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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. Oh! And he's supposedly on fuck loads of money at Zenit, so hows that going to fit into Spurs tight anus wage structure? Yeah, good one.
  2. I don't get why everyones going gaga over Arshavin anyway. About 6 months ago barely anyone had heard of him and were laughing by his name sounded like "arse shaving". No doubt he's got ability, but £20m+? Fuck right off.
  3. Bassong? Whos that? Oh.. you mean 46. Call him by his name.
  4. Yes, in his striker's role, AND as our most valuable asset, there is no doubt that Owen is currently the club's best player - Martins is nowhere near as important to us..we would have gone down if Owen hadn't been in the side last season and Martins would NOT have kept us up on his own. yeah, because that didn't happen the previous season.. Yeah, Martins first season saved us big time. 16 goals in all competitions or something?
  5. Fatwax

    Aaron Spear

    Bebo you say? Must be good. Difference in class right there. Ramage used facebook.
  6. Fatwax

    Keegan on transfers

    Our squad lacks depths and is filled with many players who are injury prone, aging, or lack the desired ability to be regular starters. Theres players with potential there and some with proven class. Surely its best to build on the depth first, pad the squad out with players that Keegan himself has ranted on about, before we go playing fancy fuckers with the money. It's all... part of the plan.
  7. Every time I think of Given last season, I think of that goal at Middlesborough and how he watched it floating over the top of him without moving. It was blatantly going in, blatantly! He probably signalled to the bench after that, he did that loads. Unlike the bionic Harper. Just hope Given is back to something of his old self this season, I'd hate to see a player dedicating so much of his career to us fall so far so fast in quality.
  8. Until I see quotes saying that today was the deadline I don't really care. Were there quotes? I've lost loads of interest since no new stories came out.
  9. Got to agree with themanupstairs, theoretically if he was match fit and available on a week to week basis, Viduka would be scoring for fun. Infuriating, really.
  10. Are there any quotes in the AS article about the deadline? He's normally a bit of a talker, the Depor president..
  11. Owen left on Tyneside? Thought he said he'd be going along for the summer cup. Hm.
  12. Fatwax

    F*ck Spurs

    Spur's team looks to have a load of class, but I can't help but think it's a brittle side. The majority of the midfield looks somewhat lightweight and their 2 main centre halfs are well known for being crocks. They've sold Keane, their captain & top(?) goalscorer for the last season or two & Berbs might be on the way. I reckon they've have patches of brilliance & really bad runs, leading to a season on inconsistency, probably aiming for Europe. Wouldn't be surprised to do well in UEFA though, Juande seems like he has a knack for cup runs.
  13. Gutierrez couldn't play at Doncaster or Hartlepool but came along for them. Team building or something I guess.
  14. I see this a a replacement for Ramage unti I'm pleasantly surprised. I'll be watching with interest on Friday when hopefully we'll have a slightly more competitve lineup.
  15. Name rings a bell.. why the hate?
  16. I'm a big fan already. He won my heart the other week with the line "Newcastle are not nothing". Y'hear that DaehtihS?
  17. The Luisao rumour doesn't have any quotes or even a half decent source to my knowledge. So I doubt it for now.
  18. When he signs for Spurs you'll be harking back to these posts amid the flames, anger and NE5.
  19. Just locally where I live, I'm not like a proper teacher or anything. I'm going to start teacher training in a year or two though.
  20. Me despierto con tu madre. Just for jokes. hijo de puta. mi madre es demasiado cara para usted.
  21. Well actually it'd be está, due to it not being a permanent attribute. Sorry, I teach Spanish and I'm cursed with being exact about it. :-[
  22. Or correct Spanish, whichever. I like the fact that all the news stories are coming from every source but Newcastle ones. Tight lipped etc.
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