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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. I wanted Luque to do well so much. There was a YT compilation which had Requiem For A Dream's main theme. Loved it. I'm sure that Roeder had something against him during *that* season. Definitely a lost year for this club. Still, Sibierski was a pleasant surprise.
  2. Fatwax

    Matz Sels

    Cabella got that treatment at Villa away a couple of seasons ago too. Never seems to happen to Perez though who's the worst of the lot. I think Perez gets slightly away with it with the crowds because he's actually put some good performances for the club albeit quite a while ago now Not saying it's right to give any player stick btw Damien Duff deserved it. He was dogshit.
  3. Having English as a second language would definitely make Pardew's patter slightly more bareable.
  4. He has done an outstanding job and is a very bright manager who will hopefully go onto achieve god things. I like his philosophy! Sounds like you're a disciple of his.
  5. f*** you on about? Ashleys record is that he never goes back for anyone. Ben Arfa was hardly the saviour was he? I think he is excatly what we need right here and now but not for the future, no way. Went back for McClaren enough times.
  6. Sometimes players deserve to be shot with shit because they're actively fucking up the club. I don't think that any player in the current regime deserves heavy criticism (maybe Shelvey if he actually did racially insult a player) but just think back to our first relegation and Owen was dragging the armband around putting in absolutely no effort. One goal would have saved us... even Viduka tried.
  7. What bent managers are these? Conte is the only one that's been done. Whey Mourinho is clearly bent. He's a c***, but I don't think he's bent. I suppose it's what you consider bent. There is the whole tax scandal going on right now and his strong affiliations with Abrahimovich... I wouldn't be at all surprised if he had links with certain agents.
  8. Yeah, the Rafa brand is high on lots of possession and build up. I was in school/college back then so I might be wrong, but my memory of SBR's team was moving with the ball quickly and attacking. Closer to Klopp/Keegan than Rafa.
  9. He's a pointless player. No use to us, we need players who can stay fit and not miss 4 weeks because a blister.
  10. I remember it vividly around Roeder's time. So what's that... 2006?
  11. We will definitely lose to them in the FA cup.
  12. Oh shut up you tart. Of course he isn't going to bring the players off. More chance of him pulling the players off. Ludicrous idea :lol:
  13. Oh shut up you tart. Of course he isn't going to bring the players off.
  14. Because he never saw it. The linesman started flagging when he say Lansbury tobogganing across the pitch in agony.
  15. What the hell are you doing in here? Don't you have graphs to be plotting?!?
  16. Fatwax


    Terrible, absolutely terrible. Thoughts go to the families.
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