I'll still be watching.
  23. I support Toronto FC, as they're the closest thing I have to a local club. I've also got a thing for Inverness CT, mostly because I want to move to Inverness some day. As for this question of why someone would cheer for Newcastle who doesn't live there, I absolutely hate glory hunters here in Canada who cheer for Manchester United or Chelsea, simply because they win cups. My grandfather was born in Newcastle, and that's who I support come hell or high water.
  24. I don't agree with booing the lads, but I have to admit that I'm having a hard time cheering for this team lately. I love Newcastle United, but our current crop of players have no heart. As soon as the game starts going against them, they just fold. I feel lately like I'm just cheering for the uniform, because nothing about the way our team is playing makes me want to get out of my seat.
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