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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. Fatwax


    Got little to do with N'zogbia or Sunderland but I didn't realise until yesterday that Olivier Bernard is only 38 and last kicked a professional football when he was 26. Much tougher than those amateur footballs and penny floaters.
  2. Fatwax


    That rings a bell, but not that they were all wearing the same brand, rather it was a single pair of shoes that did the rounds, only one of them had the pleasure of using them at any one time. A bit like the coldsore that gets passed round the band in This is Spinal Tap. Aye that’s what I meant I remember that white pair of trainers being shared.
  3. Fatwax


    Wasn't there a whole thing of them all wearing the same pair of shoes?
  4. Pretty sure you were at all those games too, dickhead. Easier to take when you have the odd win sandwiched between them though.
  5. Fatwax


    Nah, just a bit longer until the inevitable is confirmed.
  6. Aye Almost everyone outside of Newcastle will have no idea what the reference is. Spit-take? Norwegian commentators did a spit-take when they saw it It was amazing.
  7. Apparently he asked to play in CM this season as he wasn't enjoying his AM role from last season. Fucking prophet, this guy.
  8. Was it first ever game and trip to SJP? Bet he's absolutely buzzing like mad. Aye I believe so. I bet he's fucking loving it right now.
  9. Nah if a city player had put it forward it’d be offside, only one defender at the back.
  10. Fatwax


    He said in an interview last week that Rafa is the difference for him and that he'd be more than happy to sign a permanent deal with us, so assuming that's not all smoke, it's possible.
  11. This thread would be the EUROPALEAGUEOMETER. 0. Think it's been clear since the Man Utd win that we weren't going down. Only in hindsight. Despite that win we had an abysmal home form and kept drawing with teams around us.
  12. What a prick. Tries to get away straight afterwards aswell, the coward.
  13. One of their players tried to help him up and he was like a rag doll FFS. Hardly did it cynically.
  14. Guthrie deserves a stand naming after him for breaking that Hull City player's leg.. who was it, Fagan?
  15. Nowt worse than that sort of craic when watching a defeat . Aye, yeah. This is the absolute worst thing. Nothing can be worse than this.
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